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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Fakhraei Siroos


Depiction of Health

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Background: Today, COVID-19 disease has caused fear and anxiety in all societies. The main purpose of this study was to find out the level of panic and fear of citizens over 20 years of age in East Azerbaijan province from the emerging disease of COVID-19 and to determine the role of some psychological and social variables related to it. Methods: In this research, a survey method has been used. The statistical population includes all citizens over 20 years of age in East Azerbaijan province in Iran while the statistical sample is estimated to be 384 people based on Lin sampling table with 95% confidence level. A researcher-made questionnaire was used to collect data. The questionnaires were completed and collected in two stages in April 2020 and March 2021. The goal behind this time interval was to observe and compare the extent of coronary changes. SPSS software was used to test the relationship between variables and analyze the collected data. Results: About 45% of the participants were women and more than 55% were men. 24% of the respondents were single and 76% were married. In terms of education, the highest frequency (nearly 39%) was related to those with a bachelor's degree. In terms of age, the highest frequency is related to the age group of 41-50 years, which included about 30% of the participants. The mean score of corona phobia among the participants was 97. 75 in April and 83. 25 in March. Most of the psychosocial variables studied, including housekeeping, trust in medical staff and history of underlying diseases showed a statistically significant relationship with corona phobia (p<0. 001). All variables in total were able to explain and predict about 70% of the variance of corona phobia. Conclusion: This study showed that corona phobia is closely related to psychological and social variables that should be considered by all institutions and people.

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Depiction of Health

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Background: Augmented reality (AR) is a digital layer in the physical environment, which adds virtual elements to the real world. Academic libraries must meet certain criteria to enter fourth-generation libraries, one of which is the use of new technologies. The aim of this study was to investigate academic librarians' views on the application of components of AR technology in the libraries of medical universities. Methods: The study was a cross-sectional survey study. The statistical population of the study included all librarians working at medical science universities in Iran. The sample size comprised 183 librarians who participated in the present research study. Quantitative research approach and research tool was a researcher-made questionnaire. Internal validity of the questionnaire was assessed through CVI and reliability was assessed, using ICC (validity within and between assessors). The face validity of the questionnaire was confirmed using the opinions of 10 experts in the field of information science and AR technology and its reliability was obtained with Cronbach's alpha correlation coefficient of 0. 96 and test-retest method. Using the online questionnaire, the librarians' perspective data on the components of familiarity, facilities, application, advantages, opportunities and limitations were collected in the form of 5 Likert questions. Data analysis with SPSS software was used through independent t-test, ANOVA and Tukey to evaluate the status of AR technology components. Results: The general attitude of librarians towards the components of application, facilities, advantages, opportunities and limitations of AR technology was on the scale of five Likert options with an average total score of 3. 75. 0. 05. Overall, 73. 65% of librarians agreed with AR technology and 86. 99% agreed with its use component in the libraries of medical universities. The results of the Tukey test showed that more graduate students than those with doctoral degrees agreed with the component of facilities available in university libraries to launch AR. Librarians older than 50 years considered the AR component in library management and assistance to librarians to be more effective than those under 30 years of age (P <0. 05). Conclusion: According to the results of the present study, the most important components for the use of AR technology in the libraries of medical universities to strengthen user education included the existence of appropriate content, usefulness, providing diverse services, user guidance, location and the opportunity to implement AR on a larger scale. The librarians' attitudes toward launching AR technology were favorable and they agreed with its applicability.

