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Education is considered as one of the factors influencing population changes. However, the role of the spouses’ education on division of household labor has not been studied in Iran at the national level. This paper uses data from the 2014-2015 Time Use Survey, representing urban areas of Iran, to study the association between the spouses’ household labor and education. The results suggest considerable gender differences in these associations. Specifically, wives’ higher education reduces their participation in household labor but increases the participation of their husbands’ in household labor. Husbands’ education, on the other hand, is positively associated with their participation in household labor as well as their wives’ participation in household labor. Thus, the wives’ experience is explained by the economic approach, while the husbands’ experience is consistent with the cultural approach. Wives’ higher education increases the opportunity cost of participation in household labor by creating more opportunity of engagement in non-household activities or is used as a negotiating resources to reduces their participation and increase their husbands’ engagement in household labor. The association between the husbands’ household labor and their/wives’ education is explained by cultural factors such as stronger equalitarian gender attitudes and the importance of child raising roles among husbands with higher education.

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One of the mechanisms ensuring the continuity of new behaviors is the creation of new habits. The main purpose of policy interventions, including education or economic incentives, is to create behaviors that are sustainable, such as recycling or optimizing water or energy consumption (gas or electricity) or, more simply, creating positive habits. Social researchers emphasize on the importance of the apparent need for a basic change in mindset and practice of consumption. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the consumption habits of household gas consumers with emphasis on consumption optimization. This study was carried out in Mazandaran province in November 2019. The sample consisted of 430 household subscribers of Mazandaran Province Gas Company. Survey method was used and a structured questionnaire was used for data collection. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used for data analysis. Research findings showed that home subscribers tend to optimize gas consumption. The average family culture, awareness of the negative consequences of gas consumption, awareness of policies of optimal gas consumption in the building and the personal efficiency of the respondents were at a good level, while the means of knowledge of gas consumption and satisfaction with gas company service was moderate level. The habit of optimizing gas consumption differed by occupation but it wasn’ t different by gender and education. Also, the habit of optimizing gas consumption was positively correlated with age but was not significantly correlated with household income and gas price. The theoretical model was tested by structural modeling. And the relationships drawn in the theoretical model were corrected The results showed that knowledge of gas consumption has the greatest direct impact on the habit of gas consumption, while family culture has the most indirect effect on the habit of gas consumption. Overall, the results of the present study showed that knowledge had a positive effect on gas consumption optimization habits.

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The present study based on the theory of planned behavior, investigates the causes of behavior of keep up with the Joneses among married women in Yazd. The research was conducted through a survey method and data collection tools were a researcher-made questionnaire. Overall, 245 married women in Yazd city were selected by multistage cluster sampling method in 2019 and answered the questionnaire. The results showed that the average behavior of keep up with the Joneses of married women in Yazd was lower than average. The findings also show that the variables of the theory of planned behavior well explain behavior of keep up with the Joneses among married women. The results of regression analysis showed that the variables of this study accounted for 25. 1% of the changes in behavior of keep up with the Joneses among married women and two variables of perceived behavioral control and intention of behavior of keep up with the Joneses had a significant effect on the occurrence of behavior of keep up with the Joneses. In general, the results support the propositions of the theory of planned behavior and show that, as the theory of planned behavior puts it, intention of behavior of keep up with the Joneses and perceived behavioral control lead to the occurrence of behavior of keep up with the Joneses.

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Introduction: The accepted social demand in higher education academic major plays an important role in providing the specialized human resources of the society in different educational levels and especially, in master and PhD level, in terms of produce and disseminate science, solving the problems of the higher education system and the country. Therefore, with an analysis of the process of accepting social demand in this field, it will be possible to respond appropriately to these demands. Also, it will be useful for policy making and planning regarding the efficiency and effectiveness of higher education and measuring and accepting students based on Ministry of Science, Research and Technology needs. Method: This study is an applied research. The aim was to analyze the trend of social demand for studying in higher education academic major. The statistics of all accepted social demands in the field of higher education in all educational levels including PhD, master, bachelor and associate degrees with different orientations, from the establishment of this academic major (academic year 2012-2013) was studied. Data collection was used documentary and library studies, and the statistics used were obtained from the Institute for Research and Planning in Higher Education. The method of analysis was the analysis of the content of the documents (secondary analysis). Findings: The findings indicated that the highest number of accepted demand in the associate degree and bachelor degree were in 2008-2009. Also, the highest number of accepted demand in the master degree was in 2011-2012 and the highest number of accepted demand in was 2017-2018. From the academic year of 2013-2014 (until 2018-2019), the number of PhD students has always been significantly higher than the other academic levels. In all years of admission, the number of males was more than females. According to the statistics of the trend of accepting social demands and also, the statistics of graduates of this academic major in master and PhD degrees, it is estimated that there will be 154 master graduates and 118 PhD graduates. In other words, there will 154 theses and 118 dissertations in this field, each of those has been written on various practical topics. Discussion: What can be assessed from the study of the accepted social demand trend in associate degree is the isolation of higher education institutions. Therefore, due to the relatively long interval between two periods of student admission at this academic level, the role of superior institutes is highlighted. Because course titles and their acceptance capacity is determined by policy makers in this field, such as Student Assessment and Admission Council and so on. Therefore, it can be said that in our country, the accepted demand in this major and at this level has been based more on the decisions of policymakers than the real social demand of individuals to choose this academic major. Also, the trend of admission for bachelor degree indicates that the social demand is not taken into account in accepting students of this major; rather, other criteria and indicators for attracting and accepting students have been considered. It is necessary to pay attention to the role of higher education institutions in creating, constructing and guiding the social demand of individuals to continue their education.

