Considering the concept of news, it seems that this phenomenon, as an example of artifacts of the human mind, if original, can be considered as a "work of art" whether written or audiovisual, and the rules of literary and artistic property rights would apply to it. Given the ambiguity regarding the possibility of extending literary and artistic property rights to include News and the consequent confusion in some cases, the present study has investigated this issue. What is remarkable is how the inclusion or non-inclusion of News in literary and artistic property rights is affected by the way it is expressed. For example, if news covers a lecture on a scientific, technical, literary or artistic matter, only then it can be supported by paragraph 1 of Article 2 of the Law on Protection of the Rights of Authors, Writers and Artists. However, paragraph 3 of the same article would protect it unconditionally. In which case, it would be close to the laws of the United Kingdom, which explicitly support radio and television programs, including news, regardless of the originality or content.