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Once designers start to create a new design idea, they often become particularly influenced by the sources of inspiration and examples. Sources of inspiration may have dual effect on design outcome; they can enhance design quality or lead to non-creative ideas. There is a mapping process between source and design idea. Structural mapping enhance design quality, repetition of precedent elements or features leads to literal or superficial mapping. With the aim of better understanding the true mapping process, three questions were raised. What is the difference between inspiration and copying? How can the type of the example affect the mapping process? Are architecture students able to perform structural mapping of architectural exemplars? For understanding the difference between inspiration and copying, we must recognize structural mapping and design fixation. Structural mapping literature indicated that the relations between objects rather than attributes of them are mapped from source to target, the relations are abstracted before mapping, transformation for adaptation to the subject happens, patterns rather than forms and features are considered, and the outcomes of structural mapping lead to the good quality and creativity of design, appropriate reuse of features, and incremental design improvement. In this paper, with the aim of recognizing the relation between the type of source and the type of mapping, an empirical research has been performed. Totally, 54 participants (architecture students at different levels of undergraduate programs) were given four types of exemplars, i. e. contemporary with same function, contemporary with different function, historical with similar function, and historical with different function. The type of similarity between source and design idea were scored in four types, i. e. structural, superficial, literal and irrelevant by three experts. This paper explores two propositions; (1) the exemplars with same functions lead to structural mapping, while those different functions lead to superficial and literal mapping; and (2) Iranian historical exemplars lead to structural mapping, while the contemporary ones lead to superficial and literal mapping. In this paper, we used SPSS software for performing all statistical tests, and drawing tables and charts. The chi-square test was used to test the significance of relation between variables. Findings demonstrate that some of designers used structural mapping, while most of them tended to derive superficial features from sources. The findings indicate that there is a significant relation between source categories and the type of similarity between source and outcome. The exemplars of Iranian architecture led to more structural mapping than foreign contemporary examples. Therefore the second proposition has been confirmed but findings cannot confirm the first proposition. Due to limitations of the research such as sample size and lack of comparable research on historical exemplars, we cannot certainly conclude about the differences between the types of exemplars, and there is a need for more future researches on this issue. Participants used superficial mapping more than other types of mapping; therefore architecture education must enhance student’ s structural mapping capacity. How can the architecture education enhance the student’ s structural mapping capacity? The future researches must be performed to answer this question.

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The tomb of Safavid Shah Abbas II is a 12-sided monument that has been built and decorated in the vicinity of the holy shrine of Hazrat Masumeh (PBUH) in 1077 AH. This glorious tomb have benefited from the unique architectural features of the golden age of the Safavid art. This monument with a height of approximately 12 meters is adorned with a variety of different decorations such as paintings on a stone plinth, plaster paintings, gilding and stone inscriptions to name but a few. All of these that belonged to the Safavid king, were located in close proximity to the holy shrine of Hazrat Masumeh (PBUH). It is the only one tomb out of four that the Safavid kings have built near the holy shrine of Hazrat Masumeh (PBUH). In terms of architecture and decoration, it is highly valuable. The need to preserve such valuable work is obvious. Observations and surveys shows various fundamental changes during the time. These changes, in some cases, such as the development of the shrine, were inevitable because of the numerous pilgrims; however their damaging impacts on the ornaments are seen clearly. The most important changes in decision-making for restoration and protection include moving walls and changing in exit and entrance doors, along with the changes in the roof of the building and blocking skylights and its ventilation openings. In historical monuments, architectural ornaments cannot be separated from the structure, and this coherence and Interweaving is more explicitly obvious in religious buildings. In the tomb of Shah Abbas II, the stones of the floor were removed and after reinforcement, were replaced by concrete and new stones. Consequently, in addition to replacing the stone plinth, the tombstone of Shah Abbas II that was carved with poems was destroyed completely; and today there is no trace of these. By moving the marbles of the plinth, some changes were made at the entrance of the tomb. These replacement caused cracks and fissures through integrated stone plinth and severe damage to its flowers and plant motifs. In past years, the 12 ventilation opening located at the top of the monument were blocked. This was in addition to damages to the decorations due to the natural increase of the relative humidity and temperature as well as chemical process. These openings were re-opened in the year 2014, along with the rest of skylights with new wooden frames. This again caused more damages to decorations on the plaster of the frames. The structural changes in the studied building are done without any consideration to protect or minimize the damage to decorations and murals. In line with the emphases of the relevant international community such as ICOMOS, this study confirms that the structural changes in the architectural decorations of a historical monuments such as moving walls, removal of some parts of the building or even usage will impose a direct impact and significant damages to architectural decorations. Therefore, the physical changes shall be performed with great considerations for the decorations.

