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Spatial Planning

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    3 (10)
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Theory of liveability first time was formed on the Abraham Maslow's work (1945) on human needs. Based on that, people first try to resolve their basic needs and then needs of the higher layers. Physiological needs are basic human needs in his life Such as air, food, water, warmth, sleep, health and sexual satisfaction. Liveability have been accepted and appreciated by both residents and planners to create sustainable living spaces, practical and enjoyable work. More liveable settlements, creates a greater sense of community ownership and lower rates of immigration. This section examines the impact of access to services on the liveability of the villages we studied. Thus Scalogram and Morris methods are used which are approaches to graded levels of rural services and rural development. To determine the relationship between level of service and rural liveability, the Pearson correlation method were used. Correlation coefficient has been established between liveability score for each village and development of services in the Morris method. There is no statistical relationship between the two. This correlation between each liveability dimension was measured by having the service have been measured. No significant relationship observes between the dimensions and having services.

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Spatial Planning

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    3 (10)
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In the contemporary world, rural development is a strategy to improve economic life, social and environmental conditions that coming into force for specific groups of people. in this case there is a direct relationship between rural forums duties with rural development. the purpose of this study is investigate of rural development goals by established rural communities. in this context, functional forums village have been studied in four main areas: cultural, economic, construction activities and public service. so that the purpose of research is evaluating of effective index on the functional rural forums whit development process of villages in the city of this case, field study has been done with a sample of 61 villages and consequently 61 rural forums as the sample, using the Delphi questionnaire and (AHP) for study of rural forums performance in the process of rural developing management. Results indicate that most successful function and role in rural forums related to central part and then SHARA part, so that most important is dedicated to indicators of construction and least important is economic indicators. Also in proficiency and skill rural forums, first place have dedicated to services indicators and economic indicators have lowest rank. Show that rural forums they have become successful about services indicators such as cleaning streets and passages or security etc. while forums underperforming about economic indicators such as creation of productive employment, production activities and create local markets or rural markets weekly and etc. considering this situation, should take place support policies about comprehensive development of Hamedan villages, of course whit special attention to specific and effective role of rural forms.Finally, using (AHP) and compares their performance in the central part of the city of Hamadan and Purchase functions became clear that the role and function of rural areas in the central part of the Purchase been successful.

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Spatial Planning

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (10)
  • Pages: 

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ICT is now an integral part of the development of human societies and the Need of development is becoming more evident day by day. Considering, about a third of Iran s population live in rural areas while they are far from urban centres, creating rural ICT centres is essential for better and more suitable services to these areas. This study is analyzing the role of rural ICT on development of Angouran zone in Mahneshan city. Research method is descriptive – analytic and data collection is field method by questionnaire, and the data are analyzed by SPSS software. The aim of this survey is that what is the rural ICT centres effect on developing and welfare of the resident's. For defining this issue T test is used. The study area is with 10 villages owning ICT with 1186 households and samples are chosen by Cochran formula with the number of 206. The results show that ICT centres effect is more on welfare and comfort of villagers, and also the services are the reason of resident s satisfaction. Its justifiability is approved by Cronbach's alpha (0.752). Satisfaction of rural residents is the consequence of this study.

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Spatial Planning

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (10)
  • Pages: 

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The women constitute nearly half of the rural population and In spite of the poor conditions social, economic, and cultural play significant role in society. Women, in addition to management responsibility at home and training children also participate in agricultural activities. Unfortunately, despite the efforts of women in rural societies, the role of these groups is often overlooked in economic and productive activities. With this attitudes, objective of this paper is examines the role of women hidden work in the welfare of rural households in Hamoon city. Materials and Methods are based of study of Sources of evidence, Reviews and the fieldwork and completing the questionnaires. Data were analyzed using SPSS statistical software. In this regard, the data associated with the activities of rural women in agriculture and animal husbandry was collected during monthly periods, then the amount of income (in the form of wages), was estimated. Continue to investigate the role of rural women hidden work (according to the adjustment of confounder’s factors of spouse income) at the welfare of households. Results show that the estimate of monetary value of farming and animal husbandry of rural women hidden work is from the average monthly 7405000 rails’. Also between 4 incomes groups of rural households and rural women hidden work are observed significant differences. We suggest: Considering that rural women hidden work is the heart of the family economy, making culture are needed to illustrate the value of these services that is undeniable in national production volume. And the government with supporting of early production efficiency small projects and providing of financial facilities for the use of these force of Humanities.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Spatial Planning

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (10)
  • Pages: 

