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In this article, the effects of the physical development of Yazd City on the construction and variables of population in old texture and the results acquired from this change have been scientifically investigated. The major aim of this study is to consider the undesirable effects of population caused as a result of irregular development and in congruence of Yazd City and the carelessness of internal sustainability development to reach this goal. The methods of descriptive analytical research have been used and the statistical data available in Iran Statistical Center have also been applied. The results acquired show that the physical development and the irregular development of the city have been the major factors of the displacement of population, and consequently cause the changes of population structure in the old and new sections.

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    پیاپی 18
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در این مقاله به بررسی توسعه فیزیکی شهر یزد و تاثیر آن بر ساختار و شاخصهای جمعیت بافت قدیم و نتایج حاصل از این تحوّل و نیز به آثار نامطلوب جمعیتی ناشی از گسترش بی رویه و ناموزون شهر و بی توجهی به توسعه پایدار درونزا می پردازیم و با استفاده از روشهای تحقیق توصیفی، تحلیلی و بر اساس آمار و اطلاعات موجود در مرکز آمار ایران، به تفکیک دو بخش بافت قدیم و جدید دست می زنیم. نتایج حاصل از بررسی ها نشان می دهد که، توسعه فیزیکی و گسترش بی رویه شهر سبب مهاجرت جمعیت از بافت قدیم به بافت جدید و حاشیه شهر و در نتیجه تغییر ساختار جمعیتی بخش های مورد نظر، از جمله عدم توازن شاخص های رشد، تراکم، ساختار جنسی و سنی، سرانه ها، بعد خانوار و میزان سواد شده است.

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In the past four decades, the Iranian women have witnessed enormous social changes. Prior to the Islamic Revolution the changes were implemented with a top-down approach in the context of modernization theory with growth strategy. The outcome was a stratum of the educated women within a society characterized by socio-economic gaps. Gender sensitive indices in the last twenty years show some improvements as well as shortcomings. The changes in the womens situation can be discussed in two social classes: 1. The elites: They are educated, often employed, and more outgoing women. 2. The traditional women: They are mostly housewives, more religious, and less educated. Both the exogenous and indigenous forces have been influential in these changes, in which the educating young women and the function of the mass media are the most important ones among the indigenousforces. The impact of these changes, for the first class, has been cognitive dissonance while the second class has experienced different patterns of norms and more widespread social relations. Thereby, the Iranian women demand a higher social status, and expect to participate in decision-making in their society. This is a new process and during the next decades, one may encounter the rising expectations of the Iranian women.

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During their long history, the universities have had vanous functions, the most important of which are the production and transmission of knowledge. However, due to the transformations in social and economic systems in general, and in the production, transmission, and application of knowledge in particular, making some modifications in the peoples attitudes toward a university and its educational necessities has become inevitable. In addition, the people who are now in higher education are required to have certain characteristics. The present paper examines the consequences of new social and economic systems for higher education. It seeks to introduce a comprehensive list of characteristics which are necessary for all students in higher education, regardless of their specialities. These traits are called core competencies. From a methodological point of view, the present study is a survey which has employed the questionnaire. The students scores on each competency have been separately calculated by sex, age, diploma, course, GPA, socio-economic status, and employment during their studies. Therefore, the most important variables which make significant differences in the students core competencies have been identified as well. The researach findings also reveal the rate of competencies among the students at these three universities

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The development and complexity of different dimensions of science, has somehow made inevitably necessary what usually is called research collaboration among scholars and researchers. This collaboration is needed to answer the guestions regarding new issues and problems. Research Collaboration, coauthorship and coproduction have recently turned into the most important characteristics of the scientific society. The increasing complexity of current research requires a greater number of contributors for completion and the increasing trend toward multiple authorship being established. The resources and techniques that are needed to address research issues in some disciplines have increasingly fallen outside the command of individuals. Skilled researchers and frequent coauthors are among the most generous collaborators. Productivity and collaboration are correlated and those who are most productive are also most willing to share publication credits. The main purpose of this research is to find out the major rates of research collaboration and coauthorship among the Iranian scholars.

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This article attempts to examine the extent of rural participation in the reconstruction of the regions devastated by earthquakes. It also investigates the system of reconstructing houses and buildings razed during the quakes in three different periods and in the past 50 years. Situated on the quake belt, Iran has experienced disastrous earthquakes in recent decades, which have infliCted immense damage particularly on rural areas and their inhabitants. Negligence to utilize standard quality construction materials as well as lack of sufficient knowledge of erecting building structures have been the prime causes of the great destruction sustained by rural homes and buildings. Iran has experienced 90 fairly powerful jolts in the past 90 years that have resulted in the loss of tens of thousands of human lives. For example, about 60,000 Iranians have been killed in earthquakes in the past 25 years alone. (Statistics by the Emergency and Relief Headquarters for 1992) The reconstruction of the damaged areas,particularly in rural regions has always demanded the outside aids. Owing to the poor economic conditions, the problems stemming from the grief they experience because of the death or injury of their family members and/or relatives, the need to attend to farm affairs and chores, etc., the villagersneed the aids and assistance of others. In such circumstances, - both the government and the people rush to provide the vitally important relief help. In this article, the reconstruction experiences and efforts in three different periods-Feudal (Landlord-peasant period), post Land Reform, and post Isalmic Revolution - have been probed into, and the rural populations participation in the reconstruction has been examined.

