One of the important issues in the monotheistic religions is the felicity and perfection of man. This felicity in Islam and Christianity is the felicitous transformation of the person so that one becomes near to God or achieves proximity to Him. From the perspective of the Noble Qur’an and the New Testament, this is a real ontological transformation, although it is gradual. According to these two holy books it is a “new life and new birth”, “Migration to the Lord” and “illumination”. However, in spite of these common points, given the fundamental differences between Christian and Islamic theology and anthropology, especially those Christian teachings based on the writings of Paul, these two traditions also have points of difference. In Islam, the entire discussion centers on the approach to God. However, in Christianity, what is meant by proximity is union with Christ or God, presence in the family of God or becoming a child of God. In Islam, on the other hand, proximity is usually based on faith and good works, while in Christianity the emphasis is on the divine grace through which faith and proximity are given.