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Ayeneh Ma‘refat

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Present paper is comparative search of point of view of Ibn Arabi, and Moses De Leon, well-known author of zohar, about nature and invisible manifestation of God. In ontology approach of two thinkers, about making clear nature of God and Him manifestation in creation ranks, there is considerable proximity. Nature of God is beyond existence in non-existence darkness. A light radiate of it and creation ranks one by one appear. Point of view Ibn Arabi and De Leon in invisible ranks two realms, absolute invisible manifestation and relative invisible manifestation, are discernible. these two realms are called with special phrases that demonstrate their realm particulars. In absolute invisible manifestation God has not relation to creation and relative invisible realm is the place of relation to creation

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Ayeneh Ma‘refat

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the discussion of divine information and how to define, describe and explain them is of the most important and fundamental issues in words and philosophy during the history of human thought. among the divine attributes which are subject to many scientific controversies, the quality of science and will and the relationship between them are. Is the science of will? or does it not involve the science and its function? in other words, is the action of the independent subject immediately after reason and is only caused by it, or that it is sufficient for realization of an act of will of will to it and there is no necessity for the interference of reason. in this paper, the analytical-analytical method of reason and the relation between them are studied from the viewpoint of sheikh ibn Sina and Rene Descartes. according to ibn Sina, reason is preceded by the will and effect of the cause and effect of the cause and effect on all events and in his view the system of creation is good, but Descartes, contrary to Ibn Sina, has the will on reason-both in man and in God. In Descartes ' view, God is the creator of entities and the quiddities maker's. Thus, in his view, even the eternal truths depend on the will of God.

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Ayeneh Ma‘refat

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The present paper aims to evaluate Augustine's view of education and its affinities with language in teacher talk. It accomplishes its aim by proposing three teaching models based on recollection, ostension, and illumination. Adopting a descriptive-inferential research method, the article first describes Augustine's view on the role of language and word in education and then discusses its implications for the method of teaching. According to Augustine, education, in its normal sense, begins with a focus on the use of words as indicators of reality, but, in later stages, it has to move from the verbal signs to the reality behind them as the primary purpose of teaching. The study shows that, based on Augustine's view in the illumination model, teaching and learning occur not through language but through internal understanding and some kind of insight and illumination. In fact, from Augustine's point of view.

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Ayeneh Ma‘refat

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The holy Qur'an was revealed as universal Law to the great Prophet of Islam (PBUH) in an environment in which many religions including Judaism, Christianity, Magianism and Sabeanism had many followers. As a result, in addition to addressing the polytheists, the holy Prophet (PBUH) had many encounters with the monotheistic religions from the very beginning of his mission. A large number of the Quranic verses are dedicated to this topic. In reference to this environment, a dialogue between the followers of the Qur'an and other monotheistic religions was initiated and span throughout the history of Islam. As a result of their engagement with these discussions, some followers of these religions converted to Islam, but a great majority insisted on their opposition and carried out hostile actions against Islam. One of these hostile positions is the accusation that the holy Prophet (PBUH) did not know about Judaism and Christianity until he heard of them in Mecca and Medina. Unfortunately, a lot of pagans have fueled the opposition. All this has happened in the face of the fact that the holy Qur'an considers itself as the protector of the Torah and the Bible and levels criticisms against the errors that Christians and Jews were unaware of. Islamic scholars believe that, although Abrahamic religions and their scriptures have similarities, the Qur'an and the Prophet (pbuh) have not been influenced by the followers of Christianity due to the fact that the holy Qur'an consider itself protector of Abrahamic religions and explicitly invalidates a large number of the beliefs attributed to Christians and Jews. What reveals the necessity of this research is that it can pave the way for future research and call the attention of ordinary people at present and in future to these issues. Lack of concern and attention to these issues, especially from the perspective of pure Shiite Islam, may lead to destructive and harmful effects on Islam and the Quranic teachings. The present study is an attempt to extract the views of Orientalists and determine the boundaries of the issues while examining and criticizing the views expressed toward these issues from the perspective of the Shiite school. It intends to show how the opponents have relied on unreliable Islamic sources, made deviant, incomplete and incorrect interpretations, and most importantly drawn upon written and oral sources of the people of the scripture.

