Background and Aim: Due to the obvious consequences of natural crises such as earthquakes in disrupting public order and security, law enforcement is always known as one of the main pillars of managing such crises. The main purpose of this study is to identify the methods of disciplinary management in earthquake crisis in the framework of pre-crisis, post-crisis and post-crisis stages. Method: This research is of classical Delphi type in terms of practical purpose and in terms of nature and is among the exploratory and survey researches. Using targeted sampling and snowballs, the participation of 25 law enforcement commanders who had a history of responsibility in managing the country's earthquake crises in recent decades in the Delphi group was used. The final data obtained from the Delphi questionnaire were analyzed using descriptive statistical tests and Kendall's inferential inference test. Results: The findings of the qualitative stage revealed 111 propositions in the field of earthquake management, which were divided into 15 different dimensions based on their content, including 5 pre-crisis stages, 6 intra-crisis stages and 4 post-crisis dimensions. During the two stages of the Delphi survey, an acceptable consensus of more than 70% was achieved in all dimensions. Conclusion: Based on the results of the research, the pre-crisis police management model in 5 dimensions, including command measures, staff training and empowerment, logistical and defense measures, bedrock of internal and external interaction; During the crisis in 6 dimensions, including crisis command, preparedness and dispatch of police forces and equipment, urban and suburban traffic management, crime control and disorder, earthquake-affected staff, protection-security measures and post-crisis in 4 dimensions, Includes the normalization of regulatory conditions in the earthquake-stricken area, control and monitoring measures, repair and reconstruction, and strategic analysis.