Gel Sefid village is in Mashayekh village in central part of Ardal city of Chahar Mahal and Bakhtiari province. In the research, QuickBird satellite image in Google Earth software was used to introduce the landscape of this village and to recognize the whole human uses and natural spots in the study area. Then the resulting map was transferred to ArcGIS 3.1 software and the area land use map was prepared after necessary processes in the software. In addition to the primary harvested polygons for providing the training samples area, field visit once again was accomplished and all the harvested complications were controlled to estimate the accuracy of the harvested complications. Therefore, all the layers were transferred to GPS and all the harvested complications were controlled by referring to the field. In the next step, to analyze the landscape of the study area, Frag Stats software and NP, CA, PERIM, MNN and SHAPE metrics were used. Results showed that local people have created the different uses in the region during consecutive years. The natural bed of area has been forest that the existence of human-made patches such as village, mining, sand workshops, roads and petrochemical pipes have caused the marginal area to face the critical level of danger and have caused the loss of biodiversity in this region. Therefore, the area preservation with the participation of local people should be the priority of programs to prevent the further damages to the area.