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Culture Industry & Television in Iran; Critical Analysis of “ Mahe Asal (honey moon)” Program This paper is to analyze the Television of Islamic Republic of Iran (IRIB), based on the approach of culture industry theory. On the literature review, the approach of Frankfurt School toward modern capitalism, culture industry theory and their approach toward mass media, specially television has been described. The case study of the research is “ Mahe Asal (honey moon)” Program which has been broadcasted during 2013 to 2018. To analyze the program by applying the theoretical or purposive sampling, the episodes of the mentioned program have been analyzed by qualitative content analysis. The main results of research include: misreporting the real needs (individualizing the structural problems), making the rationality instrumental, declining the human to the object level to achieve the goal, propagation of compromise and deferring to the economic situation (hailing and sentimentalizing the poverty) and commercializing the ethic and religious values to achieve the profit. The mentioned categories have been critically interpreted. The research results show that considering the spread of neoliberal and capitalism values in Iranian society and economy, the television despite alleging to criticize capitalism, but in fact is integrated with capitalism and consumerism values.

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The twentieth century has been the subject of much interest by scholars and policymakers in terms of the extent and extent of violence and oppression. Iran, as a multicultural country, is exposed to violence and intolerance if it does not provide favorable social conditions for dialogue and understanding. The present article analyzes social intolerance from the perspective of academic elites using the theory of data base theory. The data were analyzed using the data base theory approach through interviews with academic elites. The purpose of this paper is to arrive at a paradigm model that can identify and ultimately relate the important elements and explanations of the phenomenon in question. The findings suggest two types of action and structural approaches to social intolerance. In adopting each of the strategies a number of contextual (action and social structure), interventionist (discrimination and injustice at community level and prevalence of contempt discourse) and causal factors (both demographic and sociological variables and Structural factors (both middle and high levels) have played a role in adopting strategies of action (public education and civil society focus) that have dual subjective / objective consequences. All of these factors are linked and illustrated in a paradigmatic model.

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Following the developments and changes that are taking place in the structure of human societies, The family unit has not been spared from these developments. Therefore, marital incompatibility has become a social problem that harms the institution of the family and gradually leads the society to a critical situation and to the point of disintegration of values. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of action space within the family on women's marital satisfaction. According to Parsons and Chalby's theory of social order, the action space of the family is measured in terms of similarity, togetherness, harmony and empathy. Based on a simple random sampling method, 380 married women in Urmia were selected as statistical samples and after collecting data, the information was analyzed by SPSS software. The variables of ideological similarity, counseling in decisions, women's power in the family, feeling of security in the family, respect for women in the family, non-interference of others, husband's cooperation in housework, trust in husband, feeling of pressure in role and the couple's dialogue with each other entered the model at the same time. Eventually, the variables of the couple's dialogue with each other, respect for the woman in the family, consultation in decisions and a sense of security in the family remained in the model, and these variables were able to explain 0. 36 of the variance of life satisfaction. The results showed that the structure of the action space within the family has a significant effect on women's marital satisfaction and by changing the family's action space from similarity, togetherness to harmony and empathy, it has increased the satisfaction of marital life. Following the developments and changes that are taking place in the structure of human societies, The family unit has not been spared from these developments. Therefore, marital incompatibility has become a social problem that harms the institution of the family and gradually leads the society to a critical situation and to the point of disintegration of values. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of action space within the family on women's marital satisfaction. According to Parsons and Chalby's theory of social order, the action space of the family is measured in terms of similarity, togetherness, harmony and empathy. Based on a simple random sampling method, 380 married women in Urmia were selected as statistical samples and after collecting data, the information was analyzed by SPSS software. The variables of ideological similarity, counseling in decisions, women's power in the family, feeling of security in the family, respect for women in the family, non-interference of others, husband's cooperation in housework, trust in husband, feeling of pressure in role and the couple's dialogue with each other entered the model at the same time. Eventually, the variables of the couple's dialogue with each other, respect for the woman in the family, consultation in decisions and a sense of security in the family remained in the model, and these variables were able to explain 0. 36 of the variance of life satisfaction. The results showed that the structure of the action space within the family has a significant effect on women's marital satisfaction and by changing the family's action space from similarity, togetherness to harmony and empathy, it has increased the satisfaction of marital life.

