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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Issue Info: 
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    35 (پیاپی 57)
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بیان برخی آموزه های اخلاقی قرآن در قالب شعر و هنر، یکی از شیوه های رایج در تبیین آن هاست. در این شیوه، اشعاری که مضامین اخلاقی دارند، با آیات قرآن مستندنگاری می شوند یا ارتباط مسئله ی نوپدیدی با آموزه های اخلاقی قرآن آشکار می گردد. گستردگی این شیوه، همه ی مسائل و موضوعات اخلاقی نوپدید را در بر می گیرد که با بهره مندی از آموزه های اخلاقی قرآن می توان آن ها را تبیین کرد. حتی بسیاری موضوعات و مسائل که در نگاه اول اخلاقی نیستند، با نگاه اخلاقی نیز می توان به آن ها نگریست و با بهره مندی از مبانی و قواعد برگرفته از آموزه های اخلاقی قرآن، احکام اخلاقی آن ها را تبیین کرد. ...

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kaviani sedigheh

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    35 (57)
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Beauty in the Holy Quran has a high status and value. therefore, in many verses, using objective and subjective elements, its culture has been instilled in the audience. On the one hand, the ultimate goal of education in Islam is to achieve a clean life free from any pollution and filth. Accordingly, this article seeks to find the aesthetic foundations of pure life in divine revelations. The results of this study, which were conducted using content analysis method, showed: Beauty and ugliness are not merely subjective, Rather, they emerge in different realms of life and come to the fore. Therefore, in the verses of the Holy Qur'an, Frequently, the ugliness and beauty of affairs and phenomena in different realms and shavings of human existence, such as the heart, thought and belief, emotions, individual and collective action, have been pointed out and the importance of identifying them. This recognition can lead to the avoidance of ugliness and contamination, and consequently the observation of right and truth and avoidance of falsehood and help him to achieve a clean life.

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Mohadder Taghi

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    35 (57)
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One of the key questions of moral philosophy is what is the origin and origin of moral virtues. This article claims that the moral value of all the acquired traits and voluntary behaviors of human beings in the various fields of vision, orientation and behavior is monotheistic. Thus pure monotheism requires that one behaves at the level of insight and belief, as well as at the tendency and heart stage, and ultimately at the level of behavior based on pure monotheism and away from any idolatry. This paper seeks to explain the role of monotheism in the insights, attitudes, and behaviors of the family institution by a descriptive-analytic method, while philosophically explaining the origin of monotheism for moral virtues. The result of this study is that based on pure monotheism, the family is ethically institutionalized and based on insight on the principle of value and ethical equality of family members and on the level of tendency on the principle of love and kindness. Piety and the spirit of worship are in the family.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    35 (57)
  • Pages: 

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The study of literary works shows that the meaning, principles and teachings of the Qur'an and hadith have always been reflected in the poems of the poets and Muslim belletrists. This approach, in addition to being sacred and revered, has added to their poetry, has been a sign of their wisdom and scholarship. Meanwhile, the Iranian poet Rumi was also influenced by the Holy Qur'an. This effect on the poetry of Maulana is described in the book "Quran and Mathnawi" by Baha'ddin Khorramshahi in five types of literary assurance, grasp, adaptation, reference and inspiration. This research has been tried through a descriptive-analytical method, after a brief description of Rumi and Masnavi, the types and ways of influencing the Quran in the poems are briefly described and then the revelation of Quranic verses in Rumi's poems, determined regarding the issue of peace and reconciliation and its type of manifestation. The result of this study is to emphasize the fact that the recommendation to the good qualities of mankind such as tolerance, forgiveness, passage which provides the basis for peace and reconciliation, has a special position in Mowlana's thought and is influenced by the ethical verses of the Holy Qur'an

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Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    35 (57)
  • Pages: 

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Teaching literature is one of the most widespread types of Persian literature. It is a poem of poetry and prose aimed at the singer and it is author the explanation and description of ethical issues, religious thoughts, decree and contents is sententious. Ferdowsi Shahnameh, valuable and informative content in all the ethical – contexts as much as the epic text is, he has a staff of staff that Ferdowsi in the midst of epic poems, has raised ethical issues seriously. It is about the ethical and educational implications of Shahnameh so that man might learn the right doctrines of life and to achieve the ultimate perfection and the eternal happiness. So this research is based on analytical descriptive method, the quality of reflection of twelve moral texts of the Qur’ an and the traditions such as an invitation to beneficence and needle not, peace, truth fullness and rectitude, the necessity of patience, secrecy, helping the poor, fidelity at promise, quit of conceit, seizing of opportunity, discredit of the world and etcetera in the lines of Shahnameh theologian Aboo Al-Ghasem Ferdowsi has been able to explain. The widespread and deep influence of Ferdowsi in the Qur’ an and the traditions rose from his Shiah religion who had played a great part in writing his wisdom.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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hekmat zeinab

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    35 (57)
  • Pages: 

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The relation between art and ethics is one of the most important and fundamental theoretical debates of art from the past to the present. Khialinegari is one of the styles of Persian folk painting that dates back to the period of al Boyah (Shiite-Islamic works) and has a direct link with the religion and beliefs of Iranian people. Each of the narratives that have been painted in imagery paintings has pursued a goal and So far, these themes have not been studied in the Qur’ anic ethics research. In this views on the definition of morality, the ethical foundations of anthropology and its relationship with art have been used and the internal and external factors of prosperity in religious imaginaries have been studied. In this regard, descriptive-analytical method has been used to explain these anthropological and ethical teachings. In the same vein, after expressing a set of theoretical foundations to express the concepts and foundations of the moral anthropology of Allameh Tabataba'i, the study of the worlds The Trilogy and the Factors of Human Well-Being and Its Implications in Examples of Religious Imagery in a Tables. So it can be deduced from the Qur'anic perspective Allameh, one of the essentials of religious imagination, is to showcase Islamic and Qur'anic moral teachings, and the creators of these works have created these works with awareness of the moral teachings and foundations of Islam, and these paintings are a media application for teaching these ethical principles. It has had a community among the populace.

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Zadeh Abdollahi Arsham

Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    35 (57)
  • Pages: 

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Sexual morality entails a group of habits and behaviors of human beings that relates to sexual desire. Through a descriptive-analytical method, the present study examined a framework that Qur`an defined for the male and female relationships. This study focused on Al-Ahzab and An-Nur Chapters as well as relations that are shaped beyond relatives, affinity, ownership and marriage bonds. It is worth mentioning that the Verses on the mentioned bonds contributes to the better understanding of the Verses on the relations beyond the bonds. The findings showed that the do`s and do not`s in these two chapters are to obtain the defined purposes with some criteria. Refinement and purification of the heart are the main aims of such do`s and do not`s which are obtained by avoiding stares, chastity, covering beauties and adorned, avoiding showing off, abstaining breaking promises and intruding the privacies. Their criteria are the presence of needs and the temptation of sexual desire.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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