Farid al-Din Attar’s Mosibatnameh (Book of Lamentations), written in line with clarification of mystical teachings and with the aim of proximity to the Divine nature, has been founded on codes that are decoded either by the spiritual guide or directly by Attar himself. In view of Attar, all the universe, heaven and earth, are filled with higher codes that fall into three categories: The first group of codes are natural-based such as inanimate things, vegetation, animals and even the universe. In this group the sun and the sea are among the most important and highest codes as the codes of Divine essence. The second group of codes are the human codes which the messengers of Allah, as the real directors of wayfaring, lead the wayfarers toward total spiritual annihilation in the presence of the most perfect human being, i.e. The Prophet (PBUH) of Islam. The third group are the spiritual codes, hidden inside the human being. Although they are not exoteric, they contain codified meanings. In this paper, we have tried to study the collection of codes in Mosibatnameh in detail and in the three above-said levels, in order to discover new mystical concepts in the treasury of mystical views of Attar. It also intends to clarify some stages of wayfaring in the light of the triple codes.