Obesity is always associated with chronic (low-grade) inflammation, which causes insulin-resistance in type-II diabetes mellitus. Dramatically, cholesterol level rises with starting diabetes and lower insulin level. With this increment, the statistical observations indicate a high risk of vascular diseases such as atherosclerosis. Therefore, the direct relationship between these complications, which is known to be the most important cause of mortality in these patients, has led scientists to take a serious and effective look at developing strategies and methods for controlling the inflammation of the immune system. Recent findings in the field of medicinal herbals and ingredients has shown that their macromolecules, due to specific structures and viability, have a potential impact on immune function of various aspects such as controlling inflammation, and modification or suppression of specific performance; using of those medicinal plants is emphasized by the World Health Organization, too. The global extensive studies about immunological effects of plant extracts such as Saponin molecules in cedar leaf extract have led to the discovery of compounds with amazing anti-inflammatory effects. Research conducted in Iran and elsewhere on plants containing active ingredient Saponins Christine A has shown that this group of plant molecules, as significant inhibitor of phosphorylation complex, with inhibition of inhibitor Iĸ Bα nuclear factor kappa B (Iĸ Bα-NF-ĸ b), cause to modulate the induction of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) gene expression in the cytoplasm. Moreover, by disrupting the nitric oxide equilibrium in inflammatory environments, it can relieve mild tissue inflammation, which can improve obesity related to type-II diabetes mellitus and its complications. As an overall assessment of the reviewed studies, it can be concluded that the Saponins, especially molecules Saponins Christine A, can be considered seriously as a natural proimmuno-drug in treatment of inflammation of mild chronic obesity in type-II diabetes, and related complications such as insulin resistance, type-II diabetes, hypercholesterolemia, and arteriosclerosis.