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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Aims Nurses need to have considerable knowledge of and great competence in carefully assessing and correctly diagnosing patients’ eye problems. This study aimed to evaluate intensive care nurses’ clinical competence in eye care. Instrument & Methods In the cross-sectional descriptive study, ten hospitals were selected by cluster sampling of 4 cities in Iran in 2015. Four hundred thirty-two intensive care nurses were recruited by convenience sampling. The Eye Care Competence Inventory was employed for evaluating nurses’ eye care knowledge, attitude, and practice. Data were analyzed by SPSS 18 using independent-samples t-test and the Pearson correlation. Findings The means of participating nurses’ eye care knowledge, attitude, and practice were 43. 3± 14. 86, 84. 56± 11. 61, and 73. 11± 17. 17, respectively. Nurses’ work experience positively correlated with their eye care knowledge and attitude. There also was a significant positive correlation between nurses’ age and their eye care attitude. Finally, knowledge had significant positive correlations with attitude and practice (p<0. 001). Conclusion Nurses’ knowledge in eye care of ICU patients was moderate, and their attitude and practice were good. Accordingly, developing and implementing continuing education programs for promoting their eye care knowledge, attitude, and practice is strongly recommended.

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Aims Eating disorders are making a point of challenge for health-related researches. Using big data for this type of researches can effectively help researchers use a beneficial resource of information worldwide in real-time. This study aimed to introduce a more accurate index for analyzing food-related data and making relations between people’ s opinions and the prevention treatments for eating disorders. Instrument & Methods In this data mining study, more than 2 million eating-related tweets were collected from Twitter in 2017 and analyzed by novel methods for big data research. Three main indicators (Basic-sentiment-rate, Health-rate, and Relation-rate) were used to predict if every user is more likely to have a healthy or unhealthy diet. Finally, these parameters were normalized, clustered, and combined to obtain an overall sentiment rate. Findings Location and gender were estimated as effective indicators making the relationship between peoples’ opinion and prevention treatments for eating disorders. Some combinations of factors were also considered influencing indicators when applied together, such as gender+age and gender+location. Conclusion Punishment/reward combination criteria that are predicted with both gender and location data by FSR index is the most effective factor in making the relationship between peoples’ opinion and prevention treatments for eating disorders.

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Aims With the new COVID-19, a global effort has been made to control and prevent the spread of the disease. Self-care behavior is known to be an effective way to prevent COVID 19. Physical distancing, hand washing are important examples of self-care actions. This study aimed to model and determine the predictors of self-care behavior about the new COVID-19. Instrument & Methods Cross-sectional correlational design was used for this study. This study was performed on 1083 people in Kerman Province, Iran, using the available sampling method. The data collection tool was a researcher-made questionnaire based on the main constructs of the Health Belief Model and constructs derived from the review of the literature. Data analysis was conducted using SPSS 22 and AMOS 18 software. Findings The mean age of the participants was 32. 36± 9. 34, with an age range of 10 to 65 years. The model explained 72% of the variance in self-care behaviors. The SEM showed that self-efficacy (β =0. 685; SE=0. 097; p=0. 001), perceived severity (β =0. 419; SE=0. 064; p=0. 001), perceived benefits (β =0. 288; SE=0. 061; p=0. 001), health importance (β =0. 19; SE=0. 063; p=0. 001) and knowledge (β =0. 248; SE=0. 025; p=0. 001) were positively and significantly related and perceived barriers (β =0. 199, SE=0. 046, p=0. 001) was negatively and significantly related to self-care behaviors. Conclusion Constructs of self-efficacy, perceived severity, perceived benefits, perceived barriers, health importance, and knowledge are the main predictors of self-care and preventive behaviors associated with the novel coronavirus. Therefore, this model can promote self-care programs and predict the incidence and mortality of COVID-19.

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Aims Pregnancy and the period after it are associated with psychological and physiological changes that sometimes lead to mental disorders and affective aspects of a person’ s life and relationships with others. This study aimed to investigate the relationship between spiritual well-being and resilience with health anxiety with the mediating role of self-compassion in pregnant women. Instrument & Methods The present descriptive study was conducted in 2020 on 371 pregnant women referred to health centers in Hamadan, Iran. They were selected by cluster randomization method from different areas of Hamadan. Several questionnaires were used to collect data: Spiritual Well-Being Scale, Self-Compassion, Health anxiety inventory, and Connor-Davidson Resilience Scale. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 26 and LISREL 10. 2 software by descriptive statistics and Pearson correlation. Findings The results of path analysis showed that spiritual well-being (β =-0. 36), resilience (β =0. 28), and self-compassion (β =-0. 55) have a significant relationship with health anxiety (p<0. 01). Conclusion The self-compassion directly and indirectly reduces health anxiety in pregnant women.

