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In minimalist program, as a formalist model, anaphoric relations are mainly determined by syntactic relations or structural constrains. To do so, syntactic domain is mainly concerned. This approach, while ignoring the fact that anaphoric relations is mainly determined by discoursal factors and is somehow an extra sentential phenomenon, mainly focuses on syntacticconstraints which specifies special slots for refrential NPs to determine co-refrentiality. In other words, this approach is mainly concerned with intra sentential or syntactic refrentiality rather than extrarefrentiality. Thus, the present writer tries to indicate that the processes of refrentiality is both discoursal and syntactic, that is there is an interface between text-external world and text-internal world whereby language participants match these two properly and resolve such a relationship.

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The present study, with a particular focus on fundamental elements of affairs of the state rituals, sociologically analyzes Jamshisd myth. A myth which on the point of view of the wise philosopher of Tous (Ferdosi) supervises the philosophy and soul of Iranian ancient history and narrates a small part of a long, and multi layer story of this ancient land. A land which has taken the auspicious and ominous burden of time through hills and dales of civilization, and has passed the volatile vestibule of history slowly and steadily. A myth focusing on realities and concrete rituals has disclosed symbolically the mystery of seven hundred-year kingdom of one of the most powerful legendary kings. In this document, pointing to the type of Jamshid rule, a preface of the main teachings and the foundation of his legendary monarchy is clarified, then with a sociological approach, the priorities which in ruling affairs have led to the satisfaction and tranquility of different walks of life is explained fully, and finally in another discourse, the reasons of the divine splendor turn away and people dissatisfaction which led to the overthrow of gemmed crown and kingdom of this ancient, legendary Iranian king is investigated meticulously.

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Nur-e mohammadie or first creature discussed by titles and meanings on Islamic mysticism. The important meaning’ snur-e mohammadieis Islam prophet. Other meanings are first intellect, prefect human, emam Ali. Each of them have popular on period of time and by attention to religion-cultural tendencys being on society; for example leaking philosophy opinions on Islam world, caused use of first intellect meaning to first light or appearance of shia opinions, after safavieseign, caused use of Ali’s meaning to first light. Same already. leaking Islam to Iran, caused Islam prophet’s name to first light.

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This study evaluates the sense relataions at the story “Once Upon a Time” (yeki bood yeki nabood) the work of Mohammadali Jamalzadeh base on Dr.’s Safavi views and answers the question: ehich cohesion elements have had the most effect on producing this text? In the studies of text cohesion, the researchers generally have conducted their studies base on halidy’s and hassan’s views. The results indicate that the relations of collocation, hyponymy, synonymy, meronymy, semantic opposion have allocated orderly the most percentage of lexical connections among the present study data.

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“Liberty” and “fatherland” are regarded as the main conceptions of Mashrooteh poem. Malek. ol. shoaraye bahar, Aref qazvini, Mirzadeh eshqi, Iraj mirza and Farokhi yazdi are of the most famous characters of Mashrooteh period literature that paid attention more than others to liberty and Fatherland conceptions. Even after Mashrooteh establishment, these poets endeavored to establish its ideals, to combat the degenerated traditions and aristocratic class gaps. They were the honest sons of their own age and they had comprehended the social problems and needs of enlightenment period in a way that they should, and they recited them in their poems with clairvoyance, and discoursed on desires of lower class people and middle class people of cities with a simple and effective language.Two main indicators of their poems were patriotism and liberalism, and they knew how to attain law and justice in the shade of attaining liberty. Although their comprehensions of such conceptions were somehow different: in Bahar’s viewpoint, liberty and Fatherland for the most part meant independence wanting, in Aref and Eshqi’s viewpoints liberty and Fatherland mostly meant combating traditions’ elements, combating dictatorship and building a flourishing and free fatherland. In Iraj mirza’s viewpoint it meant combating aristocracy and protecting painstaking people, and Farokhi’s viewpoint mostly had taken effect from notions of communal society as well as social liberties and stay within the law.By the way, the venerability of these poets was in their honesty, confidance, being socialize and having pure notions. In this article the mentioned cases have been studied and evaluated quantitatively by analyses and comparing poems and pieces of writings, and also by making use of the main resources related to life, poem and their notions.