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Two of the main issues societies are facing with today are limited fossil fuel resources and increase in energy consumption. A significant part of energy is consumed in residential buildings to obtain thermal comfort, thus so far are, many efforts have been made to improve the indoor thermal conditions and reduce energy consumption simultaneously. One of the issues in this regard is the impact of thermal mass on energy conservation and increase of indoor thermal comfort. Seasonal transition period is a time of year when there is a change of heating to cooling and vice versa. Within this period thermal comfort may be maintained consuming no energy. Lengthening this period will help to conserve energy, and this may be achieved using indoor thermal storage. Common thermal storage materials include high density and heavy materials and sensible heat usage for energy storage. There is a new and light-weight thermal mass (phase change material) especially used in high-rise constructions to reduce the structural load and preserve thermal energy. Phase change materials (PCM) are based on latent heat energy storage. In this paper, the thermal performance of residential buildings in Tehran during seasonal transition period of spring and autumn is studied, in order to maintain the highest reduction in energy consumption without relying on mechanical equipment, and to reduce depreciation of the equipment. The impact of phase change materials (PCM), with various melting temperatures (21, 23, 25, 27 and 29oC), on the duration of seasonal transition period is studied using energy simulation. The dimensions of the studied model are similar to those of a common apartment room in the city. The model was first constructed in Ecotect software and then using EnergyPlus, and Tehran weather data, and its annual heating load was calculated. The temperature set points were 20oC for winter and 28oC for summer. Thermal performance of PCMs with various melting temperatures, regarding the best energy consumption condition during a whole year and the number of the days that were added to the seasonal transition period were identified. In hot-arid climate of Tehran natural ventilation may be used to decrease cooling load and maintain thermal comfort during transition period. To study the impacts of natural ventilation on the period, various ventilation rates, 0, 1, 3, 5, 7, and 10 ach were considered with a constant debi rate. The results revealed that using PCMs as thermal storage material and natural ventilation, energy conservation will be achieved more easily during transition period. It was found that PCM with melting point of 29oC will reduce the annual energy consumption by 15% and will increase the seasonal transition period by 20%, with 5 ach natural ventilation, and has a significant effect on reducing thermal problems of the period and performance of the mechanical equipment. The spring transition period is from 12th March to 19th May. This period for autumn is from 5th October to 5th November, which is 38 days for spring period and 29 days for fall, without any energy consumption which results in shut down of mechanical equipment.

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RAHAEI OMID | Roasaei Amin

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It is essential to provide thermal comfort, and to protect the personnel in administrative spaces from adverse conditions of indoor air quality. That is why using air conditioning systems in modern official buildings is prevalent. According to this research and review of literature, these systems typically have no proper operation in cooling inner spaces of administrative spaces with open plan. So, the current study has been performed with the aim of presenting simple and practical techniques in order to promote the quality of air conditioning in official buildings by intervening in current status of architecture and making changes in the structure of some framework elements. This study is a practical research and its methodology is interdisciplinary. A computational fluid dynamic (CFD) method was used and some experimental tests were carried out. At the beginning and after initial observations, a case study was selected randomly. The case was an administrative building in Abadan with an open plan (Yadavaran Project). Using experimental observations and some interviews with the staff, some effective independent variables have been identified. Whereas the dependent variables of the research are indoor airflow directions, its velocity, and the internal temperature. Using some digital devices for measurements was necessary, i. e. some thermometers and two hot wire airflow meters. Accordingly, some test points were chosen and the devices were installed in the right places for the periodic tests. In order to obtain more precise results, some simulation analyses were performed on the case study. The CFD simulations in this research were performed using Gambit and Fluent software programs. The programs were validated using experimental evidence and simulations. The analytical method was implemented using Fluent software to analyze the data. A review of literature indicates that in the late 1930s and early 1940s, there was great interest in the field of air engineering. Several codes were determined in this field around the world. Knowledge of indoor airflow in internal spaces is important for three reasons: thermal comfort, indoor air quality and energy consumption of the building, and in last two decades, the "indoor air flow" emerged in the form of a new knowledge. So this topic and method were employed in this research. The results of this research show that the architectural elements can affect the indoor air quality and its circulations in internal spaces. It can disrupt the comfort conditions of personnel, meanwhile requires more operation of air condition systems in order to cool the rooms, which increases energy consumption. The periodic experimental tests and the simulations show that, the height of the partitions in administrative spaces, their location, and also the position of air diffusers that provide the fresh air in a MVS system must be computed according to the condition of each administrative unit. The architectural planning criteria of similar cases must be carefully reviewed, aimed at improvement of the indoor airflow and its quality. Thus, the energy consumptions can be reduced and the thermal comfort of the staff can be provided more efficiently.

