Considering the history of philosophy and mysticism and the differences that exist between the intellectual and traditional [scriptural proof], intuitive and experiential advocates, their connection point and evolution can be seen in Mullā,Ṣ, adrā, 's views and opinions. Therefore, this research, by adapting Mullā,Ṣ, adra's theories is going to understand the ontology, epistemology and methodology of the intuitive method and the application of intuition along with reason, traditional [scriptural proof] and experience, which have been discussed in this research. This research is looking for the paradigmatic elements of the intuitive method as a research method in terms of ontology, epistemology and methodology, which has benefited from Mullā,Ṣ, adra's ideas and opinions in this way. Mullā,Ṣ, adra believes in analogical gradation in existence as a single truth, and he can also be regarded as a believer in analogical gradation in the way to reach that truth which is a single way that occurred in three levels of intellect, intuition and revelation. The universe, according to Mullā,Ṣ, adra is composed of three levels of existence that created the worlds of existence, which are: material world [the world of matter], Imaginal world, and intelligible world. There are levels in the soul for each of these worlds, which include the level of natural or physical existence, pneumatic [psychic] existence, and intellectual existence. The human soul according to him, is a comprehensive human being of all truths of existence. Mullā,Ṣ, adra has made it possible to relate intellect, traditional [scriptural proof] and intuition together and has accepted the possibility of using the intuitive method with rational and traditional [narrative] reasoning. The intuitive method has an ontology based on the knowledge of God's appearance [emergence] and an intuitive epistemology combined with reasoning [argue], tradition, and experience, and unity of knowledge and the identity of knower and known, and based on intuitive knowledge [knowledge by presence] and attained knowledge, and the methodology of using intuition, intellect, tradition, and experience to reach the truth.