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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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This study attempts to identify the ways in which technology and industry have brought about consequences in Kurdish-populated areas. The aim is, also, to determine whether any difference of attitude can be discerned among those who work in industrial and non-industrial sectors. A combination of methods such as group-centrism, focus group, deep interview, oral history, and questionnaire have been used for data-gathering phase; sampling strategy has been based on theoretical, proposed, and eventual sampling. The project type, then, can be referred to as combinative continuous-explanatory project and data gathering method as combinative inter-methodic. Based on grounded theory approach, a model have been offered for depicting the consequences associated with entry of technology to a traditional society, its core concept is "abort development" or "disordered development". This core concept includes all major concepts, categories, and sub-categories of study. Private and Cooperation sectors' tendency to industry and establishing quick impact economic institutes are among contextual factors affecting technology entry to this traditional society. An interactive circumstance includes two dimentions: unawareness-indifference and reception-acception. Its consequential dimensions include modern values, development-seeking values, rational values, equalitarian values, ethical values, and traditional values. The results of logistic regression analysis indicate that the probability of accepting value-norm related changes is higher in factory system. Findings of second model of logistic analysis model suggests that gender produces variance in probability patterns of value-norm change acceptance. An interesting point in the third model is that source place, on its own, cannot be considered an important factor in fostering value-norm changes, because with other demographic-social attributes being controlled, no difference can be detected between factory and non-factory systems, in terms of probability of value change acceptance.

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Intra-group conflict is a part of group work and life and is present in some form at all groups. Being unknown and not replied correctly, it will be a dysfunction. Based on available theoretical viewpoints, many variables impact on it and its effect size. This study, among all of them, is to explore the relation of decision making patterns and resource distribution with intra-group conflict. Population of study is all university departments of Bu-Ali Sina and Kordestan universities (Iran) which have been studied by survey method. Results show that the more decision making is non-participative and top-down, the more is intra-group conflict. Also, prejudice and unequal distribution of resources among group members (such as dissertations, lessons …) increases the conflict.

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This study aimed to determine the relationship between Social Capital and symptom of Histrionic Personality Disorder in pre-university students. Statistical society this research, total pre university students in 5 education areas within Shahrekord city, and research tools Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory III enjoy high validity and reliability in Iran. Result of research show obtained Histrionic Personality Disorder within students 6.9 percent and high risk individual 15 percent; while this disorder prevalence, about 2-3 percent in public population. That is if provide factors and background conditions, to exist series suffering to Histrionic Personality Disorder, probability. Result of research to indicate, meaning relation exist between Social Capital and Histrionic Personality Disorder (P<0.05). It seems that the further development of social capital in the community, the community will have better mental health and personality.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Social participation is the key factor of development and social trust is one of the most important factores that provids the context of social participation. The goal of this research is to survey relationship between social trust and social participation of Noorabad town citizens. The statistical society is all 16 years and elder persons of Noor Aabad which, according to 1385 statistic are 20800 people. The sample society is 356 people that is achieved by Cookiran formulae. In this research is used random cluster sampling, as at first, Noor Abad is divided into 5 clusters according to social and economical features, and then the samples were selected from any clusters randomly. The method of research is surveying and data -collecting instrument is structured questionnaire. Theoretical framework of research is based on Putnam, Aynglhart, Coloman, and Zetompca’s social capital theory. The Two-sample independent t-test, Anova test, correlation coefficients (Pearson), stepwise regression and path analysis are used to analysis of data and test of hypotheses. Results of research show that variables of individual trust, institutional trust and gender have a meaningful positive relationship with social participation. The most rate of social participations belong to mans and employees. Regression analysis results show that gender and institutional trust have the most effect on social participiation.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The goal of study is to assign, to examine the Validity and reliability of social responsibility of employees of Kermanshah Oil Company tools. In order to assign normality of tools, there were one example included 400 people of employees of Kermanshah Oil Company who were selected via systematic and random sampling. in order to complete the social responsibility forms. The results of SPSS Software showed the structure of four factors of social responsibility in the case study. The first case was 12.98 included the most value of variance (25.52), the second was 7.24 by variance of (24.14), the third was 5.407 by variance of (10.63), the fourth was 3.186 percentage by variance of (6.263). The results of Friedman’s middle test showed that the middle of levels were different in logical, economical, moral and altruism responsibility. The difference was according to Chi-Square of test which was 113.468, it was also meaningful. It concludes that the questionnaire of responsibility included four factors logical, economical, moral and friendly which were useful in the social, cultural programs.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Social Commitment is one of the most important factors in creating social order and stability in societies. Also it includes emotional, cognitive and behavioral state which causes the individual to express loyalty to other people, roles, norms and values and provokes the individual to adapt to the expectations of others, however in this way he/she should incur expenses. Regarding this important role of social commitment, the aim of the present study is to investigate effective socio-cultural factors on social commitment and to offer necessary solutions for establishing it in the society especially among the young and adolescents. To achieve this goal, it investigates effective factors by using survey data which had been collected among 400 students of high schools in Hamedan province. The findings show that there is a positive and significant relationship among variables such as satisfaction of personal needs, social capital, non-material values, social satisfaction, cultural reference group, socialization and social commitment.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Family is one of important social institutes that implementation of socialization function with corporate of mass media, peer groups and education system. During several last decades, especially after 1990s, many new sociological perspectives on education and socialization have been emerged in result of advent of major social changes such as urbanization, and feminism. Recognize share every one of socialization and acculturation agents and changes of those functions is anthropologist (especial new approach) interest subjects for example George, Fredrick, kneller work The study of education pattern and methods is one way of identify of any culture and society. Family education patterns make personality of members. Research method: second data analysis and a survey among 150 households in hamedan.Findings: Study finding presents that there are significant relation between variables of age, sex, locality and education patterns but there are not any significant relation between other independent variables and depend variable. About %82 of Hamedan households use authoritarian pattern on medium level. there important education problem are bad friends, future of youth and unsuitable social environment. most generation education differences are increase of expects among youth. Important reference group are teachers.

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