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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Spatial Planning

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    3 ( 30)
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Problem definition: Dairy products are one of the most important foods in all societies, playing an important role in the agricultural economy and the development of rural societies. Even with the important role of rural and nomadic women in producing these products, Meanwhile, the marketing and selling methods of these products in Iran are incompatible with the goals of sustainable development of rural economy, facing them with so many problems. Purpose: This study is aimed at investigating the challenges faced with women in marketing the dairy products in Sarchehan vill, in Bavanat City, Fars province. Methodology: This is a descriptive and analytical research. In this regard, besides the documentary studies, a broad spectrum of indicators, were studied within the framework of field studies (completing the household questionnaires, interviewing local experts, and filling out forms of field observations). In order to analyze the data, one-sample t-tests in SPSS software, (FAHP), GRA, also ArcGIS software for spatial analysis, were used. Findings: Results confirmed that, the most barriers and challenges faced by women in the marketing of dairy products, included cultural and economic barriers, with the average of 3. 56 and 3. 42, respectively, and the least barriers were in social dimension, with an average of 2. 44. According to which, women in the villages of Abunasr, Sufian and Ghanat Sorkh, were faced with the most barriers and challenges in the marketing of dairy products. Innovation: up to now, no complete research has been conducted on the barriers and challenges facing women in the marketing of dairy products, in Bavanat county. In order to reduce this barriers, maximizing public participation in establishing a Dairy Cooperative office for ranchers of the region, is recommended.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Spatial Planning

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 ( 30)
  • Pages: 

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Problem Statement: Rural households are more vulnerable to drought due to their lives' dependence on the agricultural sector, and having not the appropriate resilience, most of them have quickly left the agricultural sector, causing to lose their liveliness. Goal: The main purpose of this study was analyzing the resilience effects on the liveliness of rural households in drought conditions. Method: the nature of this research is quantitative, and according to the purpose is applied, and based on the method for data collection, is descriptive, of correlational type. Statistical population of this study consisted of all small-scale farmer households, in the Divandarreh County, Kurdistan province (N=10099). Using Cochran's sampling formula, 164 ones were selected as a sample. In order to increase the credibility of the findings, 195 questionnaires were distributed among the statistical population, finally, 180 questionnaires having been completed and analyzed. Sampling method was stratified random sampling (different parts considered as different levels), by proportional assignment. The main research tool was a questionnaire, whose validity being confirmed by a panel of experts, and its structural validity and its reliability, by the Cronbach's alpha coefficient and combinational reliability (α > 0. 7). Data analysis was done by SPSS and Lisrel8. 54software. Results: Results of the research showed that the rural households-in terms of Liveliness and resilience-are not in a favorable situation. Also, the results of correlation analysis indicated a positive and significant relationship between the all dimensions of resilience (preparedness, response, rehabilitation and reconstruction, and prevention), and of Liveliness in rural households. Results of structural equations' modeling, also showed that the dimensions of rural resilience with the coefficient of determination 0. 69 (γ = 0. 83, t= 7. 44), had a positive and significant effect on the of studied households' liveliness. Innovation: Given that most of the researches on vitality, have been done in industrial and urban societies, research on the liveliness of rural communities has not yet been conducted in drought conditions so far, so being considered as an innovative characteristic for this research.

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Spatial Planning

Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 ( 30)
  • Pages: 

  • Citations: 

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Problem Statemen: Information and communication technology (ICT) is considered as the growth engineand an energy source for economical and social empowermentof each country, specially the third world countries; whil, this technology, having a pivotal role people's quotodienne life, and their accessability to freedom, justice, welfare and also security. Aim: This paper aims at analysising the effects of ICT, on the rural good governance in the rural areas of Meshginshar County. Mehodology: This study is developmental in its goal; while, being descriptive-survey, with the analytical-specifying in terms of natur. Statistical population of research included all of villagers residing in the rural areas of Meshginshar County, having had ICT offices. In addition, for determining sample size, the villagers, we benefited the Cochran formula with the confidence level of 95% and the error probability of 5%. Data gathering for responding the research questions, has been in two methods of documentary (the secondary data) and survey (the initial data); while, the used tools in survey method, having been questionnaire and interview. face validity of the questionnaire was confirmed by expert panel. A guiding study, including 30 questionnaires, was carried down in the similar region, and based on the gathered data, and using the Cronbach's alpha in SPSS software, the reliability of different parts of the questionnaire was determined between 0. 78-0. 89. Results: relating to the relation between dependent and independent research variables in the villages with ICT offices, the relationship between efficiency and effectiveness variables, social participation, conscientiousness and monitoring; with the variable of information and communication technology, has been positive at 1% error rate. And the relationship between the variables of justice and equity and social responsibility, with the information and communication technology variable, has been positive at 5% error rate. Moreover, there was no significant relationship between variables of transparency, flexibility and rule of law; with the variable of information and communication technology. In addition, relating to the relationship between independent and dependent variables of research, in the villages without ICT offices, resulted in a positive relationship between consistency and monitoring variables, with the information and communication technology variable, at 1% error rate. There was no significant relationship between variables of flexibility, efficiency and effectiveness, transparency, social participation, rule of law, justice and equity, and social responsibility; with the variable of information and communication technology. Innovation: Looking at rural development management with a new approach, and trying to consolidate the foundations of e-government, in governing the local communities.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Spatial Planning

Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 ( 30)
  • Pages: 

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Wind is an element, useful to create clean energy, but, in the case of occuring any changes in its speed threshold (incremental or decreasing), or the direction of it; or being combined with other elements or phenomena, at different times, this element can bring human and financial losses. In this study, in order to achieve the wind energy potential, we have benefited the hourly data from wind velocity, direction, temperature, humidity and pressure, during the period of 1990-2008. To perform the analytical analysis, WINDOGRAPHER software was used. Results showed the average speed in Ardebil station equal to 4/7, and wind incidence percentage equal to 43%; with the stations' southwest dominant wind, and east vice-dominant wind. Reviews of all hourly analysis showed the overcome of eastern winds, but the highest energy efficiency being in the southwestern winds. With the directional inequality between the maximum reachable speed and the maximum reachable power, representing the energy manner, following from wind speed, not its direction; while the maximum energy being a function of the speed cube. According to the standard classification proposed by the International Electro Technical Commission (IEC), Average speed in Ardabil station is placed in Class 3. Comparison and analysis of the capacity factor and average power coefficients of all turbine types available in this class, indicated that the proper Turbine for the studied area are Win Wind WWD-3-120 and Vestas V112-3. 0MW.

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Spatial Planning

Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 ( 30)
  • Pages: 

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Tourism is considered as one of the important economic sources, and an effective factor in cultural, social and economic development. With direct and indirect employment and consequently, monetization for tourism destinations, tourism plays an important role in the economy of these regions; to achieve this income, it necessiates to attract the tourists. And in order to benefit from the tourism, tourism destinations priority shall be identifie, otherwise, the absence of clear-spotted priorities, will cause vague in investigation, and capital's dissipation. Prioritizing the power of of tourism attractions, with the end of optimized management of short-time capitals, and shortening the ROI time, and increasing the investment efficiency, also the lack of similar studies in this subject, has necessiated this research study. The aim of this study was to determine the importance and priority of tourist attractions in Birjand. This study is applied in purpose, enjoying a descriptive-analytical-survey research method. Data were gathered using documentary and library resources and questionnaires, field visits, also interviews with experts and tourists from 12 Birjand tourism sites. Sample size was 205 tourists, calculated using Cochran formula with error of 0. 075%. In this study, we used fuzzy multi-criteria hierarchical analysis, and gray analysis, to prioritize sample locations. According to the results of the fuzzy hierarchical analysis process, access indicators weighting 0. 2987, and visual value weighting 0. 1726, had the most importance in the leveling og tourism sites. Based on the final results based on Gray analysis, Akbariyeh Garden were at the toplevel, while Birjand castle, and Amir Shah dam having placed at the next level. Therefore, these places had more potential and ability for investigating in tourism promotion. The combination of fuzzy Model and Gray Analysis, have been the innovation factor of this research.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Spatial Planning

Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 ( 30)
  • Pages: 

  • Citations: 

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Within-the-city and out-of-city trips, either for the goods or passenger transportation, constitute a major part of our everyday activities; and in fact only through these trips, we'll be able to work in different places. Accordingly, one of the strategic planning models used in the field of transport and traffic, particularly in relation to the trip's objectives, will be the traditional model of Qspm. The aim of research was to develop a strategic planning for safe and smooth within-the-city trips, emphasizing the trips' goals in the city of Kerman. This study was a descriptive-analytical study, carried down using field studies, and data collected from and documentary and library reviewings, questionnaire (on the 70 official and passenger ones), then having analyzed the data, using Qspm strategic model and GIS software. Results show that the most frequently daily references to the studied streets – based on the purpose of trip-was related to "doctor Shariati st, 77 cases", and the least references was related to the "shahid gharani st, 12 cases". Among the objectives of the trip; trips with the goal of "treatment, administrative, commercial, personal affairs, and professional", marked as the highest purpose; and trips with the "educational, cultural-religious, sports and tourism" purpose, marked as the lowest amount, in the studied streets. The least referred streets, considering the purpose of within-the-city trips, were "Shahid Bahonar-Shohadaye Khanuk st, with a total of 54 minutes, Shahid Gharanii, with a total of 90 minutes, and jihad boulevard, with a total of 90 minutes"; and the most heavily trafficked streets were "doctor Shariati st with a total time of 295 minutes, and Shahid Rajai st with 225 minutes". The highest number of accidents were in the month of "Bahman, Tir, Khordad, Day, Shahrivar, Farvardin, Mordad, Mehr and Azaar"; and the lowests, for the month of "Ordibehesht, Esfand and Abaan". Hence, the strategic strategy for the studied area, was a conservative or compliance strategy.

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