Different interpretations are given by Judaism about the Resurrection. Some of these interpretations originate from the idea of incarnationism and superiority of the Jewish, which is based on the notion that reward is given to the superior people, and punishment to the oppressive. Some other consider reward and punishment, to be related to the individual and ignore the national aspect. It is certain that the different beliefs about the Resurrection have made Judaism face some questions like: how can a Jewish person, along with the proposition of being chosen and superior nationality, be punished for his/her offences and wrong doings? If the nations that do injustice to the Jewish to be punished, then the executive sanction of divine law and religious injunctions which the Old Testament uphold will be questioned.This research sheds light on the different Jewish viewpoints about the Resurrection and expounds this point in the light of Qur’anic doctrines. The conclusion is that the Jews, nationalistic attitude towards the resurrection and their uncertainty in acting according to religious teachings, including continence and piety, leads to the ambiguity of the idea of the fundamental structure of social rules in this religion including the law of retaliation; for, as according to the Jews, only Judaism is capable of achieving salvation for people; but according to Qur’anic teachings: «Every soul is a pledge for its own deeds».