Different methods for prioritization and selection of agility capabilities are presented. And most of them are compensatory multi-criteria decision making methods. With Compensation methods in some cases sufficiently accurate and precise results are not achieved. Because of the weakness of an agility, capabilities in one criteria will be offset by strengths in other criteria. In this paper, using the technique of data envelopment analysis an approach for prioritizing agility capabilities is offered. This method has higher accuracy compared with previous methods. This study was conducted in two successive stages. Agility drivers have been identified in the first stage, and in the second phase the required capabilities to meet the drivers, are prioritized. Firstly, based on three criteria of difficulties, the impact on the activities of the organization and intensity of change, organizational agility drivers ranked and key drivers are selected. The fuzzy TOPSIS and fractional programming techniques are used. Secondly, using the fuzzy DEA technique agility capabilities derived from the research literature base on their impact on key agility drivers are assessed and prioritized. Method presented in one piece construction of state-owned industries has been examined.