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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources


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Poetry as one of the most fundamental ways of conveying meaning and connection with others is based on the two pillars of thought and imagination in the linguistic figures of speech. The thought that sits on the wing of imagination is easier to be engraved in the heart and mind of the audience. Ghadir event has been the subject of some poems since the very first years after its occurrence. The poets of Ghadir, as the narrators of this prophetic hadith, have played an undeniable role in keeping it alive, lasting, impressing the audience and explaining the various dimensions of Ghadir. After a brief explanation of the concept of poetry and its place in Islamic culture, this paper has tried to focus on the ode of Joljolieh composed by Amr ibn al-’ As ibn Wa’ il (43 AH) in the first century AH and by analyzing the implications of this poem, the study also seeks to show the contribution of Ghadir’ s poetry in the historical description and explanation of the dimensions of Ghadir’ s event and turning it into an identity sign for the followers of the Ahl al-Bayt school or giving them an identity.

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Islamic mysticism is summarized in "Theory of Wilayah", and hadith of Ghadir is the main evidence for proving the place of guardianship of Wali Allah al-Azam (Imam Mahdi), Amir al-Mumenin Ali and other Shiite Imams. Ghadir is in fact the most important order of the Qur’ an and includes divine revelation, which is the essence of Islam and mysticism, and invites everyone to obey the order of the Amir al-Mu’ minin, which are called the umbrella of mysticism and Shiism. Hence, mystical sources place "guardianship" in a more comprehensive position than prophecy and even higher. In Islamic mysticism, it begins with the martyrdom of Hassan Basri on Ghadir and continues as a comprehensive theory, from the theory of the perfect man in theoretical mysticism to technology in practical mysticism. In Persian poetic and prose mystical literature, it also appears in the form of significant literary types, in which poems of Ghadir are considered the most beautiful Wilayah and Alawi poems. It also appears in Wilat Nameh (a collection of books including love of Imam Ali and his guardianship), Fotowat Nameh (A collection of book about manliness of Imam Ali), letters, speeches and even in the discoveries and intuitions of mystics, examples of which are counted and presented in this paper. This paper has been carried out based on descriptive and analytical methods.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Waseei Sayyid Alireza

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Ghadir in the history of Islam, which is related to the most important aspect of social life of Muslims, has long been the subject of many dialogues among Islamic sects. Although, few people have denied the origin of that event, many ways have been tested in recognizing and analyzing its content. In the meantime, what the Shiites look at from a religious point of view is important to develop and explain seriously, because based on that event, beyond the political approach, they have observed the continuation of prophecy in the Imamate. One of the fundamental concerns is what message Ghadir really had for Muslims and how such a message can be summed up with human reasoning and human will. This study seeks to answer the central question from the perspective of civilization with the interdisciplinary method of political-historical philosophy, that how the action of the Messenger of God (Prophet Muhammad) in Ghadir is compatible with the socio-political rights of Muslims, according to what the Shiites believe. Although Ghadir has been talked about from many perspectives and many works and books have emerged, it still needs to be studied from the perspective of civilization. The findings of this paper suggest that the Prophet’ s action in introducing his successor, the Muslim ruler, from a civilizational point of view, was a response to the needs of the Muslim community and the continuation of prophetic actions, namely freeing man from bondage, developing his will and freedom.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Isma’ iliyah pays special attention to Ghadir as a manifestation of Ali’ s Imamate due to their explicit belief in the Imamate. This attention is reflected in the oldest surviving works of the Isma’ ilis. With the establishment of the Isma’ ili state and its promotion to the level of the Fatimid caliphate and empire with its capital in Africa (Tunisia) and then Cairo, the event of Ghadir became one of the special occasions and festivals for the Isma’ ilis. What can be deduced from the reports of historical sources is the great glory of the Ghadir rituals in Egypt as well as in the Levant and Yemen. Performing special rituals such as prayers and Du’ a on the night and day of Eid Ghadir, giving alms, slaughtering animals, military parades in the presence of the caliph and other officials, and giving gifts are among the Fatimid rituals on this day. Sermon recitation is one of the rituals of Ghadir celebration, which has been an opportunity for historical review of Ghadir and teaching Shiite teachings. The poetic heritage of the Fatimids about Ghadir is one of the themes that this paper has focused on.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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ABIAT ATI | Al Saedi Hossein

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The Holy Qur’ an is one of the most important artistic sources that many poets, old and new writers and thinkers have used to enrich their artistic experiences. The Holy Qur’ an has had many literary and intellectual studies due to its miraculous style and high value. Thus, writers and poets were influenced by its meanings, methods, and stories through the method of narration in the past-or modern intertextuality. They began to invest its meanings, concepts, values, and revelations in their creativity. One of the bearers of the Qur’ an who has been greatly influenced by this miraculous book is Imam Hadi, who through the Qur’ an, has invited people to selfcontrol, asceticism and abstinence from worldly pleasures, defending the truth, resisting oppression and deception, remembering the Hereafter and its happiness, the destruction of the world and its pleasures. The current study seeks to show as much as possible the intertextual religious data of the Qur’ an that is represented in the poems attributed to Imam Hadi, despite the fact that the Imam did not recite much poetry and that Imam composed a few poems. This paper intends to identify the mechanism of using the Holy Qur’ an through a descriptive-analytical approach and the effect of this use on the development of semantic domains of the text of Imam Hadi’ s poems and to determine the effect of this reminder on the audience’ s mind.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Alavi Mehr Hossein

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Verse 67 of Surah Ma’ idah is known as the verse of Tabligh (propagation) which raises the issue of Imam Ali’ s guardianship on the day of Ghadir. In this verse, God has commanded His Prophet to convey the message of Ali’ s guardianship to all people, which is equivalent to the whole mission of the Prophet of Islam. This paper proves the relationship between the verse of Tabligh and the guardianship of Ali ibn Abi Talib in Ghadir through using a descriptive-analytical method, in a comparative form, and according to the views of Fariqain (The two sects in Islam). There are common areas between Shiite and Sunni interpretations in the verse, which indicate the relationship between the verse and Ghadir and the guardianship of Imam Ali. Shiite commentators have also used basic principles of the verse, which are related to Ghadir, and the guardianship of Imam Ali. The most important argument for this claim is the narrations of Fariqain, which show that the verse of Tabligh is related to the introduction of Imam Ali as" Mawla "and the guardian on the day of Ghadir. It is also related to the verse of Ikmal, and these hadiths have been quoted frequently from Shiites and Sunnis, which cannot be denied.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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