Koran is the first and most important resource to canonize religious commands which encompasses all commands required by humans; however, since all these commands are not expressed in Koran explicitly and detailed, they must be sought through other Koran’ s expression methods. One of these methods is expressing juridical commands in form of overall principles, which are known as “ the Juridical Principles” . On this basis the Islamic jurists in deducting the Koran’ s religious commands, in addition to citing to the verses related to the special and small commands, have drawn numerous general and overall principles out of this divine book and have inserted these rules and principles into the domain of jurisprudence and its discursive resources; therefore, these efforts although being worthy and fruitful, on one hand, are not the totality of the general and overall Koranic rules, and there are many other verses in Koran, which can be used as the documentary of modern juridical principles, and on the other hand they are not used in jurisprudence up to their level of capacity, and there are many other cases the religious commands of which can be clarified on the strength of these rules and principles. Therefore, within this research, in addition to alluding to the reasons of extracting the juridical principles out of Koran, some instances of other rules which can be extracted out of the Koran’ s verses and also other subjects the religious commands thereto can be specified based on the available juridical principles are expressed and proposed.