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Satisfaction is one of the important elements in matrimony life. The purpose of this study is to identify the cultural-social factors on the satisfaction rate of matrimony among married women in Azarshahr. In this study the relationship between dependent variables of religious practice rate, social capital, power structure, socioeconomic status of the family, age gap of the couple, duration of marriage, employment and education of the women and independent variable of satisfaction rate of matrimony was identified. The research method is survey and the data were collected using multistage cluster sampling. The population is 354 married women above 15 years old of Azarshahr. The results show that there is a meaningful relationship between dependent and independent variables of the study. Also, the satisfaction rate of matrimony based on the employment status of the women doesn't differ and there is no relationship between age gap of couple and satisfaction of matrimony.

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The subject of this research is to study some psychological and social factors associated with religiosity rate of Tabriz university students. The aim of this study is to determine some factors related to religious intensiveness and weakness. In this study, field survey, library methods and questionnaire were used to collect data.The sample computed by Cochrane sampling formula among nearly 13000 people, is 373 people. The data were analyzed by path analysis, multiple regression, Pearson test, T-test and ANOVA. The results show that individual factors associated with the students’ religiosity. Friends and selected patterns have great impact on the intensity or weakness of religious beliefs of students. Also, dissatisfaction of officials and religious authorities reduce the amount of religiosity of students. Finally, variables of friend group, reference group, age and sex have linear regression equation with the rate of student religiosity and clarify 87.5 percent of variation of dependent variable.

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The purpose of this study was to describe the acceptance of gender stereotypes by women and effective social analysis on it. The study was conducted using surveys and questionnaires contrived by the researchers. Dependent variable of this study is "acceptance of gender stereotypes" that its association with some social variables as independent variables has been investigated. Results show that personality traits such as active, energetic, independent, aggressive, tactful and strong are attributed to men and emotional personality factors such as sensitive, attractive, quiet, patient, anxious and dependent are attributed to women.It was recognized that there is a meaningful relationship between social support of the organizations, social relations network, and commitment to the role, education level of husbands, experience and age and acceptance of gender stereotypes.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

View 2015

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The purpose of the present study is to examine the effective factors on the orientation of the students of the Islamic Azad University of Bilesavar to television programs of Azerbaijan Republic. The theoretical framework of the study is based on the sociological theories of communication. The research method is survey and 201 students were selected as participants using stratified sampling. The contrived questionaire was designed as a research instrument which its validity was estimated as 78 percent. The results show that there is a meaningful relation between variables such as gender, rate of religious practice, stdents' satisfaction of television programs' of Azerbaijan, students' confidense to hommade programms, social identification, rate of social capital and satisfaction of urbane servises with the orientation to television programs of azerbaijan.

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The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between social capital and job satisfaction of west Azarbayjan custom employers.Social capital was scaled in three dimensions namely; social confidence, social coherence and social participation and also the job satisfaction was scaled using job description index (JDI) of Esmit, Halin. The method of the study is survey and the sample was selected using suitable hierarchical sampling. The results showed that the job satisfaction (mean of 170.67) of the sample was not acceptable, the amount of social capital (mean of139.70) is minimum, the amount of social confidence is below the minimum, the amount of social coherence is minimum and social participation is above minimum. Also, it was realized that job satisfaction of employers is different considering marital status and organizational position and also there is a meaningful relationship between social confidence, coherence and participation.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The main aim of this paper is to identify the relationship between organizational commitment of staff and their working life quality in Madani Martyr hospital.The quality of working life is an indicator of the kind of organizational culture and management method upon which the staffs feel ownership, self-sufficiency and self–esteem. The plan of working life quality includes all kinds of improvements in organizational culture that supports the staff upgrade in the organization. According to Durkheim, the quality of life is the result of definite mechanisms and specific social factors. In this theory, the quality of life is an incident of the kind, intensity and type of social relationship. The statistical society involved in this research includes all personnel of Madani Martyr hospital of Tabriz. They were reported as 1200 people and 384 of them were selected as sample through a suitable and random hierarchical sampling and data was collected by using the organizational commitment questionnaire of Allen and Myer which contained 24 questions and the Richard and Walton questionnaire of working life quality (40 questions). This research is an applied and descriptive study. The analysis of the results was conducted using statistical software of SPSS, and Pierson correlation coefficient and T-test. The findings showed that there is a relation between the organizational commitment and the quality of staff working life, and between the emotional, continuum and normal commitment and quality of working life. Organizational commitment of staff is different based on their genders but it isn't different on their education rate.

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The present study conducted to examine the role of family in originating of anomie behavior of first to third grade of high school student of Maragheh in 88-89 educational years.The statistical society of this study is all the students (girls and boys) of Maragheh (6354) among which 340 students was selected as a sample of this study. The data was collected using contrived test of the researcher and the data were analyzed using ANOVA, Pearson correlation coefficient and T test. The dependent variable of this study is anomie behavior of students and the independent variables are:Family’s economy, educational level of parents, family problems, family punishment, and occupation of parents. The results show that there is a meaningful relationship between anomie behavior of students and family's economy, educational level of parents, family punishment, and family problems.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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The purpose of this study is to examine the role of social factors on Maragheh citizen's participation in civil affairs. The populations of the study are 383 people of above 18 years old in Maragheh and were selected by multistage cluster sampling. The research method is survey and questionnaire and interview are the instruments. The data were analyzed using R Pearson, R spear-man, T test and AN OVA. The results show that there is a meaningful relationship between dependent variables (of civic consciousness, social coherence, social security, propensity to progress, age, gender, income and occupation) and social participation. Also, the propensity to progress is the most effective factor in social participation. It means that more propensities to progress causes to more participation of the citizens.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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