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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Given the social and economic costs that crime poses to society, avoiding it is of high importance for persistent growth of communities and businesses. That is why many researchers are looking for the impact of economic cycles on crime trend. The present study is aimed at investigating the impact of unemployment cycles and Gross Domestic Product (GDP) on crime. To achieve this goal, three crime indicators in the framework of four models have been used. In the first and second models, financial crimes and violent crimes are considered as a dependent variable, and in the third and fourth models, the total crime index is considered as a dependent variable. The distinction between the third and fourth model is in the use of gender segregation variables. In this regard, data analysis was performed using the autoregressive model with distributional interruptions during the years 2001-2007, and indicates that in the first three models only short-term relationships are confirmed, while in the fourth model the long-term relationship also exists. According to short-term relationships and in the recession periods, unemployment has a negative impact on financial crimes, violent crimes, and the index of overall crimes. GDP growth has also had a negative impact on financial crimes and overall crime, while it has had a positive impact on violent crimes. On the other hand, during the boom period, unemployment has a positive relationship with financial crimes and the overall crime index, and has had a negative relationship with violent crimes. GDP growth has a positive relationship with financial crimes but has a negative relationship with violent crimes and the overall crimes index. Finally, the fourth model shows the more prominent role of women than men in increasing crime rate in the short and long term. Therefore, according to the findings of the study, in any economic situation appropriate policies and strategies could be adopted to predict, fight and control crime; and improve security level.

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زمینه و هدف: این پژوهش در پی آن است عرصه تحلیل قوانین حاکم بر امنیت اجتماعی که یکی از مهم ترین حوزه های پژوهشی مطالعات امنیتی و جامعه شناسی است را با نگاه منظومه ای در اندیشه والای یکی از نخبگان سیاسی جهانی شیعه و مجتهدی مسلم که هم رهبری جامعه اسلامی را بر عهده دارد و هم فرمانده کل قواست، ارزیابی نماید. بنابراین هدف از انجام این پژوهش ارائه قوانین حاکم بر منظومه فکری مقام معظم رهبری (مدظله العالی) در حوزه امنیت اجتماعی می باشد. روش شناسی: روش تحقیق در این پژوهش، روش کیفی و از نوع توصیفی-تحلیلی است. اطلاعات هم به دو شیوه اسنادی کتابخانه ای جمع آوری شده است. جامعه آماری پژوهش، تمام بیانات مقام معظم رهبری و همچنین مصاحبه با خبرگان بوده است. حجم نمونه نیز به صورت تمام شمار و تجزیه و تحلیل داده ها با استفاده از تحلیل محتوا انجام گرفته است. یافته ها: یافته های پژوهش حاکی از آنست که افکار معظم له بلا استثناء از قوانین پیروی می کند و چون معظم له فقیه و مجتهد جامع الشرایط و دانش آموخته مکتب تشیع است، قوانینی که در سرتاسر این منظومه افکار معظم له را احاطه کرده است، احکام قرآن و قوانین فقهی شیعه ناب محمدی (صلی الله علیه و آله) است. این قوانین رابط بین مبانی، مفاهیم، اهداف و نتایج امنیت اجتماعی در افکار معظم له است. نتیجه گیری: نتایج پژوهش نشانگر آن است که قوانین مستخرج از بیانات معظم له در حوزه امنیت اجتماعی عبارتند از: وحدت، حرمت رباخوری، حرمت غیبت، حرمت تهمت و افترا، حرمت دروغ، حرمت چشم چرانی، حرمت شرب خمر، قصاص، کرامت انسان، قاعده ارشاد، عدم تعرض مالی و اکل مال به باطل، پرهیز از ظن و گمان سوء، قاعده الاصل دلیل حیث لادلیل، قاعده لاضرار، قاعده تلازم، عفت و پاکدامنی و قاعده اعتدال.

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Background and Aim: Security and the concept of security feeling as a vital and important issue is a multidimensional variable. In the present era, more than any other period, security is considered as one of the basic needs for human life. This concept has two dimensions: objective and subjective. The main purpose of the present study was investigating the subjective dimension, i. e. the security feeling among the citizens of Zahedan and its relationship with religiosity and mass media and some contextual variables. Method: The present research is of survey type. The data collection tool is a self-made questionnaire. The statistical population of the study consists of citizens living in Zahedan. Cluster sampling method of probability proportional to size (PPS) was used to select the samples. The sample size was 384 people. Conclusion: The research findings show there is a positive and significant correlation between piety and security feeling; however, with regard to the relationship between the use of mass media and the security feeling, it is stated that the use of mass media has a significant relationship with the dimensions of the security feeling (financial, chastity and moral). Of course, it has direct impact on both financial and moral dimensions, while it has reverse impact on chastity. However, in general, in all dimensions, the above hypothesis does not confirm that using mass media affects the security feeling. The results of multiple regressions also indicate that the overall independent variables explain 10. 9% of the changes in the dependent variable (security feeling).

