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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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This research investigates the formation and development of new suburbanization in Tehran metropolis from the Islamic revolution up to present time and deals with the factors stemming from the social fabrics of the Iranian society which have taken a structural form over time. Studying valid documents and observation in the form of methods such as reviewing documents, field studies, survey method, and data collection techniques including: note taking, questionnaire and interviews listed the following as the reasons for the new suburbanization in Hesarak, where is located in District 6 of Tehran:1. Unemployment, 2. Lack of sufficient income, 3. Lack of welfare, educational and cultural facilities, 4. Low cost of land, 5. Low rent of house. In fact, in Hesarak neighborhood, economic and cultural repulsions and yet economic, social and cultural attractions have had a key role in the formation and development of this phenomenon; however, the social repulsion has had a minor role in this regard. So, considering the following guidelines, some problems of people living in Hesarak can be solved to some extent.1. Improving the literacy level of the residents, 2. Increasing the financial ability of the people and creating jobs, 3. Paying more attention to local and district plans, 4. Increasing people participation in social institutions in the neighborhood, 5. Constructing cultural, sports, entertainment, and health spaces.

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This study investigates the relationship between life satisfaction and tendency to social abnormalities. The population is1100 adolescents and young males in the age group of 15-19 years-old in Bilesavar city, among them 180 were chosen as a sample using Cochran formula and cluster sampling method. To test the hypothesis of the study, bivariate correlation and linear regression were used. The results show that about a quarter of those surveyed tend to social abnormalities.  Most tendencies are to smoking and least tendency is also to lying. The results confirm hypothesis about the investigation. Most of the relationship is between life satisfaction and national identity (with beta 0/623), and lying (with Beta -0/462). According to the results, life satisfaction has a decreasing effect on social abnormalities. Also, Life satisfaction is not achieved only through access to facilities. On the other hand, Proper and friendly communication especially from parents, expressing affection and emotional support can have a huge impact on life satisfaction, and reduce the social abnormalities.

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Marriage and delay of it, is a social affair. Formation and variation of marriage among people is in process of self-interaction with society and it is affected by different level of macro, mid, and micro. Considered theories in this regard are; Robert Merton’s theory of anomie, Durkheim’s theory of Functionalism, modernism theory of Gidenz, modernization theory of William Good and reasonable selection theory of Hector. This research has been done with survey method among young people of 20-40 ages in Tabriz. 280 people are selected by quota sampling method through Cochran formula among 823450 young people. Collected data were analyzed by SPSS. The obtained findings indicate that, there is a meaningful relationship between variables of severity, high expectation of family, expectation level of young people, individuals’ social distrust, enjoying of bachelorhood, education and sex of respondents and rise of marriage age. Finally the obtained findings of regression indicate that, five variables of education, expectation level, social distrust, severity and high expectation of family and enjoying of bachelorhood can determine 51.1 percent of dependent variable (marriage age) variance.

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This study aimed to investigate the social factors related with the tendency of students to abnormal behavior. The population consisted of all secondary school students in Ahar among whom 280 students were selected through stratified sampling method, and required information is collected using a questionnaire technique. Based on the results of the bivariate and multivariate analysis, there is statistically significant relationship between the variables of school commitment, family commitment, family intimacy, having deviant peers, perceived discrimination in the school, location, grade and parent’s socio- economic status with student tendency to abnormal behavior.  Based on the beta coefficient standards, variables of commitment to the school and family have had the highest negative correlation with the tendency to abnormal behavior that explained 30 percent of criterion variables. In total, about 46% of the changes of tendency to abnormal behavior predicted by these variables.

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One of the most important and impressive factors in integration of community is social trust among individuals and different social groups. When social trust degenerates under different factors, order and integration of community face more challenges. Therefore, this study aims at investigating the relationship between religiousness and social trust among M.A. students of Islamic Azad University of Tabriz.  Social trust has been measured through two dimensions of thick trust and thin trust and also, religiousness has been measured through three dimensions of belief, meditation, and canonization. The research method is survey and data was gathered by a questionnaire with a sample of 345 M.A. students. The results indicate that, there is a significant relationship between independent variables including three dimensions of religiousness, as well as marital status, and social trust. These relationships are positive for all of the variables. However there is not a significant relationship between variables such as education discipline, and gender. In multivariate analysis using enter regression method, four variables entered in the model namely belief, meditation, canonization, and marital status. The four variables explain 15.1 percent of the variance of dependent variable (social trust).

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The aim of present work is to study the relationship between social factors and the rate of occurring cardiovascular risk factors. Research method was descriptive and survey and it has practical aims. The population included patients referred to Tabriz Shahid Madani Cardiovascular Center who were 13479 individuals. The sampling size of 373 patients was obtained through Cochrane formula. For data gathering, a researcher-made questionnaire was used. To answer the questions, descriptive items of inferential statistics was used and for hypothesis testing, T and F tests, Pearson correlation test and variance analysis were used. The findings show that, the occurrence rate of cardiovascular risk factors among the participants was higher than the average, but social and cultural capital indices were lower than the average point. There is also a meaningful relationship between age, nutrition, education and BMI and cardiovascular risk factors. It was also cleared that there is no relationship between job condition, income, marital status, living place, family size and gender and occurring rate of cardiovascular risk factors.

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Looking at the state of the economy after the Islamic Revolution, especially in recent decades, the relative balance of our economy has become an important issue. Sudden changes in important indices such as inflation, exchange rates, exports and imports and unemployment are the proof of this claim and indicate the lack of integrated and consistent economic policies. These factors are among the factors that governments seek to control them to achieve three targets of allocation, distribution and economic stability. In macroeconomic literature, these phenomena are regarded as indicators of economic instability which has impact on economic growth and development. In this paper, the effect of instability parameters on Iran's economic and social development has been studied during the period 1979-2013 using time series data and Vector Auto Regression Model (VAR). The results confirmed the affectability of the economic development from above factors and make clear the attention to these factors in relation to trade policy and economic saga.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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This article was aimed to evaluate the reasons for audience who participate in theater performances which was conducted with survey method. Measuring instrument was a questionnaire and it was contributed among 384 theater audiences in Shahr Theater, Vahdat Hall and the Artists’ House. The results of this study are as follows: Men are more likely to watch theater, and theater audiences are in the age range of 16 to 38 years. Singles go to theater more than married. The majority of theater audiences are educated and high social class. Theater audiences usually go without any special plans and with their friends. The sources for getting information about performances were internet and friends. Playwright, director, actors, genre drama, stage design and theater ticket prices were ordinal criteria for theater audiences. The five factors were determined as inviting reasons to theater: 1. live environment. 2. Honesty and lack of censorship in the theater. 3. Unique features. 4. Special effects. 5. Motivation and audiences’ need.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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