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Aims Influenza is an acute respiratory viral infection that can induce severe complications, hospitalization, and even death among older adults. Seasonal influenza vaccination has been proposed for its prevention. This study aimed to determine the related factors of influenza vaccination among Iranian older adults based on the health belief model. Instrument & Methods In this cross-sectional study, 206 participants 65 and older were selected from Yazd city, Iran, in 2019. A random cluster sampling was used. The data collection tool was a questionnaire based on the Health Belief Model constructs. The data were analyzed by SPSS 16 software using the Chi-square test, Pearson correlation coefficient, and logistic regression. Findings Only 24. 3% of the participants had got a seasonal influenza vaccine over the past year, and 58. 3% had received at least one dose of seasonal influenza vaccine from the age of 65. Knowledge (OR=1. 27; CI=1. 03-1. 55), perceived susceptibility (OR=1. 18; CI=1. 04-1. 33), and cues to action (OR=1. 52; CI=1. 16-1. 98) were statistically significant predictors of seasonal influenza vaccination. Conclusion The cues to action stood as the strongest predictor of seasonal influenza vaccination, which should be addressed in health promotion intervention programs in the elderly.

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Aims Nowadays, the importance of morning reports for discussing clinical cases and making the best-informed decision for a therapeutic process is undeniable. Therefore, this study aimed to improve clinical morning reports’ information adequacy by developing a structured reporting model. Participants & Methods This qualitative research was conducted in three phases at the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of three educational hospitals in northeastern Iran in 2018. After investigating the current status of MR sessions, the content of 120 reports was included and extracted. The items were assigned subject groups for primary structuring while their validation was getting confirmation using a two-round Delphi technique involving ten specialists. Then, the structured model of clinical MRs was developed in two formats: structured paper-based form and structured electronic format. The final evaluation was conducted comparing three practices of structured paper-based, structured electronic format, and conventional formats. Excel 2010 software was used for the analysis of the results. Findings All studied MR samples were found unstructured in content. From 120 collected samples, 58 items were extracted and categorized into four categories. During the first Delphi round, all existing information was preserved with varying weights. Nevertheless, the participating experts also suggested six additional items to be included. In the second round, 11 items with the lowest scores were removed. Results of the comparative evaluation showed that the SPF format scored highest on the preference of use, ease of archiving and retrieval, application in future research, and ease of reporting. The SEF format scored highest on the clear understanding of patient status and readability. Conclusion Using a standardized structured morning report based on the preference of local experts improves the quality of morning reports in various matters, including efficiency, adequacy, and ease.

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Aims This protocol aims to design and evaluate an educational program to promote weight management among preschoolers. Designed Methods This study has a sequential mixed-methods approach in two phases: qualitative and quantitative. In the first phase, epidemiological, educational, and ecological factors of the PRECEDE-PROCEED model influencing weight management promotion among Tehranian preschoolers will be explored. Seventeen preschoolers’ parents and two preschool principals were interviewed by the researcher in the preschool setting. After data analysis through directed content analysis, a one-group pre and post pilot study will be performed in phase two. Fifteen mother-children dyads will be enrolled, and mothers will be asked to complete four questionnaires and measure children’ s weight and height. Then an educational program will be designed to promote weight management among preschoolers based on the results of the qualitative phase and a pre-test stage. Post-test will be performed immediately and three months after the intervention. Expected Findings In phase one, we expect facilities and barriers of preschoolers’ weight management to be identified based on social-cultural conditions and the structures of the model. According to the qualitative study results, an educational program will be developed and evaluated in phase two, and it is anticipated that the educational program will positively influence children’ s weight management. Conclusion In the various communities, cultural and social differences have a critical effect on obesity in preschoolers; therefore, examining these factors can help understand individuals’ views and interventional design programs to solve this problem.

