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Quranic Doctrines

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Economic man here means those aspects of human behaviors and his spiritualities about which economists study. Since the origin of this debate is capitalist economy, its studding in the light of Islamic teachings must be important. In capitalist economic thought, economic man is defined as who “maximizing self-interest”, selfinterest confined to the material and sublunary interest and its seeking beside instrumental rationality are regarded as is one of its important characteristics. These definition and characteristics are based on the foundations of the west worldview, including, principles of dualism, naturalism, individualism and utilitarianism. In the Quran, the features and mentioned definition form really the “despicable economic man”. Economic and social crisis of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries and their continuation in the third millennium is also a clear evidence for the economic inefficiency of economic man of capital system. This paper reviews and criticizes briefly the west economic man and its foundations and then expresses the definition and the characteristics of the desirable economic man in view of the Quran.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Quranic Doctrines

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The root of the term “religion” and its derivatives have been used hundred and one times in the Quran: ritual and Sharia, punishment and reward and debt. The first meaning is when this word takes the form of “din” and the second meaning is when it takes the form of “madin” and composition of determined and determiner of “Yowm-al-Din” has come in the meaning of “The Day of Judgment” and the third meaning is when it takes the form of “dain”. Meanwhile, in four verses of the Quran (Al-Zariyat, Al- Infitar, Al-Tin and Al-Ma’un) that the word “din” has been used, more translators and interpreters unlike the other cases of the application of the term, it is understood as a meaning other than ritual and religious law. But the careful study and understanding of these verses prove that in these cases, especially in the last three verses like the other applications of this word in the Quran, has been used in the meaning of “ritual, religious law, and Islam” and in chapter of Zariyat this meaning is dominating.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Quranic Doctrines

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This article seeks to explain the semantic position of “pray” in a descriptive way in the Quran. Descriptive semantics reviews the relation of term “pray” with the relevant words in the Quran. There is semantic relation between “pray” and the application of the revealed of words such as seek, call, implore, supplicate, worship, seeking forgiveness and…. One of the important conclusions drawn from the semantic fields of prayer is revealing the deep semantic connection of the pray with the other words of the same field in the Quran. These nexus made the term pray influenced completely under the adjacent words and the semantic system available in the Quran. Exploring these nexus and clearing the semantic development of the pray, this article deals with the evolutionary process of man as a semantic approach in accordance with its degrees.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Quranic Doctrines

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Muhammad Abed Jaberi is a new Mutzilain contemporary intellectual that has examined the stories of the Quran in accordance to its descent. In this attitude, he attempts to rebuild the environment of the invitation of the Islam in according to the type of stories that would descend on the prophet, because in his view, the stories are like a mirror that shows the degrees of the mission of the Prophet and his interaction with people in accepting Islam. This paper reviews and criticizes the view of Jaberi speaks about the degree of descend of the Quran and revealing the reality of the stories. It will be clear through this research that the idea of Jaberi story about the stories of the Quran is based on the principles of the new Mutzilaism but in a new dress, that can be regarded as a new edited version of the new Mutzilain vision to the stories of the Quran.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2013

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Quranic Doctrines

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It is necessary in understanding and interpretation of the Quran to pay attention to the history especially the history of the Age of Ignorant as one of the most important evidence to understand the historical context. Age of ignorant has a crucial role in understanding and interpreting many verses and understanding and finding the roots of established and validated orders. Recognizing the different traditions and customs of the Age of Ignorant like the ritual traditions and customs and sacred rites of the Pilgrimage, social and family customs and traditions, and economic and business customs has a role in understanding and interpretation of the many verses involved. Being aware of the opinions, beliefs and religions of the Age Ignorant has a role in knowing the environment of the descendent of the Quran and understanding many verses of the Quran.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Quranic Doctrines

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The discussion about the traditions of the occasions of the revelation is one of the of the most important discussions of the Quranic-hadith discussions that has been focused on by the Quranic thinkers from distant past to the present and also plays an important role in the correct understanding the Quranic verses. One of an important debate that has been considered less carefully in the past is that what kinds do they have? Which of them is correct? This paper has attempted to examine one of the aspects of the narrations of the occasions of revelation in an analytic-descriptive way and expressing the kinds of occasions of revelation rationally and on the evidence and providing examples and analysis for each of them.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Quranic Doctrines

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Each of the commentators of the Holy Quran has interpreted it so that great variation in their interpretative books and their writings has occurred. Now the question is that to what extent this variation is permissible and how much it can be extended? Given to the semantic distinction between interpretive approaches and trends that will be discussed, it seems that the development of interpretive trends is more possible than interpretive methods. Commentators have had much speech in this field and have created considerable diversity in the interpretive writings. It can also be said that the range of variation depends on the needs and scientific findings of commentators and regarding interpretive rules. This article has provided a new vision in the field of interpretive trends and necessity of separation between methods and attitudes.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Quranic Doctrines

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Enemies have raised the issue of the disproportion and lack of coherence between the verses of the Quran from the time of the Prophet (PBUH). In the recent times, mercenary orientalists have also tried, in their opinion, to disrupt the rhetoric of the revelation.The principle of collaboration that proposed by Grice as a theory of linguistics to explore texts and considering the quality of sharing and receiving messages and producing and getting the implications of the text, as well as discussing and showing the aspects of the literature of the text, has a very high efficiency. Utilizing the principle of collaboration of Grice, this article has looked at the proportion of the verses of the Quran and tried to offer a linguistic and rhetorical justification for the apparent disproportion of the verses of the Holy Quran.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 972

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