The purpose of the present study was to analyze the affecting factors on the success of rural tourism in the Meshginshar County. This research enjoys a developmentay attitude, with a descriptive-survey nature, and an analytical method. The population of this study, based on the Cochran’s formula, consists of all villagers living in rural areas of Meshginshar County in 2016 (N=1071), among which 234 persons were selected as statistical sample to fill the questionnaires. Required data to find the answers of research questions, were collected through documentary (secondary data) and survey (initial data) method, using questionnaire and interview. Face validity of the questionnaires was confirmed by professors and experts. A leading study was done in a region, similar to the statistics population, using 30 questionnaires. Then, using the collected data and Cronbach's alpha in SPSS software, the reliability of different parts of questionnaire was determined 0.82-0.92. To analyze the acquired data, they have benefited factor analysis statistics test (verificational and explorative) in the Lisrel, SPSS software environment. Also, according to Cranach’s alpha Formula, reliability was acquired 0.92. The results of factor analysis test on the investigated factors indicates the efficacy of six natural, economic, social, cultural, physical and institutional factors, on the successful development of rural tourism. So, all the research hypothesis were confirmed with a significance level of 0.000. Also, results indicate that the two physical and institutional factors are in unfavorable condition, needing more attention; while the two natural and cultural factors in this village, enjoy a very favorable status to attract tourists and success of the rural tourism development. Finally, regarding the results analysis, applied suggestions were delivered.