In this study Holothuria scabra, sand sea cucumber species were investigated for nutritional studies from January 2012 to November 2013. During the 11-month study, a total number of 151 species of sea cucumbers was collected and their nutrition was studied. Rates of relative length of the gut (RLG) were calculated by the average mean value of 0.837±1.92 which shows aquatic eating everything. Empty stomach index (cv) were calculated for the total samples and value of 17.21 were obtained, indicating that the aquatic being gluttonous. The value of CV and FI was calculated that the maximum value of the FI correspond to October with a value of 100% and a minimum value of 69.23 percent in June, the highest CV value of 30.76 in October and a lowest is zero in June. Also food preference (FP) was calculated for each type of food. The food frequency percentage were calculated for sludge 16.95, black sandy grit16.31, oyster shell in 13.27, two floor stands 8.47, green algae 7.51, plant and animal remains 5.77, color pebbles 5.31, plants 4.79, red algae 3.83, crustacean shells 3.03, insects 2.87, worms 2.23, fish 1.91, sediments 1.91, shell of crabs1.27, benthos 1.24, organic sediments 1.11, metal and wood chips 0.63, Squid 0.31, Scales 0.15 in percent. The results showed that Holothuria scabra has food gobbler scored and the major food is sludge, sandy grit, crustacean shells specially two floor stands and has a alternative food including green algae, plants, insects, and plant and animal remains. Random food for this species was including mollusks (squid), worms, fish, wood debris, metal, etc.