Introduction & Objective: Behavioral managment of young children and mentally or physically handicapped children in dental clinic is one of the major challenges for dentists. Therefore hospital dental services(general anesthesia or sedation) is an effective solution for the treatment of these children, so we we decided to evaluate the oponions of parents of children who have had dental experience in hospital services. The results will lead to have better consultation with the parents of these children, to accept this type of treatment. Methods: In this descriptive study, 64 parents of children with hospital dental experience were selected as the sample. The parents were selected from two centers, the first group were patients admitted from Kerman city and was treated in one of the hospitals of the city and the second group consisted of patients who were admitted from one of Tehran's areas with high socioeconomic status and they were treated at a hospital in Tehran. They were then interviewed and their statements recorded. Interviews were conducted from all stages of treatment, part to part, from the decision to treat the child until the end of the anesthesia phase. Subsequently, individuals' statements were recorded and coded. And were evaluated based on content analysis. Results: The findings of this study indicated that the main cause of treatment in this study was dental caries (90% in the first group and 100% in the second group). Complications of anesthesia were the most common cause of parents' concerns ( 80% in both groups) about anesthesia, with most (70%) reporting that these concerns were transmitted from those people around them. Parents said consulting with a dentist and anesthesiologist has reduced their concerns and made them satisfied with dental treatment under general anesthesia. 18 percent of parents described child malaise as a post-treatment problem. 45 percent of parents found staff apprehension to be suitable and a useful tool in reducing their anxiety during practice. Conclusion: The results showed that complications of anesthesia and non-awareness of the child, systemic disease of the child, probability of prolongation of operation during anesthesia, and possible injuries in the operating room were the most important causes of parental concern about anesthesia treatment, and increased awareness through consultation with the dentist and anesthesiologists are effective in reducing this concern. Therefore, since hospital dental services is one of the best therapeutic approaches for the treatment of young children and patients with mental and physical disabilities, it can be possible to reduce parental concern by raising awareness of the benefits and disadvantages of hospital dental treatment in society, to be aware of such treatment options.