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Fih-e-ma-Fih is one of the most important works of Molavi in which there are deep issues about holly Mohammad and his position. We plan to analyze the Molavi's distinct attitude toward Mohammad by comparing him to other prophets in Fih-e-Ma-Fih at this paper, a fact which can analyze Molavi's point of view thoroughly about this subject at two chapters: first, Mohammad's path and Mohammad's religion at which aspects of distinction between Islam and Mohammad's path will been explain by describing the both of them, and second chapter is Mohammad's position which will been study and analyze in five important principles: guardianship (velayat), visitation state, gentility of Mohammad' s existence as a first creature and logos, divine love and influence station of God's names.

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Peter Berger (1929), is among sociologists who has examined religion from sociological and theological perspectives, and has been the source of many impacts on the sociology of religion. Berger is the pioneer of the theory of secularization and perhaps the most effective one in this regard; and his ideas is still used by many proponents of secularization. However, the change in his position on secularization has also - because of the importance of his stands – influenced greatly on the decline of secularization process. The elaboration of his views on diversity in the modern world has influenced new perspectives in the sociology of religion. Berger’s ideas about the symbolic world have been widely used by interpreters of Holy Scriptures and sociologists of religion. This article is trying, citing original sources, to investigate Berger's position and ideas in four categories: secularization, the decline of secularization, pluralism and the symbolic approach to religion.

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The present paper tries to review the basic components of political sovereignty from the viewpoint of the school of Separationism based on Qazi Abd al-Jabbar's point of view. Therefore, it's been tried, using an analytic-descriptive approach to the data collected by library method, to look at the roots of the thought of political sovereignty and to present the view of the school of Separationism, in spite of the different interpretations in this school, to government and the position of the ruler. Besides, the issue of the necessary features of the ruler and its principles and also the issue of inerrancy in the thought of Separationism are dealt with. The plan of separating higher and lower Imamate and the inclination of Mutazilites of Baghdad to the necessity of higher Imamate is one of the leaps of thought in the schools in Separationism among Sunnis. In the idea of Separationism, the way to access Imam takes sample from the method of selection, and since there is the possibility of error in the behavior of the ruler of the society, some conditions for enjoining the good and forbidding the evil in proportion to its levels are explained in intellectual system of Mutazilites. The results of recognizing the ideas of Mutazilites play a role in explaining the components and features of sovereignty in the critical analysis of the degree of loyalty of this movement to the slogan of rationality and the importance of this issue is clear regarding the idea of the dominance of this thought in the early centuries of the history of the Islamic thought and the different kinds of reactions to the method and approach of Separationism.

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Mulla Sadra Shirazi by his fundamentals like fundamentality of existence, existential gradation and the unity of being, believes that love equals being and explains how the love moves in all particles in the universe. He maintains that love is divine nature of human existence and it is full of wisdom and expediency sees. Although the description of love by the theory of Fundamentality of existence is of the features of Sadra’s philosophy, Ibn Sina before him has presented the subject of love in “Risalah al Ishq” and its particles that is similar to sages and gnostics’ point of view. He has been affected by Avecina’s view point of love.his transcendent wisdom is based on principles and fundamentals which are less known before him as a philosophical system infrastructure. Fundamentality of existence, existential gradation, equivalence of being with science and life, change in substance, unity of reason, rational and reasonable, connective being, are some of the fundamental principles of Sadra's wisdom. This paper examines the position of these fundamentals bases on Mulla Sadra's knowledge of love.

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One of the important issues in the monotheistic religions is the felicity and perfection of man. This felicity in Islam and Christianity is the felicitous transformation of the person so that one becomes near to God or achieves proximity to Him. From the perspective of the Noble Qur’an and the New Testament, this is a real ontological transformation, although it is gradual. According to these two holy books it is a “new life and new birth”, “Migration to the Lord” and “illumination”. However, in spite of these common points, given the fundamental differences between Christian and Islamic theology and anthropology, especially those Christian teachings based on the writings of Paul, these two traditions also have points of difference. In Islam, the entire discussion centers on the approach to God. However, in Christianity, what is meant by proximity is union with Christ or God, presence in the family of God or becoming a child of God. In Islam, on the other hand, proximity is usually based on faith and good works, while in Christianity the emphasis is on the divine grace through which faith and proximity are given.

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Straight Way is a challenging issue which has been attended to in various fields by the researchers, experts and commentators. Mystics, especially Muhyiddin Arabi and the mystics after him, have paid special attention to this issue. The purpose of the present study was to analyze the mystical perspective of Ibn Arabi and some commentators of his mystical theories on Straight Way which have been proposed with regard to the mystical approach to verse 56 of Hud Surah. This study was a descriptive-analytical study. Interruption in the punishment of hell residents without departing from hell, the division of Straight Way to Behavioral and Existential, and the distinction between "the Straight Way" (Allah`s way) and "Straight Way" (god`s way) were among the topics discussed in this study. The findings of this inquiry indicated that, according to the opinion of mystics, the Existential Straight Way existing in the Descending Arc of creation is related to all entities with no distinction and differences; while, "the Behavioral Straight Way" is related to the Ascending Arc of creation and is restricted to humans; it is what distinguishes humans from other creatures and also determines the position of each human being in achieving human perfection. In addition, punishment is eventually removed from hell residents because the mercy of God is prior to his wrath; despite their residence in hell, the residents are released from its pains and punishments.

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The Philosophical-theosophical theory of “The First Designation” is macro-theory about instant of “Phenomenon Existence” and the formation of emanation of multiplicities from the Unique. This subject is one of fundamental and hardest problems in “Islamic mysticism”. Since Ibn-Arabi is the father of theoretical mysticism in Islamic world and so his view about one-ness existence is the foundation of his theoretical structure be arranged by “The First Designation” study about this subject can be very important. Since this term in review of Ibn-Arabi’s work, especially in the great book of Ibn-Arabi: Al-Futuhat al-Makkiyya, is not clear, in this research effort will be by appropriate review of Ibn-Arabi’s works determine a equivalent for this term. And so we try to explain and analyze this equivalent of that term. All these issues will be descriptive-analytical method and will be according to Ibn-Arabi’s view and his students in this subject.

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