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MORADI ALI | Salem mrayam


Ayeneh Ma‘refat

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Luther was trained in a theological and philosophical attitude similar to that of Augustine and Thomas Aquinas, but he saw their theological system as ineffective in providing an answer to the problem of forgiveness; therefore, following an answer to this religious crisis, suddenly on Paul treatises, and according to the preface to his works, states that he has discovered a new conception of the doctrine of faith and its connection with disobedience according to this verse from the treatise to the Romans: "In that justice God reveals and from faith to faith, as it is written, that the righteous will live by faith. " According to this verse, the way of salvation is to introduce faith and to interpret faith as God wants, and to forgive it as conditional on having this faith. In this account of the relationship of faith and forgiveness, Luther presents a mystical interpretation of Paul's revelation with Augustine's view, which is fundamentally controversial with Aquinas's view of faith and with Plagiuos on grace. In this research, we are going to present, with an analytical approach, an accurate account of Martin Luther’ s view on the relationship between faith and forgiveness associated with grace.

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Ayeneh Ma‘refat

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The use of interpretation in understanding texts has long been widespread among Islamic thinkers. Apart from a small group of thinkers from both religious sects who have not made use of this method, most Islamic thinkers utilize this method in the field of exegetic and theological discussions. However, no unitary approach does exist among the proponents and opponents. Some have had a maximal level of acceptance of this method in mind while others have limited it to a minimal level and still some others have taken the middle ground. The Ash'arite theologians, especially the earlier ones, do not deny the necessity of interpretation; however, they have practically avoided it, and the requirements and the outcomes of their views show no difference from those of traditionalists. Ayatollah Sobhani, as a theological commentator, considers the use of interpretation necessary but conditional to the observance of certain criteria and principles. He has leveled criticisms against the extremist and deviant approaches in the use of this method. Based on the findings of this study, he has critically analyzed the use of this method by the Ash'arites in interpreting the Quranic verses and concluded that their approach is contrary to reason and inspired transmission. Adopting a descriptive-analytical method, the present paper examines Ayatollah Sobhani's approach to the Ash'arite interpretive method.

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Ayeneh Ma‘refat

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In a rational approach to the afterworld, there are questions beyond reason that confront theologians and mystics and philosophers, which is one of the issues discussed in the resurrection and later life. Serious theologians, philosophers, and commentators are in charge of the quality of punishment and divine punishment for human actions. In the meantime, the amount of punishment and the duration of the punishment in the torment has affected most of the minds, because in Islam some of the sins of immortality have been punished and many verses of the Holy Quran have confirmed this. But the argument here is whether eternity in Hell will cause eternity in torment or whether the two immortals are at odds with one another. The vast majority of Islamic theologians and commentators, including the Imamiyyah, Ash'arites, and Mu'tazilites, have believed in the eternity of punishment for some inferno. There is a similar belief among Muslim philosophers, but among them Ibn al-'Arabi and his followers have a particular justification for retribution; they have used this argument differently for rational and transmutative reasons. Among the philosophers, commentators and traditions, Mulla Mohsen Feiz Kashani's theory is discussed and since Mullah Kashani is one of the influencers of Ibn Arabi's theory in this issue, we are trying to express Ibn Arabi's viewpoint. We are here to analyze the theory of Faiz Kashani in this regard. In short, it can be stated that the late Faiz, following Ibn Arabi, insisted on not being eternally tormented and saw no relation between eternity in hell and eternity in retribution; For all beings, the torment of the immortals in Hell is for a certain period of time, and then the Hell will enjoy a different kind of heavenly blessings that is proportionate to their temperament.

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