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Aims The world hospital systems are presently facing many unprecedented challenges from COVID‐ 19 disease. Prediction the deteriorating or critical cases can help triage patients and assist in effective medical resource allocation. This study aimed to develop and validate a prediction model based on Machine Learning algorithms to predict hospitalized COVID-19 patients for transfer to ICU based on clinical parameters. Materials & Methods This retrospective, single-center study was conducted based on cumulative data of COVID-19 patients (N=1225) who were admitted from March 9, 2020, to December 20, 2020, to Mostafa Khomeini Hospital, affiliated to Ilam University of Medical Sciences (ILUMS), focal point center for COVID-19 care and treatment in Ilam, West of Iran. 13 ML techniques from six different groups applied to predict ICU admission. To evaluate the performances of models, the metrics derived from the confusion matrix were calculated. The algorithms were implemented using WEKA 3. 8 software. Findings This retrospective study’ s median age was 50. 9 years, and 664 (54. 2%) were male. The experimental results indicate that Meta algorithms have the best performance in ICU admission risk prediction with an accuracy of 90. 37%, a sensitivity of 90. 35%, precision of 88. 25%, F-measure of 88. 35%, and ROC of 91%. Conclusion Machine Learning algorithms are helpful predictive tools for real-time and accurate ICU risk prediction in patients with COVID-19 at hospital admission. This model enables and potentially facilitates more responsive health systems that are beneficial to high-risk COVID-19 patients.

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Aims Given the importance of lifestyle modification on hypertension control, the present study aimed to investigate the effect of lifestyle training intervention on blood pressure and body mass index in patients with hypertension in Darab, Iran. Materials & Methods The present randomized controlled intervention study was conducted on 80 middle-aged women with hypertension referred to health houses of Darab in 2018. The cluster sampling was performed, and participants were assigned to experimental and control groups by a simple random method (40 participants in each of the experimental and control groups). The participants’ lifestyle, BMI, and blood pressure were measured before and two months after the intervention and were analyzed by SPSS 20 using the paired t-test, independent t-test, and chi-square test. Findings No significant differences were seen between experimental and control groups before the intervention in terms of health-promoting components (p>0. 05), Systolic (p=0. 73), and Diastolic blood pressure (p=0. 22), and BMI (p=0. 43). In contrast, there were statistically significant differences between the two groups after intervention in terms of health-promoting components, systolic and diastolic blood pressure (p<0. 05). No significant difference was seen in terms of body mass index (p=0. 52). Conclusion Lifestyle modification effectively reduces systolic and diastolic blood pressure in the short term, independent of its impact on BMI.

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Aims Health care providers are considered as the pioneer forces of the health system. Thus, it is necessary to promote the health of this group in society by creating proper nutritional behaviors, especially the consumption of dairy products. This study was conducted to investigate the determinants of dairy use status and effective factors on consumption behaviors based on the Health Belief Model among health care providers of health centers. Instrument & Methods Throughout this descriptive-analytical study, 303 health care providers who work in the health centers of Urmia were included in the study by the census sampling method. The data collection instruments were researcher-made reliable and validated questionnaires in three sections of personal profile, consumption status of different types of dairy, and health belief model. Data were collected using structured interviews, then analyzed by SPSS 24 and the descriptive-analytical tests (ANOVA and Linear Regression). Findings The mean± SD age of the participants was 38. 57± 6. 36 years. Among the Health Belief Model structures, the dimension of self-efficiency showed a significant relationship with the score of the dairy consumption behavior (p=0. 0001). Additionally, there was a meaningful, significant relationship between the mean score of dairy consumption behavior with occupational status, marital status, and ethnicity (p<0. 05). According to the linear regression test totally, the health belief model structures indicated 20% of the variance of the dairy consumption behavior. The predicting power of perceived self-efficiency was more than other structures of the model. Conclusion Perceived self-efficacy predicted the behavior of dairy consumption in the studied health care providers.