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Depiction of Health

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Background: Since the beginning of the Covid-19 epidemic, many countries have been involved in fighting the disease. The outbreak of this disease has caused irrecoverable damages to countries in various aspects such as human resources, economic situation, and social welfare. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the performance of world countries in the face of covid-19 in respect of the role of vaccination and to propose applicable approaches for countries with lower performance. Methods: In this research, a three-phase method was developed to evaluate the performance of 88 countries in the face of Covid-19. In the first phase, the countries were clustered, using the k-means algorithm. In the second phase, the data envelopment analysis model was implemented once on the clusters and then on all the countries without considering the clusters. In the third phase, after presentation of the concept of resilience in the Covid-19 era, an Analytic Hierarchy Process was implemented with three criteria, including the results of data envelopment analysis model without considering the clusters, the results of data envelopment analysis model considering the clusters and resilience, and then the ranking of the countries' performance in the face of Covid-19 was provided. Results: Based on the results, 15 performance scores were obtained for the countries in the face of Covid-19, among which China, Fiji, Seychelles, Kyrgyzstan and Tanzania had the highest rankings and Bangladesh, Nepal, Georgia and Pakistan had the lowest performance levels. Iran is in the sixth place and in the average performance position of the countries. Conclusion: Based on the findings of this study, the countries with low performance level in the face of Covid-19 need to apply various strategies in different areas in order to improve their performance level. These strategies include planning and approval of joint programs to control and prevent the spread of disease, applying quarantine policy and restrictions on communities, planning and implementation of appropriate strategies regarding the export and import of drugs and medical equipment, allocating appropriate funds to research projects on Covid-19, banning the export of drugs effective in the treatment of Covid-19, and providing accurate and up-to-date information for raising people’ s awareness.

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Depiction of Health

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Background: Physical activity is a way to help people to acquire skills, knowledge and positive attitudes towards optimal growth, gaining general health and living happy moments. The purpose of this study is to investigate the role of general physical education classes on personality traits and mental well-being of female students of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences. Methods: The present study is a quasi-experimental study with a pretest and posttest design and a control group. The target population included all female medical students of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences. The participants of the experimental group were selected from among the students who had taken the one-credit general physical education course while the participants of the control group had not taken the general physical education course. The students completed the Berne Reuters Personality Questionnaire and the Oxford Happiness Questionnaire in two stages (first semester and end of semester). The general classes of the experimental group were conducted for 12 weeks and each week a 90-minute session was held from 8. 30 am to 10 am. SPSS software was used for statistical analysis and analysis of covariance. Results: The results showed that general physical education classes had a significant effect on all six personality traits studied and the students' mental well-being (happiness) (P=0. 001). This period increased the traits of self-confidence, sociability and excellence and decreased the traits of nervousness, introversion and self-being of the participants and also increased the mental well-being of the experimental group (p<0. 05). Conclusion: Doing sports activities promotes personality traits and students' mental well-being.

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Depiction of Health

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Background: Life expectancy is an important health status indicator based on average number of years a person at a given age may be expected to live given current mortality rates. Given this significance, it would be necessary to probe into the factors affecting the life expectancy. Ensuring that information and communication technology (ICT) services are properly used could contribute to development and achievement, as it represents an important issue for the countries moving toward knowledge-based and information-based societies. Therefore, this study explored the impact of the information and communication technology on life expectancy. Methods: This study covers annual data from 2008 to 2018 for a group of countries in the Middle East. Data were retrieved from the Annual Reports such as World Bank and International Telecommunication Union (ITU) data sets. The effects of ICT on life expectancy are estimated with the Panel model. We also used the Hausman test to investigate fixed versus random effects. The data were analyzed by Stata 14 software. Results: The core findings of this study confirm the significant impact of ICT on life expectancy in the Middle East. The calculated Coefficient of the regression was 0. 551 indicating how much life expectancy changes when ICT variable increases by one unit. Moreover, the rho (intraclass correlation) was found to be 0. 975 showing that 97. 5% of the variance is due to differences across panels. Conclusion: Considering the effect of ICT on life expectancy, policymakers of the Middle Eastern countries should integrate the use of ICT with the existing programs and systems. Technology is not an end in itself but merely the means to reinforce the existing system and to meet the locally determined goals. It can be used as a tool to attain broader health and development goals.