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Nowadays, the role of important natural elements and rivers, in particular, in the structure of urban landscape is much more crucial and different from the past. However, the major problem is the lack of high quality natural elements in urban landscape. Furthermore, no attention is paid to the critical and ecological aspects of these elements as much as necessary. In this case, threats to “ natural ecosystem services” and health in urban rivers and their riversides resulting from the growth of human activities, are very important. Due to specific geographic, ecological and climatic conditions, this is of remarkable importance for some rivers, their corridors and major cities of Iran. Therefore, landscape, corridor and margin improvements of such rivers based on ecological principles are mandatory. The main goal of this paper is to improve the quality of ecosystem services, and propose a landscape compatible with nature and the elements of natural and artificial environment on the regional and urban scale. Here, the major questions include: What is the appropriate landscape design framework for the examples of the important urban rivers like Sefidrud in Iran? And how can we support and reinforce the relations between natural elements, historic urban landscape values and desired cultural dimensions? Therefore, the research problem is how to improve Sefidrud riverside and its ecological aspects, in addition to proper landscape design along the river corridor and urban environment in Astaneh Ashrafieh. According to this objective and problem, the research method is both qualitative and descriptive-analytic method. In the first step, the results of the review of literature, studying related samples in the world and Iran, in particular, and documentary and research in databases are provided. Then, an environmental pathology and assessment of the site and case study is performed using a comparative analysis: the Taghvaei’ model of “ Values and Elements of Landscape Component” in landscape architectural theories, landscape ecology and the dimensions of “ ecosystem services” , in particular. The literature review and influential factors provide a design framework according to which three major categories determine the research model, namely natural environment, built environment and human activities’ environment. Therefore, the findings indicate persisting damages such as trespassing, land-use change, pollution and erosion on Sefidrud riverside in Astaneh Ashrafieh. Accordingly, the major results of this paper include providing solutions for environmental indicators improvement and improvement tourism and recreation facilities. These are explained in "Landscape Improvement Plan" derived from the theoretical and practical insights of the study, which can strengthen the preservation of ecosystem services, create identity, improve the relationships between people and nature, and promote social interactions and tourist attractions at local and regional levels.

