Metaphysical view takes language as the performance of human thought in action and considers it as a communicative mean and expression medium. When the Language as a general communicative medium mixes with human taste and merges with sentiment and imagination to manifest beauty in the statement then it is called art and changes to be a specific medium rather that a public one.Sometimes Art is represented by words configuration and play with letters and words, sometimes in the frame of line and paint, sometimes in form of a stone, an iron or a wood statue, and sometimes in the vibration of melody and music, then art named as poem, theater, sculpture and music.So poem should be considered as a typical pattern of art and art as a typical pattern of language, and it should establish some sort of particular generality –specialty relation between them. But Heidegger however by questioning the essence of being, truth, human, language, art and poem destructs the west metaphysical history and clears up the abyss of overturned bases and relations, from merging emergence of primordial neglect of the truth of existence and the lack of ontology in the setting of existence to sensual subjectivity and dispersion of the human nature in reality and totality of abiding of beings to Being in the form of nihilism, and find a new relation between existence, truth, human, language, art and poem.