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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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This research aims to investigate the level of social trust and participation and their relationships with self-censorship among citizens of Yazd. The population of study includes all citizens of 15-years old and above in Yazd in 1397. The sample size was 384 and the cases were selected through a multi-stage cluster sampling method. The data for this survey was collected using a questionnaire. The face validity and Cronbach's alpha coefficient were employed to examine the validity and reliability of the questionnaire. Findings indicate that self-censorship was moderate among citizens of Yazd and its relationship with two variables of social trust and participation was negative and significant. Social trust with a coefficient of-0. 417 and participation with a coefficient of-0. 235 had an inverse correlation with self-censorship. The structural equation model was examined by Amos software and the results indicate that the social trust and participation explanin 31 percent of changes of the self-censorship. Based on the results, the variables of social trust and participation are two effective variables in explaining and predicting self-censorship and therefore strengthening social trust and citizen’ s participation will reduce their self-censorship.

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Marriage plays a critical role in human life, so most countries set a minimum age for marriage which marring before it is not allowed. The aim of this study is to see the settings and aftermath of early marriage among 13-16 years old girls in Ardakan, Yazd. Through the qualitative research method of grounded theory, fifteen married girls between ages 13 to 16 were interviewed and the data collection continued until theoretical saturation was achieved. The data was analyzed by the theoretical coding method. As a result, 54 concepts and 15 subcategories and 4 main categories extracted from the data. There are three main categories related to early marriage; the personal factors include meeting needs, poor life skills, escaping from parental family. The parental factors include parental authority, parental concerns, parents’ cultural-religious beliefs, and family problems; and the third main category involves traditional beliefs and concerns. The consequences of early marriage were categorized in one main category and six subcategories including pregnancy and delivery complications, poor cohabiting skills, physical and emotional violence, lack of power at home, feeling life dissatisfaction, and lack of social development. marriage of girls under 18 seems to be an emotional, compensatory and impulsive immature response.

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Nutrition takes on different forms as a biological need in different cultures. In other words, society provides people with beneficial cognitive patterns of food choices. Under this view, recognizing the significance of nutrition helps to understand society. Based on this research, the culture of pregnancy nutrition in Yazd was analyzed using a qualitative approach and an ethnographic method. Findings showed that the cognitive pattern of nutrition in Yazd is based on the dual hot / cold, wet / dry and this pattern is present during pregnancy. According to the research findings, the patterns of nutrition culture during pregnancy change according to the myths, the nutrition of grandmothers, the level of access of women and their families to economic capital and women's access to the family support network. The nutrition codes of this period define the boundaries between experienced / inexperienced women, easy-going / ideal mothers. Gender boundaries are also being redefined in food allocation. According to the findings, people internalize the cultural taste of food and pass it on from generation to generation.

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The present study deals with the underlying causes of early marriage among Afghan immigrant women residing in Yazd. Through a qualitative research method of grounded theory, the experience of early marriage among 20 Afghan immigrant women has been analyzed via in-depth interviews. The data were analyzed using open coding, axial coding, and selective coding and findings include 17 main and one core categories, which are presented in a paradigm model and theoretical schemas. The results suggest that early marriage occurs in a patriarchal context, which reflects the supremacy of men’ s power in a legitimate and accepted manner, and is constructed through all out violence, the devaluing females, and, in turn, the added value to males. To deal with dominant patriarchy, women have adopted strategies such as running away, over-adapting, and shaky resistance, the consequences of which are the process of self-harm, the ruin of wishes-emotions, dissatisfaction with life, and physical complications of early marriage.

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MORSHEDI A. | Alinajhad M.

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In this article, the financial ethics of the Yazdi people and the institutional surrounding that shapes and sustains financial ethics is investigated using the theoretical and methodological foundations of Max Weber. Required data were gathered through qualitative content analysis of the documents of tourist travelogues, biography and memoirs of famous people, and exploratory interviews with informants and relevant reporters. To illustrate the financial ethics of the Yazdi people, the public financial ethics of the individuals were separated from the financial ethics of economic activists (businessmen and craftsmen). According to research findings, the characteristic of "self-raised" can be considered as the main component of public financial ethic and "intellectual synthetic thought" as the main component of businessmen ethic. Special styles of architecture encouraging coexistence and tolerance, strong endowment and charity, the reproducible commercial and industrial economy, and existence of emigration and immigration have had a two-way relationship with this financial ethic. In sum, the main component of financial ethic is "active adaptation", which has three dimensions: compatibility with the system of existence that emerges in Yazdis faith and religiosity; compatibility with nature and climate reflected in natural structures, and sustainable architecture of the city; and adaptation of the social environment reflected in the acceptance of Zoroastrian and Jewish religious minorities. The key point is that this is not a passive adaptation but it is an active one with diligent work and effort.

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Gender inequality is one of the challenges that can be found in most societies and is affected by a variety of factors. The main objective of this study is to compare the perception of gender inequality between mothers and daughters and to examine social factors influencing that perception. The study was a survey and the population was all married women aged 30-64 years and 15-19-year-old daughters in the city of Yazd. The sampling was based on a multistage probability method and the sample size was 488 people. The theoretical framework is based on the theory of gender socialization, gender stratification, liberal feminism, and Blood and Wolf's theory of resources. The findings show that the relationship between gender socialization, gender role-play, gender ideology, gender stereotyped-beliefs, gender norms, decision-making based on the framework of family control, and a sense of gender inequality is positive and significant.

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