The first enormous and comprehensive dictionary on Persian adages, Amsal o Hekam, compiled by the great contemporary scholar, AliAkbar Dehkhoda, in 1931, is known as the most reliable and thorough dictionary on Persian adages. His work caught a lot of scholars’ and researchers’ attention after publication and brought rapture to literature enthusiasts in such a way that a lot of scholars were motivated to record adages. Nevertheless, after the rapture subsided through the next years, some researchers explored different aspects of it and pointed out some of its deficiencies like: having some adages about races as being superior to Iranian race, not having translations of Arabic adages, lots of poems having no relevance to the adages, containing unknown adages, having no preface or introduction, and containing no lurid words and adages. My attempt in this inquiry, titled as An Inquiry about the Deficiencies in the Book Of “Amsal o Hekam (adages)”, is to study the views expressed on this precious work.