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Mehr News Agency (Friday, February 17, 2012): "on the verge of New Year guests, eight hectares of historic urban quarters of Yazd were destroyed by the municipality to provide parking! " Annually, wide areas of historical urban quarters are renovated for different reasons such as collapse of old buildings, purchase and demolition of old parcels by the city developers for providing green space or parking per capita and clearing within aggregation projects, parks and parking lots in neighborhoods. Regardless of reasons for destruction of the segments in historical fabrics, the basic question ahead is regarding the quality of existing infill development. What should be built? And how? Unsuccessful aggregation projects such as apartments, numerous parking lots within the neighborhoods and small parks in historic fabric of Yazd are some examples of undesirable answer to these questions, regardless of the good infill development practices that generally had adverse impacts. Infill developments in historical urban quarter generally face a contradictory duality of development and conservation, which competes against each other. Inattention to urban design quality in the historical fabric in the form of unjustified interventions, not only will deteriorate the design of the historical fabrics, but also will cause a gradual destruction of its physical identity. Understanding the spatial, temporal and thematic necessity of infill development in the valuable historical fabric brings up the importance of this tool. Using urban design brief can be a way to achieve high quality urban design through infill developments. Urban design briefs derived from the principles of historical fabric’ s identity, enriched with a holistic approach towards historical fabric, as an effective tool, can provide this assurance that during sustainable revival, in addition to maintaining physical identity, the historical fabric will continue its growing life. The theoretical section of this paper is searching for the role of infill development literature and its trends, i. e. what, why and how to do infill development in urban intervention and regeneration. The practical section deals with the experience of experts in the field of infill development control, and collects practical recommendations in three categories, i. e. historical and site-specific, non-historical and site-specific, and topic-specific. Combination of expert’ s discussions and actions in guiding and control of infill development and the Christopher Alexander's theory of “ growing whole” provides an operational-analytical framework. Based on this framework, infill development in historic urban quarters shall be integrated with the surrounding fabric, and in historic urban quarters of Yazd, interpretation of this integration shall be performed regarding different layers of historical urban forms of Yazd (substantial) and related environments (procedural). Integration for infill development in Ilchi Khan can be achieved by considering the design principles and guidelines on land use, movement and access, physical forms, public spaces, urban landscape, and at social, economic, civil and organizational-implementing layers.

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Assessing the quality of urban design in historic urban fabrics and measuring the success of plans which have been prepared for historic areas are crucial issues for urban regeneration process and management of urban heritage. During the last decades, a variety of tools and measuring methods are provided to architects and urban designers for estimating the quality of environments they have made intervention in them. Measuring the quality of design for the purpose of making better places or improving the sense of place is the central point for such interventions. Among the developed tools, Design Quality Indicator (DQI) method has been introduced as a method to evaluate the output of building design taking three indicators into account: ‘ build quality’ , ‘ functionality’ and ‘ impact’ . These three indicators have close conceptual correlations with the models introduced for materializing the concept of ‘ place’ . Build quality can obviously be related to ‘ form’ ; functionality, indicates the functional aspect of the place and is related to ‘ activity’ ; and the impact could summarize a great deal of interactions among people and place and their experiences summed-up as ‘ meaning’ and ‘ image’ . This concept was the key to develop a more sophisticated tool for analyzing the quality of design in a broader urban scale. This paper is aimed to develop a model derived from DQI model and named as PDQI, which stands for ‘ Place Design Quality Indicator’ . This model adds the aspects of place to the design quality assessment, and focuses on the historic places as the context of the design process. In this new interpretation, the significance of place has been determined using more advanced criteria, which are established in historic places by international charters and conventional documents. PDQI goes beyond the limits of the previous model, and provides a new horizon in which the characteristics of historic place are the main factors to evaluate the quality of design. This time designers and users are asked to score the design output by means of three major indicators. These indicators, which are represented as ‘ Authenticity and Value’ , ‘ Physical Integrity’ and ‘ Economical Vibrancy’ , one more time are referring to the concept of place as mentioned in the literature prior to this work. By applying the proposed methodology for two historic places situated in the historic fabric of Shiraz, the quality of design implied in the urban design and revitalization project of a historic area in 1990s’ has been assessed and compared with the PDQI tool. The result shows that although similar urban design project have been taken for these two places, however, as far as the design quality is concerned, each place has its own conditions, which affects the quality of the output, and the perception of users and other designers has widely been affected by these. As a result, the authors declare that this method can be applied as a general tool for analyzing the design quality in historic places and it can make its way into a more complete tool to be developed by further researches.