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Depiction of Health

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Background: Different types of death among people indicates both the extent to which people use different types of health care and the growth and development of a society. Premature mortality imposes a heavy burden on society in terms of health, economy, and mental issues. Given the preventability of these deaths, efforts are being made to reduce premature deaths by 25 percent ı n hı gh level plans by 1404s. Methods: The purpose of this descriptive-analytical study, using death registration data, was to perform zoning of premature deaths in the cities supervised by Semnan University of Medical Sciences in Iran, it also investigated the factors affecting the premature deaths in order to reduce premature mortality especially among people at the age range of 30 to 69. Data were extracted based on the information of death certificates entered in the death registration system from 2013 to 2018. We, thus, studied 3619 registered deaths. The data were analyzed through SPSS software, using descriptive statistics (Relative Frequency, Mean, and Standard Deviation) and inferential tests (chi-square and independent t-test) according to the type of variables. The level of significance was set at 5 percent. Results: The mean and standard deviation of premature mortality was found to be 55. 7 ± 10. 6 and most of the deaths occurred in the seventh decade of their life. Premature mortality was more common among men, employed people, and urban residents. The major causes of premature mortality included cardiovascular diseases, cancer, and accidents. Conclusion: The results showed that accidents are the major cause of premature mortality at younger age, but they are gradually replaced by chronic and non-communicable diseases at the middle age. Therefore, in order to reduce the risk factors regarding premature mortality, collaboration of the related organizations is essential.

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Depiction of Health

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Background: The aim of study was to determine the relationship between managers’ communication skills and nurses’ organizational performance in teaching hospitals. Methods: This was a descriptive-analytic research using correlational analysis method. The research population included managers and nurses in 5 educational hospitals in Ahvaz city of Iran, with a sample size based on the Cochrane formula of 39 managers and 195 nurses. Proportional stratified random sampling method was used in the present study. Data collection tool included 3 questionnaires. To analyze the data, descriptive statistical methods as well as t-test and ANOVA and Pearson correlation coefficient were used in SPSS software version 22. Results: The mean score calculated for communication skills was 3. 30(± 0. 53) while it was 3. 44(± 0. 81) for organizational performance, both of which were estimated to be relatively strong. According to the statistical test, there was no significant relationship between total communication skills' score and the total score of organizational performance. However, some communication skills had weak correlations with performance factors. Conclusion: This study did not find a significant association between communication skills and organizational performance, whilst management literature suggested otherwise. We suggest that in addition to setting training courses to strengthen communication skills for hospital managers, studies should be designed to identify the mediating factors of this variable with organizational performance.

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Depiction of Health

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Background: Disposal of non-sanitary wastewater in the rural area leads to the pollution of surface water, groundwater, and soil. It also creates unpleasant landscapes and a suitable environment for the growth and propagation of various types of insects and rodents. Therefore, the aim of this study was to investigate the effect of education based on the Health Belief Model (HBM) on the promotion of sanitary wastewater disposal behaviors of rural residents. Methods: This interventional study was conducted on 72 heads of rural households in Aq-Qala, Iran. Two similar villages in the area were selected and assigned to experimental and control group through simple random allocation. Then, 36 heads of the households were selected from each village. Data were collected before and after the intervention through a reliable and valid HBM questionnaire. Paired samples t-test, Wilcoxon, independent samples t-test and Mann-Whitney test were employed to analyze the data by SPSS version 17. Results: Before the intervention, there wasn’ t significant difference between two groups in terms of knowledge, HBM constructs, behavior and demographic characteristics (P>0. 05). After the intervention, the mean score of knowledge, perceived susceptibility, perceived severity, perceived benefits, and self-efficacy increased significantly and the mean score of perceived barriers decreased significantly in the experimental group (P<0. 05). However, no significant difference was found in the mean score of behavior (P>0. 05). Conclusion: The educational intervention was effective in promoting knowledge and HBM constructs, but it was not effective in the domain of behavior. As far as digging absorptive well is costly, so in addition to increasing the number of training sessions, inter-sectoral cooperation between village councils is recommended.