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Cutaneous Leishmaniasis is a disease that have been reported in tropical areas of Kermanshah province. Qasr-e-shirin city is one of this tropical areas that in recent years faces with the spread of cutaneous leishmaniasis. this city is a important center of cutaneous leishmaniasis based on climatic and ecological conditions. This disease is considered as a major health problem. The aim of this research is applicable and it's quiddity is correlation descriptive, and has been do with aim of study of effective climatic factors in prevalence of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Qasr-e-shirin city. The research data collected from Kermanshah province health center's cutaneous leishmaniasis disease data in 1382-1390 and has been use the climatic data included temperature, rainfall and relative humidity. The results showed that there is a significant negative correlation between the prevalence of cutaneous leishmaniasis and temperature in Qasr-e-shirin city. That means while reduce the average temperature, increase probability of disease occurrence. While were not found the significant correlation between incidence of disease and average relative humidity and rainfall in that city. In addition the results show that probability of disease occurrence in men is higher than women. In occupational classification the most of patients were militaries and soldiers. Also the most patients were in age group below 25 years old that lived in villages of this city. Travel to endemic regions was so low in this city.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Spatial Planning

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  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (10)
  • Pages: 

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Urban development occurs in various forms. One of the most common ways in urban development is the increase in urban areas through annexing of a city to another. In this process one or more residential or activity elements (village, town, city, industrial and, or agricultural land, etc…) join to a larger city. According to the government resolution dated 18.01.1392, Khorasgan city was joined to Isfahan and it was recognized as municipal region No. 15. To increase the benefits of this incorporation, it is required to investigate the guidelines and requirements, to lower the possible disadvantages and moreover, through better planning and management get the most advantages. The aim of present review is to study the possibilities and restrictions of the incorporation of Isfahan and Khorasgan by using the SWOT model and eventually offer effective strategies of this annexation. SWOT model is a strategic tool in which effective factors in programming are divided into internal environmental agents such as strengths and weaknesses; and external factors including opportunities and threats. Then, in accordance with primary studies; offensive, diversity, reviewing, and defensive strategies are determined and presented. This research results show that the advantages of incorporation of Khorasgan to Isfahan are more than its limitations. The privilege average weight of the strengths and opportunities was 190 and 181.14 and the average weight of the weaknesses and threats 152 and 163.3 respectively.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Spatial Planning

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (10)
  • Pages: 

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Urban environment quality is an evaluation to assess the conditions of residential environment that are suitable for urban life as minimum. So that now improving of residential environment has been become one of the fundamental goals of urban planner and policy makers. Recent study with aim of affecting factors assess on quality of desirable residential environments of Esfahan city, first introduce 15 desirable residential environments from vision of 52 senior directors of urban providers. Then, 14 physical, social and economic index will be evaluate and compare with each other. The methodology of this research is analytical-descriptive that step by step multi-restrains regression model has been used for analysis of all data. The result of this survey indicate that 15 desirable residential environments are: Abbas Abad, Tehran, Hezarjarib, Dashtestan Charkhab, waterfalls, lakes, gardens, houses, Isfahan, Khajoo, Saadat Abad Palace, Nazhvan, Jabransary Alley, Sepahan, Julfa and Saeb. The result of regression analysis show that correlation rate of economic benefit restrains, public services, relaxed environment, access to Zayandehroud River, appropriated width of passages and access to other residential environments of city is near 0.996. That show more powerful relations between these restrains. Overall results of regression analysis introduce that near 98% of desirable quality of residential environments is related to 6 above restrains and other indexes only cover near 2% of desirable residential environments.

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Spatial Planning

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  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (10)
  • Pages: 

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Today, Social Capital is an important branch in development and growth in each society and variety of science (for example rural development) has relationship in it. Totality, social capacity related with trust, partnership and relationship among members of one group. It conduct group toward aim. This aim defines by members of group and related with values and beliefs of society. Therefore important of social capital is important and attractive. Aim of investigation is answer to this question that do differential between developed villages and undeveloped villages related to social capacity? We divide Godvion rural district to 3 clusters (developed, developing and undeveloped villages). Statistical society calculated by Cochrane and it equal 292 household. Investigative method was descriptive-analysis and data was collected by documentary (library, institute) and field method. Finally we use from two statistical method, descriptive (mean) and analysis (t test). Results show that villages with high social capital are developed that weak social capital villages.

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Spatial Planning

Issue Info: 
  • Year: 

  • Volume: 

  • Issue: 

    3 (10)
  • Pages: 

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Today tourism is one of the forerunner industries in all countries particularly in developing world. The growth of the industry had different positive and negative impacts on socio-economic and environmental aspects of human life. The Uramanat region in post war era has attracted many tourists due to its unique natural and economic characteristics. The present study aims to investigate the socio-economic and environmental impacts resulted from tourism development in the region which it concludes some recommendations for sustainable development of the industry. The methodology of the research is based on descriptive and analytical methods and the data are collected by conducting a field work to complete the given questionnaires. The statistical society of research consisted from different experts and official figures of the region that numbered 85 persons. Since the number of the samples were small all of them were selected as sample society of the research. Also the research used the opinion of ten university professor to reach a better understanding of the current situation of tourism in the region. SPSS software was used to analyzing and ArcGIS was applied to draw the maps. The results indicated that tourism development has positive impact on the socio-economic aspects on the region by creating jobs and increasing the income, promoted the quality of living and an introduction of the region to the rest of the country. But environmentally the region suffered severely from the increasing level of pollution, high traffic congestion, land use change which now threaten the sustainability of the area.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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