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Introduction: The family is an intermediary institution between the individual and society. In the family institution, the result of individual changes is transferred to the society and individuals are also affected by the changes in the society. Therefore, the family is a valuable element for society. If society and governments ignore the changes of family and members and ignore it in the context of the institutional desire for stability, or if the family don’ t pay attention to the goals of society and the state, this institution will be a place of conflict and disagreement between governments and individuals. This research seeks to trace the semantic transformation of the family in the documents of the Economic, Social and Cultural Development Law of Iran after the Islamic Revolution. The reason for choosing upstream documents is the wide scope of policy, as well as the timing of its implementation (five years), which governments will usually be involved in implementing and writing. Therefore, these written documents can be used to examine the meaning of the family from the perspective of the government that wrote the documents, the government that enforces it, and the government that drafts the new development plan, and the differences in attitudes and policies for the family. Method: This study has examined the six published documents of development after the Islamic Revolution using qualitative method and using content analysis method. These documents has fully read, and all clauses related to the family, women, men, children, marriage, divorce, population, etc. were extracted and classified. By re-reading and reviewing the categorized clauses, they provided a context for the abstraction of categories, concepts, and sub-concepts, the traces of which can be identified in the set of development documents. Findings: The findings of this study show that there are three general concepts throughout the six development documents about the family: audience loss, non-determination policy, and attitudes toward family attitudes. Together, these three components create a space to create a balanced family version that means the family serves the goals and policies of government and society. Creating a balanced family means a kind of semantic stability in the family, which is done by neglecting the objective and mental changes of the family, its evolved functions, as well as the role-attitude change of its members (men and women and gender developments). Conclusion: Governments offer their programs, services, and supports to their balanced families. Other forms of family are considered to be a kind of standard deviation from the family level and are not considered by governments, while they may be objectively related to the lived experience of social actors. Therefore, the semantic evolution of the family in the historical course of these documents can be interpreted as the tendency to stability.

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This study was conducted in qualitative method and a sociological analysis of narrative works of Iranian women married to Iraqi and Afghan citizens to their marriage and exclusion from the offer. Undoubtedly, many of these marriages had brought negative consequences in the family and community The findings of this research are based on qualitative interviews with 56 women married to Afghan and Iraqi citizens in the city of Nishabur achieved. And trying to understand the mental image of the groups of women about the causes of the current problems affecting marriage and understand it. During interviews conducted on the exclusion of this group of women during different periods of their lives were concepts that are 7 major themes; marriage reasons this group of women, bitter experience after marriage, humiliating experience of life and marry foreign nationals, feelings of inequality in various aspects of life experience additional frustration, lack of civil rights and feel neglected by the authorities of the country can be addressed. Finally, all of these concepts in a central concept of "exclusion and deprivation trap" occurs. The authors have no intention to generalize the findings to the macro level. However, quantitative and qualitative research findings correspond with many different sociology views.

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Introduction: Despite the consequences of social harms, however, these harms are usually considered as social issues, not legal-criminal ones, traditionally. The common perception of these harms has led to focus on the reason more than considering governor’ s responsibility to create and maintain them. The phenomenon of street children as one of the most important social harms in Iranian society, although it has been considered in various aspects, taking into account the responsibility for the government, is ignored. In recent decades, and under the guise of a so-called Statecrime approach, Statesas criminals, have also been held criminally liable for these damages nowadays. Examining the causes of the creation and continuation of this phenomenon, along with examining the duties and responsibilities of different authorities and institutions in this regard, can be very effective in explaining this issue from the perspective of the State's criminal responsibility. Method: According to the interviews with street children, the research method of this research is qualitative and its sampling has been done purposefully. Despite the fact that after interviewing 61 street children, saturation was achieved due to the similarity between their statements, however, in order to increase the accuracy of the research results, the interview was conducted with the entire research community (100 people). Giving the interviews, then they were analyzed using an open coding method and the results were presented under the etiology of street children. Finding: The findings of the present study, which were obtained by examining the common theories of government crime and study of 100 street children in Tehran, show that poverty (in the concept of not meeting the basic needs of life), family problems (such as separation or Parental differences, physical or verbal violence at home, parental addiction or one of them and so on. ), high living costs (especially in the metropolis of Tehran) and children's need for entertainment and freedom are the most important reasons for the street children phenomenon and its continuation. Although none of the interviewees mentioned in their answers the factors of working for other people and being exploited, however, economic exploitation of these children is an issue that can certainly be considered as a factor for the phenomenon of street children. Results & Conclusion: The results of this study indicate that along with the existing reasons for creating the phenomenon of street children, neglect of various institutions and authorities at different levels of decision and implementation, is one of the most important reasons for the development of this phenomenon in Iranian society. Although Iran's penal code is mostly insufficient to respond to perpetrators of government crime, it is still possible to provide minimum responses to these individuals regarding their responsibility to street children.

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