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Depiction of Health

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Background: Journals are one of the channels of scientific communication among experts in the specialized fields of human knowledge as well as a tools for the rapid and widespread dissemination of new research achievements. It is important for founders of scientific journals to explore if the publications of the journal meet the performance of academic journals interms of subjects and collaboration of resarchers. The aim of this study was to analyze the scientometrics of a decade of activity of the Medical Journal of Tabriz University of Medical Sciences. Methods: The method of this research was scientometric analysis. The statistical population of the study included articles published in Tabriz Medical Journal from 2010 to 2019, which are indexed in the Islamic World Science Citation Database (ISC). We analysed publications in Tabriz Medical Journal from 2010 to 2019. To collect the required data, the title of the journal was searched on the website of the Iranian Science Citation Index in the "Advanced Search" section by filtering the desired years. BibExcel, Ucinet, NetDraw and VOS-Weaver software were used for data analysis. Results: Seven hundred ninety-four articles written by 1947 authors were published in Tabriz Medical Journal. The authors' names were repeated a total of 3111 times in various articles. The average number of authors for each article was 3. 92. The citation effect (average citation per article) was 0/36. Each article included an average of 21. 56 citations. 31 of the 794 papers were single-author papers while 763 papers were published as scientific collaborations between two or more researchers. There were four authors in the co-authored template. The largest co-authorship network consisted of 92 authors. 2449 keywords were used to describe 794 articles. These keywords were repeated a total of 3118 times in various articles. The most common keywords included "children", "rat" and "polymorphism" with frequencies of 20, 19 and 17, respectively. Thematic clusters included "quality of life", "type 1 diabetes", "aerobic activity", "antibiotic resistance", "breast cancer", "type 2 diabetes", "cardiovascular disease", "drinking water" and "Stress and depression” . Conclusion: The results of this study indicated the existence of a good status of scientific collaborations among authors based on the patterns of writing journal articles. All thematic clusters obtained were in compliance with the thematic axes or thematic specializations existing in the journal. The average citation per article was about 0/36 percent; thus, the status of the citation rate for the journal articles was not high enough. The index of journals in international databases has a positive effect on increasing the citation rate of journal articles. Therefore, it is suggested that new measures be taken to increase the visibility and impact factor of the journal.

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Depiction of Health

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Background: The crisis caused by the novel coronavirus in 2019 has caused challenges and problems in most organizations and created difficulties for employees who are the most important organizational resource. Accordingly, the purpose of this study was to identify the components of human resources (HR) during the new coronavirus (COVID-19) crisis, based on previous researches in this field. Material: This is a Meta-Synthesis study. Using the 4 keywords of human resources, human resource management, coronavirus, COVID-19, the researchers explored literature databases of Proquest, The Scientific Information Database (SID), Web of Science, Emerald journals as well as Google Scholar, the specialized search engine, in 2019-2021. The number of sources initially found was 1, 029, of which 921 articles were rejected because of the title. The total number of screened abstracts was 108, 16 of which we rejected on the basis of the abstracts and 27 of which we rejected in view of content, leaving us with 65 final articles to be reviewed. Three universal themes, three constructive themes, 11 basic themes and 117 codes were extracted. Results: Based on the findings of this study social opportunities and threats are the biggest challenges for human resources. The HR unit should also focus on issues such as virtualization of work and work environment, the degree of external environment support for the organization's employees, how to restructure jobs, health, and psychological challenges, as well as economic and internal challenges. Conclusion: In dealing with the coronavirus, human resource managers should pay special attention to components such as virtualization of work and work environment, support of the external environment for employees of the organization, restructuring of jobs, health and psychological requirements and challenges, whether they be social, economic, or intra-organizational.

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