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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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One of the main functions of academic systems is supplying manpower of various sectors of society which has become a great challenge for such systems. However in the curriculum of various academic subjects, during the final semesters, practical courses for students have been considered, which are intended to make them ready for corporate environments. This article tries to find factors which have part in this situation and believes this is due to the design of such environments. In fact students are somehow wandering through the organizations to pass these courses; and academic system does not play an active role in shaping the learning environment. This leads to unhappiness and lack of employers' interest to accept the students. Therefore students are not successful in the enterprise environment. Perhaps the main concern of students is receiving institutional approval for apprenticeship courses and lack of practicality results in that these courses not be taken seriously. We can help to form a win-win approach providing that real issues and work-base projects are manipulated for training based on constructivist and holistic approach. Based on the basic principles of education this paper tries to review apprenticeship environments and then by using constructivism theory, considers constructivism approach as an ideal method to design such environments and then describes the process of designing learning environments for apprenticeship courses.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of this study was to review and compare the views of two experts in the field of basic teaching knowledge and teachers knowledge, Lee Shulman and Gary Fenstermacher. Shulman forms of teaching knowledge include: propositional knowledge (subject), strategic knowledge and strategic knowledge. Shulman Basic knowledge of teaching and teachers knowledge, including classes, such as: Content knowledge, Pedagogical content knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, curriculum knowledge, knowledge of learners and their characteristics, knowledge of educational status and knowledge about goals, purposes and values of education and historical context and philosophical views. Fenstermacher divided forms of teaching knowledge, knowledge of formal teaching and practical teaching knowledge. Fenstermacher raises good teaching and good teaching elements including logic operations, psychological operations and activities as ethical. Both influenced Schwab's ideas and both studied teachers knowledge of the practical and theoretical issues. But Fenstermacher is more emphasis on the practical knowledge of teachers and their work.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The main purpose of this research is the presentation of some prerequisites of educational theorizing with regard to ontologic components of complexity paradigm. For this purpose, by using the Philosophical methods, after making mention of how ontologic components of simplicity paradigm (Naive Realism, Linear Causation, Determinism) influence contemporary educational theories, ontologic components of complexity paradigm (complex critical realism, structural determinism, complex causation) were defined. Then, some prerequisites of educational theorizing based on these components were studied. In this regard, educational System is a complex supersystem, self-organized and multilayer that in every layer, there are subsystems with alements and correlated actors (humans and nonhumans) which act in complex mechanisms. This set of correlations makes a widespread network wich according to actor-network theory and whith emphasis on context of educational system make new qualifications for knowledge producing and new conceptulising of learning and learner. Regarding to nature of universe transitions, also the most important purpose of curriculums is to participate students in their universe or the creation of a new universe.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The theme of the current paper is to review apprenticeship learning environments and providing proper approach is to design the environment, to achieve this goal, the descriptive- analytical method was used, this criterion focuses on the basics of education to review apprenticeship environments. Following this study, the theory of knowledge, constructivism design it finds appropriate as apprenticeship environment available as chaotic environments were studied. The results of this study show that using a constructivist approach in the design of learning environments, apprenticeship, workplace issues and real projects, apprenticeship activities will be focused, And the current environment, the situation will be chaotic to the constructivist movement, That This leads to create an atmosphere of partnership and cooperation between the trainees. In that strengthen problem solving, reasoning and creative opportunities to each of the trainees. And with the flexibility of an apprenticeship environment, to achieve meaningful learning and effective. So it can be a win-win approach to the development of apprenticeship helped in learning environments.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The basic aim of this research is description and deduction of principles, aims, and methods based on the epistemological foundations of Farabi in Fusus Al-Hikmah. To get this aim, the method was documentary analysis and deduction. findings show that: necessary being is aware of all contingent beings, there is a unity between the essence of God as a ultimate truth and his knowledge, necessary being is aware of both universals and particulars, God knowledge is unique and simple while others are multiple, the depth of the essence of God is not perceptible, the essence of ultimate truth is appear and his inward is relative (mental). Possibility in human episteme, are from most important features of divine knowledge. incompleteness in human episteme, graduall in human episteme, and multiplicity in human episteme most important educational principle for a wayfarer to recognize ultimate truth joining the ultimate truth, perfection of the peaceful soul, acquisition of pleasure and issuing the miraculous deeds most important educational aims for a wayfarer to recognize ultimate truth, intellectual journey for knowing the ultimate truth, mystical intuition for knowing ultimate truth which contains in its turn the abstraction from determinations, contemplating the truth of being, annihilation, in the absolute being, theoretical and practical intuition of ultimate truth, the intuition of ultimate truth in its differentiated manifestations understanding the truth and abstinence of soul most important educational methods for a wayfarer to recognize ultimate truth.

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The main purpose of this study is to Comparative of two alternative approaches capabilities in the field of religious education pathology. Salafism and Fundamentalism is moving toward quasi education in religious education; But Religious traditionalism and post revivalism can be adopted an alternative approach to religious education. Critical analysis and interpretation of concept method used in this research. The results showed that although the principles of both traditionalist and modernist approaches in philosophical foundation are not the same but are associated with pluralism and tolerance. Nasr's traditionalism relies on the essence of religions and mystical and aesthetic aspects and believes in the Transcendental Unity of religions and has a special emphasis on the metaphysical ethics supporting in religious education. Abu zayd relies on the interpretation of religious texts and understand its tenor and to separate religion and religious knowledge from each other. Hence it is not compatible with the exclusivity in understanding and interpretation of religion and makes as much as possible a more reasonable and more acceptable. Traditionalist religious education focuses on self-scrutiny And refine the will and desires, and emotions, While Abu zayd approach focuses on the teaching of mental abilities in order to enlightenment, freedom and justice and human equality.

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Main purpose of the present research is to invent some tools for confirming hypotheses in Analytic-reasoning researches. For this regard, the Analytic research is used. The present tools, Weighting to Reasons Tool (WRT) and Repeat Reasoning Tool (RRT) are used for evaluating hypotheses of the current research. The results of the WRT shows that Reasons Weight (RW) for the first hypothesis is 8 and for the second hypothesis is 4. Also, the RRT shows that favor reasons of the first hypothesis obtained 4.25 advantages more than its opposite reasons and in the second hypothesis, favor reasons obtained 6.25 advantages more than the opposite reasons by the experts that preferred the research hypotheses. Accordingly, the RW that support of a hypothesis and preference of referees is offered as superiority of a hypothesis in comparing with the similar hypotheses. Therefore it is suggested that for evaluating a hypothesis in the analytic research such as philosophy and Mathematics these tools be used.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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