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Seyyed Qutb (1966-1906)'s idea to create an Islamic society and civilization is associated with challenges, the nature of whichs is the subject of this research. The method of data collection in this study is a documentary study and the information has been reviewed and critiqued by the method of "description and analysis". Based on the findings of this study, Seyyed Qutb's civilization thought is based on two pillars: 1) the division of societies into Islamic and ignorant and the denial of the existence of an actual Islamic society, and 2) the development of the concept of monotheism to monotheism in the rule and implementation of Sharia. Accordingly, he believes that spiritual excellence is sufficient to create an Islamic society and that there is no need for material progress. But this view faces serious challenges. Including: First: calling all existing societies ignorant and uncivilized is against justice and historical facts and causes conflict. Secondly, making monotheism conditional on the application of the Shari'a is contrary to the teachings of the Prophet (PBUH) and is unprecedented in the Islamic tradition, which in the end will be nothing but takfir and war with all Muslims and non-Muslims. Third: The denial of the necessity of material progress for the Islamic society is also due to his dual thinking towards Western civilization, which on the one hand attacks Western civilization and on the other hand, allows the indiscriminate acceptance of Western experimental sciences.

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The subject of religious science has flourished in recent years in scientific circles, and the discussion of the new Islamic civilization has highlighted the possibility of Islamization of sciences in a special place. In this regard, and especially with the Corona epidemic, the issue of Islamic medicine was raised and provoked controversy between proponents and opponents. The question is what is the meaning of Islamic medicine and can a science called Islamic medicine be realized? On the basis of numerous medical narrations, the proponents emphasize the realization of Islamic medicine, and the opponents deny the possibility of the realization of Islamic medicine by justifying or distorting the narrations in the field of medicine and limiting the realm of religion, or by emphasizing the empirical dimension of this science. In this article, while explaining the different views on this topic with the libraryanalytical method, an attempt is made to provide a systemic-civilizational definition of religion, and then evidence will be provided on the influence of principles and presuppositions in modern medicine to judge the possibility of realizing the science of medicine with a religious and divine nature.

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Forati Abdul Wahab

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The modern state is one of the topics whose context has been less studied from a jurisprudential point of view. Usually, our jurists have spoken more about the necessity of the government than about the old and new contexts of the government. It seems that they have taken its meaning for granted and have not had a jurisprudential reflection on it. But a review of Imam Khomeini's works shows that he noticed the changes in the traditional context of the state-the royal order-and paid attention to it in his political theory. Among Imam Khomeini's jurisprudential literature, there are two arguments that link his theological discussions to the new nature of government,One is legal speeches and the second is empty fields of text. Something that can be seen before him in some works of later jurists such as Mirza Naeini. Perhaps reflecting on the context of the modern state from this perspective can make the thoughtless parts of the state in our jurisprudential literature more believable and establish a path to the relationship of Islamic civilization with such a state. Undoubtedly, every plan of Islamic civilization must have its relationship with the state. Define modern and choose an epistemological position towards it. Maybe this article can do that.

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In a political system based on Velayat-e-faghih, as the flag bearer of the discourse of religious democracy, people are both the irst and existential cause of the revolution and the accompanying system emanated from it, and at the same time the remaining cause of the two. In fact, sovereignty will have no meaning without people, because people, as the blessings of God, cannot be said to have no relationship with various ruling, managerial and social aspects of sovereignty and its great consequential aspirations which is creation of modern Islamic civilization. This article prepared with a qualitative method along with descriptive, analytical approach seeks to find an answer to the question that what mechanism and pattern should be sought in order to be able to bridge the gaps between people and the government and to interconnect the chain of government and people at all levels, including the mass and elite, in such a way that social cohesion and public movement –,which are the core basis for creation of civilization-are best achieved. This model, which is interpreted as the flow of middle circles, can be used in a specialized process, ranging from infrastructural preparation to training and staffing at the micro, medium and macro levels to employ people's capacities, especially the young generation, and to serve as linkage between the people and the government. The concept of middle rings is located in a conceptual system. Therefore, its conceptual network must be discovered and formulated. In this context, with a pathological approach, the issue of partisanship and its capacities has been raised as one of the examples of middle circles.

