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Methods and principles used in education come from diverse foundations. This paper aims at examining philosophical and psychological foundations of education based on two similar views from the West and the East: The Illuminationist philosophy of Suhrawardi and Phenomenology of Husserl. Questions of the research deal with philosophical and psychological foundations of education from the standpoints of the two philosophers and a comparison between them. The results show that in Husserl's philosophical foundations, phenomenology gets the main place with two steps. In the first step, the emphasis is on description of human experiences and in the second, the reduction of these experiences is concerned. In the psychological foundation, reflection on psychological states is at the center instead on introspection. In Suhrawardi's philosophical and epistemological view, knowledge by presence takes the main place. In the psychological foundation, introspection gets the central point. Comparison of Suhrawardi and Husserl shows that both of them are under the influence of Plato and take a distance from objectivism. In the case of difference, it should be mentioned that in epistemology Husserl deals with acquired knowledge whereas Suhrawardi is concerned with the knowledge of presence. In the psychological foundation, Husserl puts emphasis on reflection whereas introspection is more vital for Suhrawardi. Such foundations urge the two philosophers toward a sort of intuitionism in education.

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In this article, with the aim of identify the common aspects of Vygotsky and Frieri in dialogue-based education, the theatrical basis, related concepts, and the type of education is studied in an analytical and interpretive way and their differences and similarities, especially in their educational model is presented and defined.As the result of recognition of basic aspects and explanation of some of the related concepts, it is figured out that, while both views are insisting on the active nature of human in building the social reality, they surveyed human action in social dialectic context and Consequently with choosing the dialectic method in education, they use a common basis for their practical efforts (education) in human development. Vygotsky has followed this development in the metal process while insisting on the mediator role of language in socio-cultural interactions and defined dialogue as a part of the process of internalizing social action in order to shape thought and development of human kind. And Frieri present this development basing on the actions that result to awareness and in a model of dialogue-based critical pedagogy.

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One of the problems that the educational system in Islamic countries encountered with them is dogmatism and consequently skepticism .This dogmatism and skepticism can be scientific, religious or philosophical. Due to these dogmatism and skepticism, educational systems go toward exclusivism in its educational goals and curriculum, or also go toward doubt or negation of the other educational programs and curriculum. In this paper, after of description and explaining of the mean, concept and typology of dogmatism and skepticism we try to analysis of the effects of dogmatism and consequently skepticism in educational systems in Islamic countries and finally try to present some approaches and procedures for solving those problems.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The study of philosophers' educational ideas and thought is one of the common research interested in the area of educational philosophy and is an introduction to their critiques. In this article, through an analytic- descriptive method, Russell's philosophical reflections are introduced and the educational viewpoints of this outstanding philosopher and mathematician of twentieth century are examined. According to the research findings, Russell considers education as something beyond realization of liberal and rational life. According to Russell, the present time, which is the most anxious era in human life, an explicit lack of an appropriate and rational worldview and ideology is felt more than any other time. Scientific education and social reconstruction are the only ways to emancipate us from this impasse .From Russell point of view on the individual dimension, the fostering of a scientific spirit and on the social dimension, educating free citizens are the main goals of education. By expressing his educational ideas, Russell intends to realize educational ideal of free world citizens. The indispensible qualities of these citizens are open-mindedness, independence in thinking, self-discipline, ability to see their personal benefit from a public point of view and in brief, rationalism and freedom. At the end of this article, some worthwhile critiques of Russell’s educational system are referred to.

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In recent decades, the concept of cultural capital has created a lot of scientific studies over the world in the sociology of education. These studies mainly based on the two models: Bourdieu's Cultural reproduction and DiMaggio's cultural mobility. These have achieved different results. This Study aimed at evaluating the theoretical models in an empirical condition. Middle and high school students in Jovein Township were the population of the survey. Four hundred students were selected by proportional stratified sampling and their parents were interviewed. The results indicate that the family's cultural capital has a significant impact on children's educational success. However, the findings of this study do not support the hypothesis of the two theoretical models.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The aim of current study is examine and comparing the effects of emotional intelligence training study and learning skills training on test anxiety. For doing this, we selected 67 students of guidance school from Mashhad schools by available sampling method and divided them in to 3 groups: emotional intelligence training group, learning strategies training group & control group, randomly. Test anxiety scale from Abolghasemi and et al, was used to gathering data. Before training, we administrated anxiety test in 3 groups, then emotional intelligence and learning strategies groups' received related instructions according program in 8 sessions with 90 minutes that continue 40 days. After training, we administrated Test anxiety scale in 3 groups. ANCOVA results show that difference between 3groups is significance. Also, result show that difference between study groups with other groups is significance and difference between emotional intelligence with control group is not significance. With respect to obtained means, we can say that educating study and learning strategies is important on decreasing test anxiety.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The main purpose of this paper is expressing the predominant methodological research approaches in the philosophy of education with emphasis on analytical and derivation approaches. That thesis was done in the field of philosophy of education in Iran within 75-85 years formed the population under study in this research. Dimensions studied in this paper include the defining the philosophy of education, its goals and duties based on each approach, the way of achieving the knowledge, providing indexes which are indicators of the above mentioned approaches, How is the different stage of research in attention to these approaches. Based on results of this study, analytical and derivation approaches are the most common methodological approaches to research in thesis carried out at the philosophy of education in Iran.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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