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عقلانیت خط مشی گذاران در صحنه تصمیم، در مصاف با انواع ایدئولوژی ها، باورها، ارزش ها، اسطوره ها و کهن الگوهای قومی و مذهبی، چالش هایی بس سترگ و نهادین دارد؛ به ویژه شانتاژهای ایدئولوژیک و مهار آنها در عرصه خط مشی، کاری بس دشوار است؛ به طوری که تاریخ گواه است که عرصه های خط مشی گذاری عمومی،به شدت آسیب خورده....

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Objective: The purpose of this study is to illustrate the process of applying the “ new public management” approach in the country, explain the approach that has been implemented in practice and compare it with the claimed approach. Methods: In this research, a mixed-methods research design has been used. In the qualitative stage, the strategy of grounded theory (Strauss and Corbin’ s systematic design) and the theoretical sampling method have been used. In a quantitative stage, a survey and correlation strategy was used and 400 people were selected as a sample using the multistage random sampling method. To estimate the parameters and perform structural equation modeling, the maximum likelihood method has been used in Amos 24 software. Results: The results of research in both qualitative and quantitative sections show that imitation and convergence with the global trend are the main factors in choosing the "new public management" approach. The results also show the weak effect of choosing the "new public management" approach and the relatively strong effect of specific conditions on increasing the inefficiency of the current management approach of the country. The choice of the "new public management" approach in the country, along with the specific conditions of the management system, has led to greater inefficiency and increased negative consequences. Conclusion: In a general conclusion, it can be said that improving the three important components of good governance, namely the rule of law, transparency and control of corruption are the main prerequisites for applying the “ new public management” approach and its main pillar, namely privatization. Otherwise, applying this approach in the public sector will have much more negative consequences.

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Baki Hashemi Seyed Mohammad Mehdi | EBRAHIMI SEYED ABBAS | Farhadinejad Mohsen | YAZDIZADEH BAHAREH

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Objective: Policy conflict is defined as the non-compliance of the policy with the principles and standards of policy or the lack of coordination between two or more policies with each other or with upstream documents, which causes the performance to deviate from the policy goal and unpleasant consequences. The purpose of this study is to provide a framework for explaining policy conflict in the Iranian health policy system. Methods: To answer the main research question, which is the elements affecting the policy conflict in the policy-making process of the Iranian health system? A mixed approach was used. To perform the Delphi method, the opinions of 13 experts were received in the form of three rounds of questionnaires. Then, the effect or variability of the variables was determined through a fuzzy Dematel questionnaire and in the next step, the structural equation modeling method was used. Results: Conflict variables of health system policies including settings of internal elements of policy, typology of actors, ideological characteristics, performance contexts, environmental characteristics, conflict resolution tools, conflict identification channels, conflict resolution strategies and finally conflict resolution consequences were identified. Using quantitative methods, the relationships and directions between the variables and the intensity of their effect were determined in the context of line conflict. Conclusion: The conclusion is that health policymakers while teaching scientific standards of policy management, should identify the factors influencing each decision situation and use appropriate strategies to manage policy conflict to create policies with the least non-functional conflict and the most coherence and synergy.

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Objective: This research is aimed at understanding the roots and axial concept of Managers Decidophobia with Using Grounded Theory Ministry of the Interior and Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs. Methods: This Mixed-methods research uses a systematic integration of quantitative and qualitative data. Research Onion Saunders (2009) Rationalistic philosophies, Combined approach, Strategies grounded theory, choices Mixed methods, Time horizons Cross-Sectional, Techniques and procedures Library-square. The qualitative part is the GT and the quantitative part utilizes a structural equation modeling. The qualitative part used semi-structured interviews for its data collection and a researcher made questionnaire quantitative section the validity and reliability of the confirmed. Results: The data analysis, identified 169 open codes and 22 axial, 10 selective categories. Among these dimensions is evasion in decision-making, inability to understand the problem, fear of facing decision making and abstract decision making related to the variable of Managers Decidophobia (the axial phenomenon) and weakness in decision making, fear of consequences decision, organizational climate, lack of program-oriented organizational decisions, lack of decision making experience, lack of access to real information, related to the causative conditions affecting the axial phenomenon were identified. Conclusion: Based on the findings of the qualitative part and the confirmation of the relationship between dimensions and variables using the identified codes it was determined that causal conditions with acceptable effect coefficients and significance coefficients affect the phenomenon of Managers Decidophobia. The GOF, Q2, Rsquare and Fsqare criteria for the structural model and the measurement models were calculated using the Smart PLS 3 software. It is also worth mentioning that all of the mentioned variables had allowed and acceptable values.