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Aims Female orgasm depends on many factors and is the most enjoyable phase of the sexual response cycle. A valid, reliable, and special scale is required to assess this phase. This study aimed to translate and assess the psychometric properties of the Iranian version of the Female Orgasm Scale. Instrument & Methods Initially, using the Forward-Backward method, the questionnaire was translated from English into Persian. After that, a cross-sectional study was carried out, and the psychometric properties of the Iranian version of the questionnaire were tested. Of the 235 married and sexually active women of reproductive age, 200 individuals completed the questionnaire. Reliability was calculated by repeatability and internal consistency methods, and validity was calculated by face, content, and construct validity. Findings The mean age of the participants was 31. 35± 7. 13 years. Reliability evaluation revealed high internal consistency and good test-retest reliability. Cronbach’ s alpha coefficient was 0. 7, and the intraclass correlation coefficient was 0. 99. The standard error of the mean was 0. 7. The mean content validity index and content validity ratio scores were 0. 84 and 0. 97, respectively. The results of Exploratory Factor Analysis indicated a three-factor solution for the questionnaire accounting for 74. 44% of the variance. Conclusion The findings suggest that the Iranian version of the Female Orgasm Scale has good psychometric properties and can be used to assess female orgasm in sexual and reproductive healthcare settings.

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Aims The sudden COVID-19 pandemic experienced globally has caused many schools and institutions of higher learning to resort to fully online teaching and learning throughout the world. Since online teaching is essentially a student-centered learning approach, students’ motivational level plays an important role in making teaching protocols effective. This study aimed to know the level of motivation to study using a smartphone in the COVID-19 pandemic. Instrument & Methods This descriptive study was carried out in 2020 on 75 Indonesian Academy of Administrative Management College students who have smartphones. These students were selected by random sampling method. Data were collected using a researchermade questionnaire and analyzed by SPSS 17 software using Pearson correlation coefficient and simple linear regression test. Findings There was a positive and significant correlation between the mean score of smartphone usage and the mean score of study motivation (r=0. 84; p=0. 0001). The effect of smartphone uses on the study motivation in the Covid-19 pandemic was 61. 7% (R2=0. 617). Conclusion With the increasing use of smartphones, the motivation to learn during pandemic COVID-19 also increased.

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Aims The increasing development of information communication technology is increasingly positively impacting individuals in various fields, including education. This research aimed to understand the causes of ineffective online learning from the point of view of activists. Participants & Methods This qualitative research was conducted in 2019 in the context of Instructors in the Department of Accounting, Padang State Polytechnic. This study used a phenomenological design with semi-structured interviews that focuses on activists’ experiences (egos) who are central to the entire environment. Based on these assumptions, phenomenology seeks to find the intentionality behind the activist’ s behavior for his understanding. Findings In the view point of participants, the causes of ineffective online learning were cultural and emotional. The cultural aspects are categorized under awkwardness with technology and content and characteristics of online learning and the emotional aspects are categorized under instructors’ pressures and workload and students’ dishonesty. Conclusion The effectiveness of online learning systems is about connectedness and quality. Meaning is a subjective truth that arises from the consciousness of a person who experiences and performs an action.

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Aims Training has an important role in improving quality of life. The current study aimed to compare the effect of peer and family-based training on the quality of life of rural diabetic elderly. Materials & Methods In this quasi-experimental study conducted in 2020, 30 older adults referring to Shahid Abad village health center in Babol, northern Iran, were randomly assigned to peer group (N=15) and family-based training group (N=15). The intervention in both groups consisted of 6 sessions of 30 to 60 minutes for six weeks. Quality of life was assessed using the LEIPAD QOL questionnaire before, immediately, and two months after the intervention. Data were analyzed using SPSS software version 21. 0., Fisher test, Independent t-test, Paired t-test, and MANCOVA. Findings Before the intervention, the mean quality of life in the peer group was 61. 35± 16. 49, and the family-based training group was 53. 18± 6. 98, and there was no significant difference (p=0. 147). According to paired t-test, changes in quality of life score in the family-based training group was significant in two time periods (before intervention to two months after intervention (p=0. 048)), immediately after intervention to two months after intervention (p=0. 036), but was not significant in the peer training group. Conclusion Family-based training effectively affects the quality of life of rural diabetic elderly in two time periods.

