The concept of "citizenship rights", despite its antiquity in human civilizations, is a new term and with its definitions, it covers a wide range of areas of life, including political, security, judicial, cultural, social and economic. . The purpose of this study was to evaluate the citizenship rights of student-teachers. The statistical population of this study was the three campuses of Shahid Mofteh, Martyrs of Mecca and Nasibeh of Tehran province from Farhangian University with 1948 people in the second semester of the 97-98 academic year. The sample size was determined based on the Cochran 320 formula, which were selected by available sampling. In order to collect data, a 28-item researcher-made questionnaire with a range of five Likert options was used. After confirming the validity of the questionnaire by ten professors in the field of educational sciences, its combined reliability was calculated to be 0. 90. Spss24 and Smart-PLS software were used to analyze the data using descriptive statistics and structural equations. The results of this study showed that the current situation of student-teacher citizenship rights is less than average and each of the components of "educational-research", "political", "cultural-social", "union-welfare" and "disciplinary" respectively in "Citizenship rights" have a share; Together, these factors explain approximately 0. 66 of the variance in student-teacher citizenship rights.