Introduction: Addiction is a modern social issue, especially in countries like Iran. One of the side effects of substance abuse, it is its negative impact on the academic performance of students. The aim of this study was to determine the correlation between drug use, alcohol, smoking and psychiatric drugs with the academic progress in university students in Bam city.Materials and Methods: In this descriptive-correlational study, 760 students of Islamic Azad University, School of Nursing and the Payamenoor were randomly selected in bam city. Data were collected by questionnaire “Drug Use Questionnaire” that consisted of two parts. The first part included 5 questions about demographic characteristics and the second part consisted of 12 questions on smoking, psychiatric drugs, alcohol and drugs. Validity of the questionnaire was measured by content validly (by asking 10 experts people) and reliability coefficient of the questionnaire was 88.0. Collected data was analyzed by the software SPSS/17.Findings: The drug use in students in psychiatric drugs was 13.8%, in alcohol was10.8%, in drugs this value was 9.9% and finally in tobacco was 5.7%. Average score for the previous semester and final semester of students with use cigarettes, alcohol, drugs and psychiatric medications than other students were significantly lower (P<0.001).Conclusion: Usage of smoking, alcohol, drugs and psychiatric medications in the students was significant. Employing these drugs has negative effects on students’ achievement. Therefore, university is authorized for prevention and treatment of students. This certainly will lead to a much healthier society.