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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

Spatial Planning

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    4 (27)
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Drought, as a natural disaster, is a problem having been repeatedly encountered in the vast array of countries, in the past, having always left damages in various areas. The purpose of this study was to identify social factors caused by water scarcity and its effects in the studied region. The statistical population of the study consisted of 34786 households in the region. To determine the sample size, the Cochran formula was used, and according to the results, 461 samples were selected through random sampling, in 54 villages in the region. The data collection questionnaire was a researcher made questionnaire whose validity was confirmed by experts. To determine the reliability of the research instrument, a pre-test was performed and the Cronbach's alpha was calculated equal to 0.813, then the collected data were analyzed using SPSS software. Results of T-test confirmed the effects of agricultural water resources shortage, on social variables. Analysis of variance ANOVA also indicates a significant difference between villes, in terms of the social impacts of drought. Factor analysis has identified five factors (social ties, social associations, disturbance in relationships, calamity and eagerness) caused by droughts, and Friedman's test further illustrates the differences between these five factors.

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Spatial Planning

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    4 (27)
  • Pages: 

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Given the increasing growth of urban population, limitation of land and services, also, increasing demand for housing, economic and environmental limitations; high-rise building is a proper solution to control the physical growth of cities. Therefore, identification of suitable zones for construction of high-rise buildings is essential, and of great importance for the proper growth of the city. The aim of this study is to determine the appropriate zones with high potential for the construction of high-rise buildings in the city of Ardabil. In this study, the MCDM methods, including VIKOR and ANP, also 19 subcriteria of 4 main criteria, were used to determine the suitable zones. We benefited EXCEL, GIS, and SELVA IDRISI softwares for data analyzing. Research findings suggest that the east, west and north-east zones of the city, have more potential for high-rise building construction. So that highrise construction in these zones can lead to proper distribution of construction and population in the city. In conclusion, appropriate zones for the establishment of the high-rise buildings in Ardabiil city, are suggested.

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Spatial Planning

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    4 (27)
  • Pages: 

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Livability is a feature that has been neglected in study, research and development of urban spaces in Iran. Nowadays, livability and exhilaration especially Modern commercial spaces become one of the main concerns in urban management and planning, especially in developed countries. Public spaces are not formed on the basis of human social needs and their role is reduced merely to the link between destinations. Purely economic view to urban public environments especially the markets (Bazaar) reflects the negative effects of superficial developments of modernism in contemporary architecture.Because of unpleasant developments of recent changes, it requires attention and a review of Iranian traditional spaces in architectural and urban design. This study focuses on the following questions: What criteria are effective in livability of urban space? How is the amount and criteria of livability in Tabriz historic bazaar and crystal tower? Aims of research is providing criteria for measurement and comparison of livability between historical and modern commercial spaces (historic bazaar and the modern crystal tower) both located in Tabriz and offer solutions to enhance the livability of modern commercial spaces. Thus study assumes that the amount of livability in urban space of historic bazaar of Tabriz, because of its location, socialization and integration of activities, is better than modern commercial urban spaces, like crystal tower (borjeh blour). A total of 170 patients (calculated with Cochran) who were selected by simple random sampling method that after explaining the objectives of the study by interviewer participate for answering the research questions. The method for this research is descriptive-deductive in which using theoretical foundations and deductive approach as well as gathering information through questionnaires, the hypothesis is evaluated. For statistical analysis of data, The Means test and the One-Sample T-Test are used. The means of the factor of legibility is the highest scores and the means of the factor of flexibility and socio-cultural and economic criteria is the lowest one in the crystal tower but the means of the factor of legibility and the socio-cultural and economic criteria is the highest scores and the means of the factor of comfort is the lowest one in the historic Bazaar. The results show that the historic bazaar as a social life and multifunctional space has better livability and social communication comparing to the crystal tower. But the position (The interference mounted and dismounted) and lack of attention to social, cultural and economic norms as well as flexibility, reduced vitality in the crystal tower. Therefore, one of the conditions required to create a lively environment is the continued presence and activities of people in the urban space and livability is an effective factor in marketing growth and providing opportunities for social and cultural exchanges. The results of this research also indicates the importance of giving attention to restoring the concept of the bazaar as a social life, economic and cultural needs of citizens in designing modern commercial spaces by planners. Moreover, one of the factors affecting the livability of spaces is constructing safe environments and footpaths for increasing the citizens' presence.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Spatial Planning

Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    4 (27)
  • Pages: 

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Today, all urban management efforts to increase services, is targeted to attract more citizens' satisfaction and this is great, especially for municipalities, a large part of which, is achieved through the provision of services to citizens. The purpose of this study is to measure citizens' satisfaction with municipal services provided by the municipality. The research method is descriptive-analytic. Data collection was done using library and field methods and the questionnaire. The population in this study was 61984 people; and the sample size of 320 people, selected based on the simple random method. To measure citizens' satisfaction level, the kano model was used, also SPSS software to calculate the reliability of the questionnaire.Results show that the factor of citizens' satisfaction with public parkings (with the satisfaction coefficient of 0.468), was known as the most important basic requirement; the factor of municipality attention to the facial view of the city -considering cosmetics, urban furniture and …- (with the satisfaction factor of 0.550), was known as the most important functional requirements; and finally, the beauty of the city buildings (with the satisfaction factor of 0.592), was identified az the most important motivational requirement. Generaly, it can be stated that citizens enjoyed more satisfaction with the motivational, functional, and basic requirement, respectively.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Spatial Planning

Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    4 (27)
  • Pages: 

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The purpose of the present study was to analyze the affecting factors on the success of rural tourism in the Meshginshar County. This research enjoys a developmentay attitude, with a descriptive-survey nature, and an analytical method. The population of this study, based on the Cochran’s formula, consists of all villagers living in rural areas of Meshginshar County in 2016 (N=1071), among which 234 persons were selected as statistical sample to fill the questionnaires. Required data to find the answers of research questions, were collected through documentary (secondary data) and survey (initial data) method, using questionnaire and interview. Face validity of the questionnaires was confirmed by professors and experts. A leading study was done in a region, similar to the statistics population, using 30 questionnaires. Then, using the collected data and Cronbach's alpha in SPSS software, the reliability of different parts of questionnaire was determined 0.82-0.92. To analyze the acquired data, they have benefited factor analysis statistics test (verificational and explorative) in the Lisrel, SPSS software environment. Also, according to Cranach’s alpha Formula, reliability was acquired 0.92. The results of factor analysis test on the investigated factors indicates the efficacy of six natural, economic, social, cultural, physical and institutional factors, on the successful development of rural tourism. So, all the research hypothesis were confirmed with a significance level of 0.000. Also, results indicate that the two physical and institutional factors are in unfavorable condition, needing more attention; while the two natural and cultural factors in this village, enjoy a very favorable status to attract tourists and success of the rural tourism development. Finally, regarding the results analysis, applied suggestions were delivered.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Spatial Planning

Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    4 (27)
  • Pages: 

  • Citations: 

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This research can be considered an applied research in case of the goal, and a descriptive analytic study, methodologically. The goal of this research was analyzing the spatial distribution of urban green land usage, in Islamabad-e-Gharb county. The statistical population consisted 25 ones of experts and specialists in charge of the studied topic in Islamabad-e-Gharb. The data measurement tool was a questionnaire, designed based on the research's background and theoretical basis. Also, for analyzing the research data, Analytical Hierarchy Process Method (AHP) was used. And to assess the spatial distribution of green space, we emphasized ten indicators that were more important for measuring the spatial distribution. Results showed that there is a suitable spatial distribution of green spaces, based on each of the indicators (such as distances from????, or from the residential units or from medical centers, etc.). Also, using the overlapping of ten indicators, this result was reobtained. In a way that, the central and near central zones in the all city orientations of the final map, were recognized as the best areas for the creating and developing green space, and almost all the existent green spaces are located in these areas. Therefore, the green spaces in Islamabad-e-Gharb are evaluated desirable in terms of spatial distribution. Results of this research may help the urban planners in field of spatial distribution of urban green land usage, in order of the urban regions' development.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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