Different meanings of the written language are shown by the analysis of the spoken language of the Holy Quran. In the meantime, the influence of stress [syllable vocal pressure in opposition to another syllable] as a semantic distinguishing element, sometimes plays an important role in inferring true or incorrect Qur'anic concepts. The main subject of this study is the power of stress on the syllabic level within words which displays Qur'anic words and vocabulary independently of other phonetic elements regardless of what level of strength and weakness is located, such as pause and intonation. It is assumed that the distinctive (Arabic: تمییز, Romanized: tamyeez distinguisher, distinguishing, disambiguation) role of stress at the level of Qur'anic words-and not at the level of sentences-shows various cases, however few but significant. Therefore, different examples of these roles were selected according to the capacity of this research to clarify its comparative function in changing lexical meanings that the most important of which are: the distinguishing role of some types of verbs such as feminine and masculine, singular and dual (Arabic: المُثَنّی, Romanized: Al-muthannā ) and triliteral doubled verbs (Arabic: ثُلاثی مُضاعَف, Romanized _THOLĀ THĪ _MOḌ Ā ‘ AF) and triliteral root verbs (Arabic: ثُلاثی مَزید, the derivative forms: it is complex and has additions), the distinguishing role of some types of nouns such as triliteral root (Arabic: ثُلاثی مَزید, complex and has additions, Romanized _THOLĀ THĪ _MAZĪ D) and simple triliteral root (Arabic: ثُلاثی مُجَرَّد, Romanized _THOLĀ THĪ _MOGARRAD), singular, dual and plural, the distinctive role between types of semantic letters and base letters such as the distinguishability between [واو, one of the letters of the Arabic alphabet, Waw] of a semantic letter and [واو] of a base letter, the distinguishability between [فاء, one of the letters of the Arabic alphabet, Feh] a semantic letter and [فاء] base of a base letter, the distinguishability between [أوْ , which means: or] of a semantic letter and [أوْ ] of a base letter and cases of the distinguishability between the called noun (Arabic: مُنادی, interjection, the vocative) and attached pronoun and similar cases that have been analyzed in a descriptive and comparative method; so, that the value of the phoneme of stress becomes clear to the audience, however, the percentage of phonological value of stress is much less than the non-phonological value of stress on Arabic.