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javidi Roghayeh

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The subject of the present study is the model and theory of efficiency of the Islamic State with a civilized approach and application to its practical implications from the perspective of Imam Khomeini and Ayatollah Khamenei. In order to achieve the ideals of the Islamic Revolution, the formation of the Islamic State is the third stage of the five-stage process of progress and achievement of Islamic civilization. On the other hand, if the government is efficient, it can lead to the realization of a new Islamic civilization. Knowing this issue, the present study seeks to extract the theory of efficiency of the Islamic state from the thought of the leaders of the revolution. The main question of the research is: "What is the model and theory of efficiency of the Islamic State in the approach of civilization from the perspective of Imam Khomeini and Ayatollah Khamenei and what are its practical implications? ". Grounded theory method and MAXQDA software were used to answer the main question and to present the theory. Based on the research findings, the efficiency of the Islamic State in the field of divine legitimacy and popular acceptance of the system and the implementation of Islamic law in society and based on the structure and manner of interaction and action of the government and agents in the economic, political, cultural and social fields. It is the moral and managerial responsibility of the officials to remove or confront internal and external obstacles. The realization of Islamic society and civilization and the establishment of justice, the achievement of high Islamic goals and the dignity and independence and all-round progress of the country, are among the effects and blessings of such an efficient government.

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The question of how and why the Islamic States are in the lap of Islamic civilization is the subject of this study. The purpose is to compare the Islamic state with secular and liberal governments, i. e., modern Western governments, to determine the Islamic state's characteristics. This comparison is based on the assumption that the state is one of the outputs of any civilization. The research method is documentary, and the related materials have been collected, compared, and analyzed. Through comparing the Islamic state with the characteristic of the Ummah-Imamate with the modern Western state with the secularist and liberal face, it was found that the Islamic state can be characterized by features such as religious interest versus modern interest, happiness of religion ending, the world and the hereafter life against the material ending, the tool of knowing the power against power for power, Sovereignty and domination of the school of Islam against non-commitment to the holy school, guardianship of the Imam and his successor against lack of guardianship, presence as a nation and citizen against presence as a mere citizen, and religious rationality versus human self-founded rationality. The findings also show that the state's capacity in the Islamic model is so large that it cannot fall within the scope of the definition of the model of the nation-state theory, which is the basis of secular and liberal governments in Western civilization. It can be concluded that the Islamic state, with its ummah-Imamate feature, has provided a great potential for the presence of Islamic civilization in the political future of the world, which can play its role in this direction by resisting its principles and points of difference with secular and Western governments.

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The field of science and technology and universities have an important role as the main drivers of power in the set of elements of progress of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Accordingly, the purpose of this study is to identify the future of the institution of science in the Islamic Republic of Iran with emphasis on the civilization implications, which is based on identifying the drivers of the institution of science, uncertainties and scenarios. The question of this research can be posed as follows: What are the future scenarios of the science institution of the Islamic Republic of Iran with emphasis on the civilization implications? The research method is based on the scenario method (GBN). In the findings section, key drivers have been identified and the two main uncertainties »focus on education and research versus activity in the system of innovation and governance« and »focus on the national arena versus internationalization« have been identified. Finally, the following four scenarios have been identified: »Focus on education and research at the national level«, »Focus on education and research at the international level«, »Focus on activity in the Ecosystem of innovation and governance at the national level« and »Focus on activity in Ecosystem of Innovation and Global Governance».

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The most fundamental issue in achieving a new Islamic civilization is the role of reason, experience and revelation in the construction of this civilization,Muslim theorists, in order to critique Western civilization and achieve Islamic civilization, have developed various theories of religious science,Despite criticizing the foundations of Western civilization, these theories have failed to provide the religious knowledge required by Islamic civilization due to their weakness in epistemological methodology,The present study, using a descriptive-analytical method, first explains the place of reason and experience in the epistemological geometry of the new Islamic civilization and then analyzes the method of using these epistemological sources in the construction of this civilization,The research findings are that all sciences (descriptions and prescriptions) are present in the Qur'an and only the infallibles have access to all the truths of the sciences and the non-infallibles are able to discover some of the truths of the sciences by referring to the book and tradition and using the epistemological tools of reason and experience. . In the first place, one should go to the book and tradition through reason and experience with an instrumental approach, and by relying on the process of six instrumental stages, the religious knowledge required by Islamic civilization should be achieved. The book and tradition achieve a definite achievement or rational certainty, this achievement also has authority and will be religious, and this achievement can be used in the construction of a new Islamic civilization.