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Nowadays, increasing and various sound sources such as traffic, human activities and disturbing sounds, have made a displeasing soundscape that leads to a turbulent perception of soundscape for people. These indicate the importance of paying attention to the soundscape quality in urban spaces. Naghsh-e-Jahan Square as an urban space is not an exception to this and there are variety of auditory potentials that can be heard so that may produce an unpleasant feeling of soundscape of square. Assessment and identification of pleasant and unpleasant sounds from the viewpoint of users including Iranian tourists, foreign tourists, merchants and Isfahan residents who visit the square is of great importance. In this regard this study aimed to assess the perception of people with regard to Naghsh-e-Jahan Square soundscape quality. This research is a practical and analytical research in terms of nature. For qualitative evaluation, first the researchers identified the sound sources via sound walks and recording. Psychoacoustic approach has been adopted in this research. Then, psychoacoustic questionnaires including four segments were used. Questionnaires include 4 parts: (1) personal information and the reason and number of visits, (2) pleasantness of sound sources, (3) open questions to identify the auditory imageability elements, and (4) semantic differential scale to assess the overall characteristics of soundscape in Naghshe-Jahan square. Totally, 385 questionnaires were filled by people in the square after sound walks. Sound walks have been performed on common week days in winter and spring 2016. Respondents were free to choose the desired path in the square but they had been asked to visit all of the spaces and parts of the square to have a comprehensive visit. Results revealed that soundscape quality of Naghsh-e-Jahan square is positive from user's perception. Results also showed the quality of Naghsh-e-Jahan square is affected by pleasant sounds such as horse carriage sound, Azan sound, activities such as metal artworks and unpleasant sounds such as motorcycle and cars noise, environmental equipment noise. To achieve a high quality soundscape, it is necessary to reduce unpleasant sounds and to increase the number and frequency of pleasant sounds. Auditory imageability elements were including: sound marks such as horse and carriage and metal art works sounds that were assessed positively by respondents. Sound signals included Azan, carriage and vehicles sounds, and vehicles sounds were assessed negatively by people. The vehicles noise should be eliminated or controlled. Keynotes were fountains and carriages and footsteps. This means that people hear foreground sounds more than background sounds. There is a need to make horse and carriage sound more distinct so that people can realize the background sounds and foreground sounds. Auditory rhythms included Azan and fountains. Preserving the Azan sound and rhythmic activity of fountains is of great importance. As a whole, results showed that people’ s perception is the most important parameter in soundscape pleasantness. Achieving soundscape pleasantness and providing a design framework to enhance and reinforce positive soundscape requires further complimentary studies that can open new windows to this field of study.

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Regional income inequality has been the subject of academic debates since 1950s. However, theoretical bases on regional disparities provide conflicting views on relations between inequality and national growth. Some researchers believe that in the first stage of national economic growth, regional inequality is a natural phenomenon that stems from lack of coordination between the spatial system (regional economic growth) and the national system (national economic growth). Over a period of time, however, with increasing movements of production factors (labor and capital) among regions, regional inequality will be minimized or possibly eliminated. While, some other researchers like Myrdal and Hirschman claim that spatial movement of production factors increases regional inequality. They believe that only government intervention can reduce gaps among regions in the process of development. Amos Terrassi and Lessman believe that regional inequality follows a pattern of increase-decrease-increase. The cause may be a fundamental and systematic change in economic activities, such as increasing in suburbanization or moving to a service-based economy. Also there is a group of thinkers who claim that scale economies increase regional disparities. Thus, there is a positive correlation between regional inequality and economic growth. Therefore, literature review on regional disparities shows that theories and empirical studies have an unclear message about the evolution of regional disparities over time. The purpose of this paper is presenting a typology of theoretical and empirical studies on regional disparities. According to investigations, theoretical and experimental approaches toward regional disparities refer to two economic theories: “ neoclassical economic growth” and “ new economic geography” . Neoclassical economic growth theory believes that regional disparities will decrease over time, while Krugman belonging to new economic geography theory claims that regional inequality will increase. We have classified regional inequality approaches into three categories based on two economic theories: 1) spatial equilibrium 2) spatial disequilibrium and 3) in-between approaches. Spatial equilibrium theorists refer to neoclassical theory. These theorists show that regional disparities will reduce over time and there is a negative correlation between national income growth and regional disparities. Spatial disequilibrium theorists refer to new economic geography theory. These theorists are divided into three groups. The first group who presented their studies before Krugman's theory believe that capital and labor move from less desirable area into growing areas. The second group believes that regional inequality will increase after completing Inverted-U model (which proposed by Williamson). The third group claims that there is a positive correlation between economic growth and regional inequality because of scale economies. Recent studies in the field of regional disparities provide a view that has been proposed as an “ in-between approach” . This approach believes that relation between regional disparities and economic growth depends on development level or scale of regions. In some areas the relation between growth and inequality is positive, while it is negative in other areas. This typology shows that we are not sure about pattern of regional disparities evolution. However, it seems that these days, in-between approach is more reliable.

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