This study deals with the mystical attribute of modesty in some of the most important mystical works up to the ninth century (AH). The basis of this research is based on the analysis of modesty from mystical path and behavior point of view. This study, which has been written in a descriptive-analytical way, shows that the modesty adjective in the speech of some mystics, in each of the three levels of behavior, has a different approach and has been transformed in terms of content. As in the first place, mystical journey, which is the status of differences, has a positive and diligent nature. In this field, the seeker tries to achieve modesty and its accessories. In the second place, which is the status of annihilation, the divine attraction makes the seeker mortal from the virtual existence and all of its attributes, so in the mystics, modesty has found a negative and purifying characteristic, its effort fades and its attribution is abandoned to modesty. But in the third degree, that is, the position of survival, the mystic becomes the manifestation of the divine attributes. Hence, modesty, in the mystic after deprivation, is again positive, but transformed. The result of this study shows that although the words of most mystics about modesty correspond to the orderly characteristics of difference, the words of some of them, in addition to the degree of difference, overlap with the characteristics and rules of annihilation and the degree of survival.