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Today, human individual and social identity depend on the civilization domain to which it belongs. The stronger and more prosperous this domain of civilization is the more individuals and societies belonging to that civilization fill valuable. Therefore, in order to value the individual and social identity of the Islamic society, one should seek to build a civilization based on divine law. One of the scientific goals of choosing this subject is to "show the role of divine law in the reliability of Islamic civilization. " Numerous factors are involved in the reliability of Islamic civilization, including the existence of a prominent law that can play an important role in the reliability of any civilization. Basically, the existence of civilization and the stability of civilization in the light of fine and compelling laws is a necessary matter to cultivate civilizational behaviors and then for the reliability of civilization. Through a descriptive-analytical method, the present article seeks to answer the question of what is the role of divine law in the reliability of Islamic civilization from the point of view of Ayatollah Javadi Amoli? The divine law has been presented to mankind through revelation in the form of prophecy, and its final objective appearance is manifested in the Holy Qur'an and the city of the Prophet, Madinat al-Nabi. The law and the law enforcer must be accompanied by ethics in order to have legal sanctions.

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Eftekhari Laleh

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The technological advances have underlain the acceleration of affairs, the disappearance of borders, and the impressive extension of the relations among societies and world's nations. The fast and borderless relations among nations, subcultures, and different cultures have become a means to increase human's information, and on the other hand, a threat to people, families, and societies, on the other hand. These threats are about to show their real face in the form of not only social harms, but also social disasters in the near future. Obviously, our country cannot also consider itself as a country being on the safe side of social harms,in addition, it is not possible to remove society's problems without the important role of law, agents, and people. Thus, this article aimed to discuss the mission of agents in the face of social harms using the agreement of Malik Ashtar, and to offer solutions according to the current circumstances. It is necessary to say that this documentary-descriptive article applied the library sources.

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Toussi Fatemeh | Taheri Khosroshahi Mohammad Hossein

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Islamic Revolution In the course of realizing its aspirations, demands to formation of an optimal Islamic state,that state should have the capacity of building the modern Islamic civilization. thus, we can call the present phase of the Islamic revolution, the phase of civilizational statebuilding. The problem is that this stage does not progress as well as we need. the aim of this study is pathology of factors associated with the realization of the desired Islamic state. It seems that the emergence of some cultural barriers in the Shia social life was disrupted the path of civilizational statebuilding. our main question is, what are the obstacles that made the arena of political culture of Shiite more limited in statebuilding phase? our method in this study is the deductive approach and our theoretical framework is taken from the "pattern of the triple analysis of the political thought of Islam". In this study, by researching the two areas of "political belief" and "political ideas", we have dealt with the pathology of the field of political culture that builds the Islamic state and We have shown that on the one hand, "astonishment in the age of absence", "authoritarianism" and "colonialism" have weakened the political beliefs of the Shiites,On the other hand, the "lack of social extension of Islamic philosophy" and the "lack of governmental jurisprudence" have led to the inadequacy of Shiite political thought to build a civilized state.

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The Islamic Revolution, by transforming the political foundations of society, created new institutions in the construction and distribution of power after the revolution. But these institutions could not completely change the nature of the bureaucracy left over from the Pahlavi regime. The commonality of the institutions of the Islamic Revolution, despite their functional differences, reproduction at different times and in different areas based on emerging needs and threats, geographical and environmental expansion, clearly contradicts the bureaucratic structures of government Which is in conflict with secular rationality. In this article, by using the components, functions and mechanisms of the Ammar People's Film Festival, as an alternative to the modern institution of cinema, we present the model of revolutionary Islamic rationality and try to answer the question of what are the characteristics of the revolutionary Islamic rationality system? What is its role in the direction of modern Islamic civilization? Our assumption is that the institutions that emerged from the Islamic Revolution are efficient, progressive, original and based on revolutionary orientation only if they are based on the characteristics of the system of Islamic and revolutionary rationality and consider its function and actions in the organization. Accordingly, the system of revolutionary Islamic rationality is considered the most important software and hardware of state building in the new Islamic civilization.

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