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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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One of the most subjects in 21 century in related to sustainable urban development is urban form. Urban form that is the pattern of spatial distribution of human activities in specific period, divided to two kinds: Compact city and Urban sprawl. Because there is a close relation between urban form and urban sustainability, urban planner have to know about urban pattern and form for its conducting to more sustainability. For understanding urban form of study area that is the city of Gorgan, different mode is used: the medium distribution degree (Antropy, Gini), the compactness degree (Moran and Geary) and Holdern model. The results show that Gorgan sprawl was very high in 1996, and it increased in next period (2006). This city beside high population growth has had an unplanned physical development that causes some undesirable outcomes in social, economical and environmental dimensions. The most causes of Gorgan sprawl are high immigration, ambiguity in the laws, superfluities of arid and military land use per capita, combination villages, and etc. So, in order to attain more sustainability, the urban development pattern should change and use from strategies for decreasing urban sprawl and undesirable outcomes.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Nowadays, considering physical development of cities and lack of balance in land use distribution, urban land use organization is of considerable importance. One of the best ways to have an optimal application of urban space is to utilize urban land use and its spatial distribution. The present research particularly focuses on studying and analyzing Izeh land use. The results indicate that Izeh physical development in recent decades and an increase in population have given rise to imbalance in land uses distribution. Therefore, restoring balance to these uses and devising appropriate strategies are indispensable to preventing city’s sprawling, preserving agricultural lands and natural resources. The present research attemptes to study current status of Izeh diverse land use such as agricultural, residential, commercial, religious and so on and compare them with standard parameters to gauge the shortcomings of each land use. The present research methodology is both descriptive and analytical and also land use surveys are also used. It was concluded that the current status of most land uses analyzed is not consistent with standard criteria.

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The climate change is one of the most important problems of environment. Yazd city has located in arid zone and with increasing of industrial factories and air pollution, has recently experienced great climatic abnormal. The goal of this research is to study the changes of climatic factors. Including minimum, maximum and average of temperature, rain, humidity and cloudy Inness of yazd station. This research descriptive, attempts to determine the time of sudden changes and probable trend in climatic condition of Yazd using Man-Kendal model in the period of 1953-2005. And this is done with a descriptive analytical approach. The results show that with attention to conformity of temperature and rain trends, the aridity status has been dominated in this zone from 1997 afterward and this problem is increasing constantly.

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One of the appealable subject for knowing city and way of its forming is studying ancient building of a city. Although these buildings are at the center of city but they are ruining because of using instable construction materials. Ancient building of Shahrecord city is one of the examples of valuable ancient building that is faced with economic, social and physical changes because of problems such as lack of suitable access, economic degradation, physical depreciation, social organizational depreciation. To study more we used measurement, document, and statistical, descriptive and analytic methods are used in this research. Results of this study show that renovation and upgrading plans of ancient texture are performed just in places that have future profits for people and related organizations. A small portion of these places are repaired and upgraded, and other regions of city are bought in low prices by municipality and are used as public parking and in other places of city, there is no plan because of economic condition of inhabitants.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Immigration in the form of logical continuity of distribution, final structure, and population movement in a geographical place, is the most important form of place movement of population. Immigration of Afghans to the neighbor countries, especially Iran, is also one of the immigration forms. It’s been so many years that they live everywhere in our country. There’s not any province that they haven’t been to and also it should be said most Iranian have definitely faced with them. In some aspects, these relationships are so strong that even if they go back to their country, we still can see their effects. Right now, more than three million of Afghans live in Iran that around nine hundred thousand of them have the legal permission while more than two million don’t. The research drews upon an authentic library and survey methods conducted through a self-made questionnaire. The authentic library method was used to explore theoretical and meaning-based aspects of the study and the distribution and the relationship between the dependent and independent variables are investigated through administrating the survey. Simple random sampling was used to select 350. Data is analyzed using descriptive statistics using SPSS. Due to the presence of Afghans in Kashan and their greater productivity and lower expenses compared with local workers, there has been a decrease in job opportunities as well as an increase in the rate of unemployment. Moreover, the purchase of houses and lands by the Afghans has led to shortage of house as well as higher rentals. Another consequence of the presence of Afghans is concerned with their social impact on overpopulation, poverty, class differences, increase in illiteracy rate, and identity crisis through intermarriages with local women which results in negative and hazardous outcomes.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Handicapped as a of biological and social phenomenon, is a fact that all societies are exposed to it, apart from development degree, both industrialized and unindustrialized countries. Study of the public spaces considering the handicapped and disabled requirements and programming it is a necessarily for each society especially our society, which has many handicapped after imposed war. In this research, considering the subject importance, one of the handicapped and disabled requirements in urban space that is urban traffic is studied. The aim of the present research is to assess the urban traffic space regarding the handicapped and disabled requirement in 3 regions of city center, Azadi Park and Hafeziye in Shiraz city. Research methods is based on library and document studies, filed study, interview getting data using questionnaire and analyzing data by SPSS software. In order to determine and classify the sample region Topsis decision model was used. Results show that unsuitable public transportation and difficult access to them is the greatest problem for the handicapped and disabled (23/4 percentage) unsuitable sidewalk holes, and uneven pavement surface is the next important problem (21/3 percentage). (In Hafeziye 22/3 and 18/3 in Azadi park). Using Topsis model, it is indicated that, urban traffic in city center is in an undesirable condition (0≤0.177≤1), in Azadi Park, it is a little desirable (0≤0.390≤1) and in Hafezeye region, it is in a desirable condition (0≤0.744≤1).

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Place centered studies in urban contexts (more than being fascinated with the ideal atmosphere of daily interactions between human, society, meanings, and physical body of the city to examine the human-place bonding studies’ hypothesizes and results;) are willing to conduct researches in accordance with the proven relationships between the sense of place strength and citizens’ participatory behaviors in sustainable urban development process. The primary focus of this explanatory study is on explaining analytical models to describe sense of place dimensionality, and the quality evaluation of perceptual impacts on those dimensions in context of an urban neighborhood. This article described dimensionality of sense of place based on attitudinal approaches methodologies; and presented an analytic model to evaluate impacts of public perceptions on these dimensions in context of urban residential neighborhoods.

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