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Aims Dermatoglyphic is the study of skin patterns on hands and feet. It has been shown in some studies that specific finger patterns could be a risk factor for breast cancer. Thus, this study aims to evaluate fingerprint patterns and other easy-to-obtain features in the risk of breast cancer. Instrument & Methods This descriptive study was conducted in 2020. A dataset containing 462 records included female patients in Imam Khomeini Hospital Complex, Tehran, Iran. The factors’ weight was determined by the Information Gain index. Predictive models were built once without fingerprint features and once with fingerprint features using Naï ve Bayes, Decision Tree, Random Forest, Support Vector Machine, and Deep Learning classifiers. RapidMiner 9. 7. 1 Software was used. Findings The most important factor determining breast cancer were age, having a child, menopause situation, and menopause age. The best performance was the Random Forest model with accuracy and Area under Curve of a Receiver operating characteristic of 84. 43% and 0. 923, respectively. The fingerprint patterns feature increased the RF accuracy from 79. 44% to 84. 43%. Conclusion An early breast cancer screening model could be built with the use of data mining methods. The fingerprint patterns could increase the performance of these models. The Random Forest model could be used. The results of such models could be used in designing apps for self-screening breast cancer.

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Aims Nurses are a key component of the treatment team in times of crisis and are currently at the front line of the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic. Since understanding nurses’ experiences can help identify the relevant problems, this study aimed to explain nurses’ experiences in the coronavirus crisis by content analysis approach. Participants & Methods This qualitative study with a conventional content analysis approach conducted purposeful sampling in 2020. Ten nurses who were working in the COVID-19 wards of Amir Al-Momenin Hospital in Zabol were selected. The data collection method was semi-structured interviews. The data analysis process was performed according to the steps proposed by Graneheim and Lundman 2004. The trustworthiness of the data was checked by Lincoin & Guba criteria, and the research’ s ethical standards were observed. Findings Two main themes of nurses and families under the shadow of coronavirus and the dual reaction of nurses to coronavirus crisis, as well as six categories (Nurse’ s family challenges, Joys and Concerns of nurses, Nurses and care injuries, Nurses and conflicting thought to the profession, Dual care reactions, Dual feeling reactions) and ten subcategories, were extracted. Conclusion The results of this study indicate the individual, family, and occupational effects of the corona crisis on nurses, which can affect their care performance in addition to individual life.

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Aims We aimed to investigate the association between health beliefs and exercise behavior in infertile women at risk of developing osteoporosis. Instrument & Methods This cross-sectional study was conducted in Sanandaj city, west of Iran, in 2018. Four hundred and eighty-three infertile women were included in the study through convenience sampling from 35 comprehensive healthcare centers. Standardized face-to-face interviews were conducted using established and reliable instruments to assess exercise behavior and health beliefs. Data were analyzed by SPSS 22 using Logistic regression models, Chi-square, independent t-test, and Pearson correlations. Findings Employed women compared to homemakers had substantially higher odds of adopting exercise behaviors (OR=3. 19; 95% CI=1. 53-6. 66; p<0. 01). Moreover, the odds of exercise behavior adoption increased with self-efficacy (OR=1. 35; 95% CI=1. 2-1. 52; p<0. 01), and decreased with perceived barriers (OR=0. 9; 95% CI=0. 84-0. 97; p<0. 01). Conclusion It is essential to increase perceived self-efficacy and reduce perceived barriers to promote exercise behaviors in infertile women. Consequently, health professionals should develop or adopt appropriate strategies to decrease barriers and increase self-efficacy to enhance exercise behaviors in this group of women.

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Aims This study aimed to assess the psychological impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the healthcare workers in Kurdistan, Iraq. Instrument & Methods In this descriptive study, healthcare workers in four different COVID-19 hospitals in Erbil, Sulaimani, Chamchamal, and Halabja in the Kurdistan region of Iraq participated in this study on a convenience sampling method from April 10, 2020, to May 20, 2020. The degree of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, anxiety, and depression symptoms were assessed based on the translated to Kurdish versions of the Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Checklist for DSM-5 and Hopkins Symptom Checklist, respectively. For analyzing the data, descriptive statistics, Mann-Whitney U, and Kruskal-Wallis tests were used by SPSS 20. Findings Of 182 healthcare workers, 53. 3% of participants screened positive for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, 29. 1% for anxiety, and 39. 0% for depression. There were no significant differences in the prevalence of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, anxiety, and depression according to gender and family status (p>0. 05). However, respondents aged <40 scored higher on PCL-5, but no difference was found on HSCL-25. Nurses in the Sulaimani city, frontline workers, and those who had COVID-19 related traumatic experience scored higher on all three measures. Conclusion The psychological impact of COVID-19 among healthcare workers in the Kurdistan region of Iraq is highly concerned. Preventive programs and adaptive psychological interventions are needed.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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