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Societal security is one of the most basic aspects of life in today’ s society and therefore the main purpose of this study was to predict societal security based on social health, communication skills and living skills among women living in areas around Tabriz. The present research was of descriptive correlational type. According to the latest statistics around 80, 000 women lived in areas around Tabriz. From among the statistical population of the study, using available sampling method 350 women were selected based on Morgan table and they were provided with questionnaires and then the filled in questionnaires were collected. The results of multiple regression analysis showed that the dimensions of social health are able to predict changes in women’ s societal security. In addition, the variable of social participation has a greater impact on societal security. The dimensions of communication skills are also able to predict changes in societal security and the variable of interpretation and clarity of the audience’ s speech has a greater impact on societal security. Dimensions of living skills are able to predict changes in societal security. In addition, the variable related to human relations has greater impact on societal security.

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Background and Aim: The police, inspired by past policies and in line with performing their legal duty of mediation, take measures to resolve the criminal phenomenon between the disputing parties. In this regard, police stations’ counselling and social work departments are involved in performing the duty. Therefore, the present research is aimed at investigating the role of Mashhad police stations’ counseling and social work departments as mediator in enhancing the social capital of NAJA. Methodology: The present research, in terms of purpose, is of applied type; in terms of depth it is expansive and in terms of implementation and research conditions control, it is a survey using a questionnaire as a measurement tool. Given the subject, the present study has two different statistical populations. The first statistical population consists of the experts of counseling and social work departments of Mashhad police stations, in order to determine the organizational performance to achieve theoretical saturation (30 people), and the second statistical population consists of the clients of counseling and social work departments of Mashhad police stations. In this stage, the volume of the sample was determined to be 162 persons. Multi-stage cluster sampling method was utilized, and 8 police stations performing under supervision of 4 major police stations were randomly selected and data was collected. Findings: The research findings indicate that there are significant relationships between the variables presented in the research hypotheses. Therefore, there is a significant relationship between the independent variables of the performance of police counseling and social work departments, the level of satisfaction from service utilization and clients' satisfaction with services and the dependent variable of research and police societal capital. Conclusion: The results of the research show that the remaining variables in the regression model, including the variables of performance of police counseling and social work departments and client satisfaction with the services of police counseling and social work departments, have the most impact on the police social capital variable, respectively. And based on the amended definition, they have managed to explain 23% of changes in police societal capital.

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Background and Objectives: Security is one of the most important needs for the stability of a society, and paves the ground for its growth and development. The police performance in various ways can be effective in maintaining security feeling. The present study was aimed at investigating the impact of police support on female students' security feeling studying in Sari schools. Method: The research is of survey type, and of applied type in terms of purpose. According to the statistics of the Education Department of Sari, the statistical population includes 9040 female high school students studying in Sari. The sample size was 386persons who were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling, based on Cochran's formula. A questionnaire was used for collecting data. The collected data was analyzed using SPSS and Pearson t-test analysis and regression. Results: The analytical findings of the study indicate that the three variables of police performance (with Pearson coefficient 0. 68), variable of trust in police (Pearson coefficient 0. 58) and police social support variable (Pearson coefficient 0. 56) have a positive and significant relationship with the female students’ security feeling. Also, the presence of police around school at the time female students enter and leave school (with the above three constituents) has managed to explain (54%) more than half of the security feeling of female students.

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Hossini goli Esmail | EFTEKHARI ASGHAR | Assarzadeh Noushabadi Mohammad Reza | Mayeli Mohammad Reza

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The present study is aimed at identifying the harms of the relationship between the political elites’ media and information literacy and the Islamic Republic of Iran’ s internal security during 2009-2010 in order to improve the administration’ s internal security. The research method is analytical survey and in terms of nature is categorized as of intermingled (quantitative-qualitative) research type. A researcher-made questionnaire prepared based on the components and characteristics of media literacy and information literacy, was used for collecting research data. The validity of the questionnaire was of content validity type (formal logic) and the reliability of the questionnaire, 987% was obtained using Cronbach's alpha method. The statistical population included the managers of widely circulated newspapers, managers at the level of deputy ministers and lecturers of political sciences faculties based in Tehran. The volume of the sample using Cochran's formula is set for 284 people. Findings: Following the review of 81 relationships of the conceptual model, it came out that there are 5 relationships in the section of media literacy variable, and 41 relationships in the section of information literacy; and in total taking into account two variables of media and information literacy, 46 relationships of the political elites’ media and information literacy harms are related to Islamic Republic of Iran’ s internal security. Conclusion: Considering the required capabilities and skills for utilizing media and information technologies and the impact of media and information literacy of political elites on improving the internal security of the administration, governmental agencies and institutions should take the required measures to empower the political elites.

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