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During the composing process, microorganisms involved in degradation of agricultural and municipal waste are of great importance. Therefore, identification of beneficial microorganisms could play an important role in improving the quality of the produced compost. Bacteria play an effective role in degradation of organic matter, So the objective of the present study was isolation and characterization of important bacterial strains during composting process. The bacteria were isolated from mature compost in Isfahan Compost manufacture using serial dilution method. The enzymatic activities (amylase, cellulose, xylanase and protease) of the isolates were measured by quantitative methods. Eleven isolates with enzyme activity were isolated and used for more detailed studies. The isolated bacterial strains showed a wide range of different enzymatic activities. Molecular identification of the selected strains was performed based on PCR amplification and sequencing of a 1500 bp fragment of bacterial 16SrDNA using PAF and PAR primers. Molecular studies revealed that 8 isolated bacterial strains were classified in the class of mesophilic bacteria, including Aneurinibacillus migulanus, Brevibacillus parabrevis, Brevibacillus agri, Pseudoxanthomonas suwonensis, Brevibacillus formosus, Bordetella petrii and Bacillus licheniformis, and 3 isolates were placed in the class of thermophilic bacteria including Geobacillus thermodenitrificans, Geobacillus sp., and Thermoactinomyces intermedius which are commonly exist in the composting process. Because of the municipal solid wastes are enriched cellulosic, starchy and protein compounds, these strains have high potential to degrade these wastes and accelerate the composting process.

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Titanium dioxide such as the other engineered nanomaterials has uncommon properties and if the various form of them to be released in the environment tobecome a new class of pollutants and a threat to public health and ecosystem. This research carried out to investigation of titanium dioxide nanoparticles effect on germination and cytogenetical trait of under division cells of Hordeum vulgar var valfajr under in vitro condition. Germination of barley seeds in the presence of different concentrations of titanium dioxide (10, 25, 50, 100 milligram per liter) was carried out in presence of -control and in form of random complete blocks design. Trait of germination speed, speed growth of radicle and plumule, length and number of root and stem also the index of mitosis, metaphase and chromosomal abbrations such as anaphase bridge, chromosome fragment, sticky telophase and micronuclei was measured. Result showed that titanium nanoparticle has significant effect on chromosome abberration of barley and induced abberration index in treated cells in compared with control while does not affect on other cytogenetical index and germination trait.It seems titanium dioxide nanoparticles is competent to damage of eukaryotic genetical material and bring notice to the environmental safety facet is important.

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Functional genomics has provided new opportunities to understand the fundamental aspects of biotic and abiotic stresses in plants. In this study, a comparative analysis on EST libraries of wheat and its wild relatives conducted to discover novel genes and transcriptional factors involved in drought tolerance. EST analysis revealed a significant increase in expression level of S-lik RNase in drought condition. Further analysis by qPCR indicated over-expression of this gene in anther of tolerant cultivars. RNases participate in vital cellular functions such as DNA replication, transcription, splicing, and control of translation. T2 family RNases have been implicated in nutrition, phosphate remobilization, selfincompatibility, senescence, and defense against pathogens. This is the first report on the effect of S-lik RNase at drought stress response in wheat and significant up regulation of this gene in wheat wild relative (Aegilops tauschii) and that emphasize on finding new effective genes from wild relative plants for stress tolerance.

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Crown gall is amongst the most important diseases of grapevine (Vitis vinifera) in many areas where grapevine is grown worldwide. To assess the diversity of Rhizobium species and strains, associated with the crown gall disease of grapevine in the major grapevine growing areas of northern Iran, 105 strains of the suspected bacterium were isolated from tumors of the crown and vines collected from vineyards in East and West Azarbayjan provinces. The strains were characterized by their phenotypic features, presence of virD2 and polygalacturonase genes and comparison of IS50-PCR fingerprints of the strains with those of the reference strains. Ninety two strains amplified a 224 bp fragment of the VirD2 gene in PCR reactions using VirD2A/VirD2C primers. Sixty four strains of Rhizobium (Agrobacterium) could amplify a 466 bp fragment with the primers PGF/PGR were identified as R. vitis. Strains were differentiated into 4 clusters at 55% similarity level of IS50-PCR generated fingerprint patterns. The majority of the strains formed subgroups in R.vitis cluster. Division of each of these two clusters into several subgroups at 80% similarity level reflected existence of a great level of diversity in population of both species.