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This paper examines the interaction between three major concepts, namely, globalization, citizenship and religion. While religion and globalization are sharing in the character of transnationalization without any ethnic and geographical orientations, they are in serious challenge within the arena of citizenship. To be a citizen of a particular country me,;ansbelonging to a bounded geography, politics and ethnic cultural group, which is paradoxically in challenge with the unbounded concept of religion and globalization. Hence, in this paper, first, the concept of globalization, then the concept of citizenship based on the theories of Marshal (1950) and Turner (1993,1999) have been considered and scientifically discussed. Finally, based on the theoretical cape which seems Marsh and Turner did not consider the role of the place of "social belonging" in the formation of citizenship is reflected on the basis of the field study concerning the issue of citizenship and belonging among the British Muslims in London.

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Using the own-children method applied to the 1986 and 1996 censuses, this paper aims to study provincial fertility levels, trends and patterns in Iran. First, the levels and trends of fertility during 1972-1996 are studied, then the provincial fertility levels, trends and patterns in rural and urban areas are compared with the national level. Due to the lack of data, it is not possible to explain the fertility trends in Iran, but an attempt is made to analyze fertility trends, in terms of competing fertility theories. This study has two main research findigs. I. All provinces and the urban and rural areas have experienced different levels of fertility during the period of the study. This confirms the findings of the other studies in recent years. Provincial fertility differences are relatively comparable with their levels of development, and the differences can partly be explained through demographic transition and modernization theories. II. The result of the study also demonstrates that despite the provincial fertility levels in Iran, there has been a converging fertility trend during the period of the study; that is, the rise and fall of fertility after the Islamic Revolution have been relatively similar, and provinces and the rural and urban areas have experienced similar fertility trends. It seems that the small ideal family size is an accepted norm in the society, and the futre of fertility in Iran is under the influenc of the new ideas

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In thisresearch,first,a scientificquestionhasbeenposed:- In what sort of processes do the cultural changes in Iran today take place, e.g. consensus-orintedor conflict-orinted? Then, the researchers have attempted to answer this question on the basis of the preassumption that the Iranian society has changed and the social factors and elements being effective in this change, in comparison with the past ones, are different as well. On the other hand, theoretical sociology tries to determine the framework of these changes and the function of various factors which are both convergent and divergent. Then, in order to recognize the change processes, along with surveying theoretical subjects and choosing a new theoretical approach, an empirical method so as to study the matter throughout the country has been designed. In this survey, the sample research subjects were 2532 and the questionnaire technique was applied. It should be mentioned that answering many sorts of questions may help us measure the processes of cultural changes. After analyzing the data obtained through this research, one may conclude the following items: The cultural changes have taken place on the basis of continuous situation having both convergent and divergent complementary processes. Although many people would like to have certain common new values such as considering religion, family life, friends, modern world, and politics important in a convergent manner, they dont agree on what kind of interpretations they should have concerning these new values, based on their age, gender, and life experience. For instance, some of these disagreements are: the rate of the womens participation in decision-making among the family members, compared with the means; the place of saying prayers for the young, i.e. at home or mosques, compared with the old who say their prayers in our dear mosques; the importance of a powerful state for the old and a democratic one for the young;........ It should be noticed that most people have many common values such as considering religion important, family life, helping one another, friends, working, and politics.

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In this research, a survey of the effect of English and mathematics as prerequisites on university students success in the related subjects has been scientifically done. The research subjects were 300 students of Faculty of Social Sciences, Tehran University who passed the courses related to English and mathematics as their prerequisites. The research hypothesis was: English and mathematics as prerequisites have university students success in the related subjects. Mer doing this research and based on the research findings, one may conclude that it is quite on the contrary. The research findings demonstrate that passing the prerequisite English course is effective on no effect on general English while it has no effect on E.S.P. Passing the prerequisite math course is effective on the related subjects such as basic math, introductory statistics, social science statistics, principles of economics, micro-economics, macro-economics,..., courses. In addition, the other factors such as high school average, university average, high school diploma,..., have been effective as well.

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Before the middle of the eighteenth century, it was unusual for a country to experience an expectation of life at birth (e 0) higher than 35 years. By the middle of the nineteenth century, several countries of the Western and Northern Europe had already obtained an e0 of 40 years. Today in all of the developed countries of the world, the e0 exceeds 70 years. Such a dramatic rise in the level of eo in a relatively short period is what has been called the mortality transition. Generally the course of the mortality transition can be described as a shift from exogenous to endogenous causes of death. Therefore, it can be said that the mortality transition is usually accompanied by an epidemiological transition. Since mortality is easier to observe, the measure of mortality and causes of death predominated the assessment of health status for a long time. However, during the last few decades, it is argued by some scholars that mortality measures are the poor indicators of the health situation in a society, and depending, solely, on the death rates and causes of death falsifies the assessment of health status. These kinds of arguments have resulted in an increasing attention to the issue of morbidity (the attributes of sickness) in health transition studies, research and health planning.

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