It is for a long time that the macro-economic crimes and the trial of financial corrupters have been propounded in mass media. Money laundering, as one of the organized crimes, plays a key role in continuation of original crimes. In reality, the perpetrators of the mentioned crimes can only benefit from the revenues of criminal activities through money laundering and perhaps invest in the continuation of illegal activities. However, the exact focus on the fact that why the money laundering is criminalized, and what necessities justify its criminalization have been less into consideration. Effects that there are in the nature of the crime of money laundering, such as damages to economic, social, and political security of the country justify the necessity of criminalization of money laundering, but if this necessity be placed in a particular model of criminalization, it can help better understanding the necessity of criminalization of money laundering. In fact, the reason of the necessity to this understand is the intangibility of the effects of the money laundering for the population in comparison with offenses such as murder, theft, etc. Hence, using Jonathan Shenshuk’s model of criminalization “refinement or filter” and adopting the processes of this model to the inner features of money laundering, this paper presents an analysis of the need for criminalization of money laundering