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Objective: Due to the importance of citizen participation in governance, a lot of research has been done to explain this concept and each of them has looked at it from one angle, and this has caused confusion and dispersion in explaining the concept of citizen participation. The purpose of this study is to provide the conceptual model of citizen participation in order to organize previous studies Methods: This qualitative research has an applied orientation and its approach is deductive and its time horizon is one-section and the data collection method is documentary study and thematic analysis technique has been used to analyze the data. Results: In this research, in the first stage four overarching themes of “ Types of citizen participation", "factors affecting citizen participation", "requirements of citizen participation" and "consequences of citizen participation" were defined through studying the literature of participation and citizen participation. Then the main themes and sub themes of these overarching themes were identified by gathering and analysing the studies about these overarching themes. In consequence the main themes of participation method, degree of concentration, participants, subject, context and time were identifed under the overarching theme of “ Types of citizen participation", the main themes of human factors and organizational factors were identifed under the overarching theme of "factors affecting citizen participation", and the similar main themes of related to governance and related to citizens were identifed under the overarching themes of "requirements of citizen participation" and "consequences of citizen participation". Conclusion: It is expected that this research, while providing a comprehensive picture of the concept of citizenship participation, can theoretically organize it and create a common concept in this field and help to realize it in practice.

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Objective: In the present study, an attempt has been made to compare the governance patterns in relation to the coronavirus in the studied countries. Methods: The research method is a comparative study and 31 countries with the highest prevalence of coronavirus have been studied. Secondary data were collected and analyzed from international or regional organizations monitoring coronavirus. Results: The research findings show that in the studied countries 1) the death rate and the expansion rate of coronavirus are at the expected level; 2) despite using similar policies in the fight against Corona, the policy implementation tools are different; 3) management and coordination mechanisms are designed under the supervision of the highest executive authority; 4) governance capacity in the fight against Coronavirus is low, but the government stringency is high; and 5 political stability is the only component of governance excellence that affects the rate of corona expansion. Conclusion: Studies on the fight against Coronavirus have been less conducted with a governance approach. The study was able to reveal the similarities and differences between the governing patterns of the fight against Corona in different countries.

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Objective: According to the community conditions and the prevalence of COVID-19 disease, the evolution of education, awareness and familiarity of officials and managers with the concepts, attitudes and approaches of virtual education in the organization to achieve goals, respond to problems and establish a virtual education system. Efficient seems necessary. Therefore, the main purpose of this study is to design a model for providing virtual education in line with the strategies of the Social Security Organization. Methods: The research method is applied in terms of purpose and using the data theory of the foundation qualitatively and sampling in a theoretical way and using targeted techniques (judgment) and snowball (chain), based on which to saturation Theoretical data, interviews with experts and experts of the organization were conducted. Results: The results of data analysis obtained through an open, centralized and selective coding process, led to the creation of data-based theory in the field of virtual education and the designed model includes causal, contextual, mediating, constituent elements. Shows the consequences and strategies for implementing a public policy. Conclusion: The results of this study can be used by brokers and policymakers in order to increase the effectiveness of virtual training in the organization. Also, providing virtual education in the current situation, especially the common disease, is a basic need and enriches the theoretical gap in terms of literature and theoretical foundations. Finally, practical suggestions for improving virtual education were provided.

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Objective: In organizations in which electoral mechanisms have little effect on senior management change and non-functional indicators play a prominent role in the retention of officials in power, they show a clear desire to continue in office. This has been explained by brain psychologists through the hubris phenomenon. Hubris is a personality change that is stimulated by an external factor-power-and through changes in brain chemistry, the dark side of managers' personalities is revealed. This phenomenon often leads to negative personal and organizational consequences. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to design a conceptual model of the Hubris phenomenon in senior managers of governmental organizations. Methods: In this study, a sequential mixed method (qualitative-quantitative) research design was implemented in three steps. The grounded theory (GT) was performed in the first step to identify the effective factors on the Hubris phenomenon by interviewing 15 senior managers of governmental organizations. The Delphi method was then used in the second step to determine the importance and the third step, confirmatory factor analysis was performed by designing a questionnaire. At this step, 471 managers were surveyed. Results: In this study, the core category was extracted through 3 dimensions (managerial basis, personality-neurotic and functional) along with 12 components and the final model was presented by causal conditions, context, intervening conditions, strategies and consequences. Factors affecting the Hubris phenomenon as well as their strategies and prioritization were investigated using the Delphi method and the results of the confirmatory factor analysis of the axial phenomenon are presented. Conclusion: In this study, Awareness of the nature of the Hubris phenomenon helps to find the right roots for the implementation of strategies and mechanisms to overcome the negative consequences of this phenomenon and increase the general index of health and productivity. The present study in the field of leadership and the Hubris phenomenon brings theoretical innovations and helps employers and researchers to better understand the pattern of the Hubris phenomenon.

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