Handicapped as a of biological and social phenomenon, is a fact that all societies are exposed to it, apart from development degree, both industrialized and unindustrialized countries. Study of the public spaces considering the handicapped and disabled requirements and programming it is a necessarily for each society especially our society, which has many handicapped after imposed war. In this research, considering the subject importance, one of the handicapped and disabled requirements in urban space that is urban traffic is studied. The aim of the present research is to assess the urban traffic space regarding the handicapped and disabled requirement in 3 regions of city center, Azadi Park and Hafeziye in Shiraz city. Research methods is based on library and document studies, filed study, interview getting data using questionnaire and analyzing data by SPSS software. In order to determine and classify the sample region Topsis decision model was used. Results show that unsuitable public transportation and difficult access to them is the greatest problem for the handicapped and disabled (23/4 percentage) unsuitable sidewalk holes, and uneven pavement surface is the next important problem (21/3 percentage). (In Hafeziye 22/3 and 18/3 in Azadi park). Using Topsis model, it is indicated that, urban traffic in city center is in an undesirable condition (0≤0.177≤1), in Azadi Park, it is a little desirable (0≤0.390≤1) and in Hafezeye region, it is in a desirable condition (0≤0.744≤1).