Soil erosion is one of the most important environmental problems of worldwide. It is necessary to assess the susceptibility of the land to erosion to determine the spatial priority and type of soil conservation measures. In the present study, morphometric parameters have been combined with land cover classes to assess soil erosion susceptibility of sub-watersheds of Lavasanat watershed using COPRAS multi criteria decision making method. This method is simple, very practical, powerful and flexible, although it does not require complex math operations. The data used in this study included Advanced Space borne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) data (2000), with 30 m spatial resolution for drainage generation; and Landsat8 (OLI/ TIRS) data (2016), with 30 m spatial resolution (band 1 to 11 expect band 3) to generate land cover information of the study area. Morphometric parameters obtained using ASTER DEM with Arc Hydro package. At first, for proper determination of flow direction and flow accumulation, DEM sinks identified and filled. We used a critical threshold 100 because of high precision, for defining streams. Strahler’ s scheme for stream ordering has been used. The sub-watershed erosion prioritization by using morphometric parameters and COPRAS multi attribute decision making method showed that sub-watersheds 12, 2 and 1 have the highest susceptibility to erosion with the lowest scores (0. 098, 0. 095, 0. 088). In order to prioritize sub-watersheds based on surface coverage, the percentage of each surface coverage class in each sub-watershed was calculated. Based on the results of sub-watershed prioritization based on surface coverage, sub-watersheds3, 2 and 1 with the lowest scores (0. 234, 0. 221, and 0. 164) have the most susceptibility to soil erosion and must be taken up for implementation of soil and water conservation measures. In order to evaluate the model, we compared it with TOPSIS, VIKOR and SAW methods using the percentage of changes and intensity of changes. According to the validation results, COPRAS method based on morphological components with percentage and intensity of changes (60. 61 and 6. 73), and based on the land surface cover factor with the percentage and intensity of changes (62. 30 and 6. 31)) has more efficiency and accuracy than the TOPSIS, VIKOR and SAW methods. Recommended operations include flood control measures such as construction of controlling dams, land use change, the cultivation of plants protects the soil and controls the grazing of animals.