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Psychoanalysis, as an approach to literary criticism, is the analysis of the subconscious mind of the author/characters in a literary work. Accordingly, it is an attempt to delve into the depth of the text to discover its various meaning levels, to analyse the causes and impulses of characters’ external/social behaviour, and, thereby, to interpret the work. The approach is mostly based on C. G. Jung’s model of psychoanalysis which holds that the subconscious mind is the source and origin of human’s (social) behaviour. The foundations of the model are subconscious mind and archetypes. Archetypes are the universal, primitive mental patterns and experiences inherited over generations and are latent in human’s inner mind. The most important archetypes are persona, shadow, hero, anima, animus, etc., which appear in conscious mind in different forms, and are represented and reflected in literary works. This article studies archetypes in W. Golding’s Lord of the Flies from the Jungian psychoanalytic view point. The analyses reveal that the tensions and abnormal social behaviour of characters, as representatives of modern man, originate from their psychological abnormality, which, in turn, represents social problems and disastrous life-conditions of modern man.

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The literary schools have always been localizated. The localization of these schools have been different in different countries and different times etc. This is true about the latest literary school- Postmodernism- too. And because of the features of Postmodernism- which don, t have discipline- mentioned differences are more extreme in Postmodernism.In this paper, we examine an Iranian novel, to discuss the evolution of postmodernism and its localization in Iranian stories. First, we examine the most important postmodern elements in the mentioned text using some examples from it. The postmodern elements include: Incoherence, various ontological levels and their continuous interference, indeterminacy, multiple endings, short circuit, rebellious characters, mixing genres, revealing narration techniques and talking about story and story writing techniques (meta-fiction techniques), inter-textuality, hermaphrodite characters or no-gender characters, location and temporal distortion, collapse of meta-narratives, continuous switching of narrators and point of view, extra-emphasis on details for disturbing the text, and paranoid characters. We show that these postmodern elements are structured to emphasize the dominant element of postmodernism, which is the ontological theme. Thus, we believe this novel is a perfect example of postmodernism in contemporary Iranian stories and can help in understanding the evolution and localization of the postmodern techniques in Iran.

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This essay presents a New Historicist analysis of Hawthorne’s most acclaimed novel, TheScarlet Letter.1 The analysis focuses on the interplay between Hawthorne’s nineteenth centuryideology and the novel’s seventeenth-century cultural setting. The inclusion of “The Custom House” an authorial introduction to the novel, is treated as highly significant as it presents a form of historical and ideological juxtaposition of Hawthorne’s nineteenth-century ideology with the novel’s seventeenth-century cultural setting.Biographical narratives on Hawthorne and historical narratives on nineteenth-century America are used extensively in this analysis as they offer valuable insights into thefictional formation of The Scarlet Letter. By historically establishing Hawthorne’s conservative attitudes towards forms of revolutionary activities, this essay explicates how the structure, characterizations and themes of The Scarlet Letter are carefully formed to serve those very conservative attitudes.

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The title of this paper, Madayan Yousht Fryan derived from name of main character of the story, i.e. Yousht Fryan. Considering the face that the J3 version of Madayan Yousht Fryan text has not independently been studied before and all previous translations are just comparisons of available versions of this text, so my effort was just focused to translate this version of the said text to fluent Persian first and that the introduction has been expressed in this paper and then dealt with the etymology, characteristice of Madayan Yousht Fryan, the story of Yousht Fryan, Axt Jadug, Yousht Fryan thesis and Axt and Madayan Yousht Fryan text, J3 was translated to fluent Persian next and the Persian and non-Persian bibliographies were placed in the end.

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