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Genetic diversity in certain morphotypes of wild T. boeoticum collection of National Plant Gene Bank of Iran was investigated according to the allelic variation in Glu-1A and Glu-3A loci using SDS-PAGE electrophoresis of seed storage glutenins. A vast genetic diversity was observed among the studied wheat morphotypes. We scored 8 band patterns consisting of 10 different HMW alleles and 25 band patterns consisting of 13 LMW alleles in Glu-1A and Glu-3A loci, respectively. It was observed that certain alleles have distributed in certain areas and T.boeoticumgermplasm collected from East and West Azarbaiejan provinces presented the most number of glutenin alleles. Based on cluster analysis, the studied morphotypes of T. boeoticum populations collected from certain areas of Iran, were divided into three distinct categories including (1) morphotypes collected from West Azarbaiejan, Lorestan, Eilam, Kermanshah and Kordestan provinces, (2) morphotypes collected from East Azarbaiejan and Fars provinces, and (3) morphotypes collected from Zanjan province and those with unknown origin. Plant breeding programs gain of genetic variation in the target germplasm. So, the vast genetic diversity of Glu- 1A and Glu-3A loci in wild morphotypes of T. boeoticum of Iran, introduces the studied germplasm as a valuable source for the breeding of meal quality and other important qualitative and quantitative traits in wheat.

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In this research, two methods including SDS-Page electrophoresis and CNCPS were used to study the protein subunits and fractions of sesame meal in comparison to cottonseed meal and soybean meal. The results of protein fractions according to CNCPS showed a significant difference (p<0.05) among non-protein nitrogen (A), rapidly degradable true protein (B1), moderately degradable true protein (B2), slowly degradable true protein (B3) and undegradable true protein (C) fractions of sesame meal in comparison to cottonseed meal and soybean meal. In regards to SDS-Page electrophoresis results, protein of sesame meal were mainly composed of 11S globulins and 2S albumins. Protein 11S globulins contained one acidic polypeptide with estimated MWs of 85.96 kDa and two basic polypeptides with estimated MWs of 17.04 -28.87 kDa. Furthermore, protein 2S albumins of sesame meal contained two subunits with estimated MWs of 9.5 to 10.51 kDa. The pattern of protein subunits in cottonseed meal shows four major polypeptides including globulin 9S (with MWs of 78.36 and 71.10 kDa), globulin 5S (with MW of 25.47 kDa) and albumin 2S (with MW of 15.84 kDa). In this research, two major polypeptides including  b-Conglycinin (three subunits, a, a¢,  b with M Ws of 91.83, 80.49 and 47.16 respectively)and glycinin (two acidic and basic subunits with MWs of 40 and 21.30 kDa respectively) were observed in soybean meal. The results of the current study show that sesame meal has a good nutritive value and can be a good substitute for cottonseed meal in animal nutrition.

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Tomato leaf curl Palampur virus (ToLCPMV) is a destructive bipartite begomovirus which have recently been reported from India and Iran. Currently, ToLCPMV is known as the main factor causing yield loss in tomato and different cucurbits (other than watermelon) especially in greenhouse cucumbers in central and northern Iran. In this study, the reaction of sixteen cucumber cultivars was evaluated against inoculation by a ToLCPMV infectious clone under greenhouse conditions. Results showed that among all tested cultivars, Kian showed a minimum infection. Furthermore, this cultivar showed lower disease progress in compare to other cultivars and relatively recovered from disease. According to this study, in compare to other greenhouse cucumber cultivars, Kian is relatively resistance. However, more studies are needed to found or produce more reliable source of resistance.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Powdery mildew caused by Podosphaera xanthii is a common and serious foliar disease in Cucurbitaceae. In this study, salicylic acid was used in two concentrations (0.1 and o.5 mM) and distilled water as control. After 24 hours post treatment, plants inoculated with 50 ml fungi spore suspensions (at a concentration of 105 conidia ml-1) with dotting procedure and then plants incubated in green house conditions. Molecular analysis showed increased expression of PR-1 in 24, 48 and 72 hours after inoculation. The analyses of antioxidant enzyme activities in stressed plants showed that the concentrations of 0.1 and 0.5 mM salicylic acid significantly increased the activity of GPX, 48 and 72 hours and PAL, 72, 168 and 240 hours post inoculation.

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To study pomegranate genetic variation in Kermanshah province, 44 pomegranate samples were collected from six different regions. In overall 48 morphologic traits were evaluated. Cluster analysis based on morphological traits grouped samples in four clusters. To study pomegranate genetic variation in molecular level, RAPD and ISSR markers were used. Totally 183 bands were amplified by 20 RAPD primers, 94 of them were polymorphic with average polymorphism percentage of 51.37. Cluster analysis arranged samples in 7 clusters which often were conformed to morphologic results. Coffenetic coefficient was 0.996. An overall 114 bands were produced by 17 ISSR primers, among them 43 bands were polymorphic with average percent polymorphism of 37.71. Cluster analysis arranged samples in 7 clusters which often were conformed to the result of morphologic and RAPD analysis. This research determined the genetic situation of pomegranates and showed that different genotypes were placed in different groups. Results of present research showed that Kermanshah province is a major genetic resource of pomegranate. The results can support the ideas that Iran is motherland of pomegranate.

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In this study, the factorial optimization method and designing of experiments by the Taguchi method were applied for optimization of lipid production by a native oleaginous yeast Rhodotorula spp. strain Yr2. The factors investigated were temperature, aeration, nitrogen source, carbon source, pH and incubation time. Based on results obtained by factorial optimization method, maximum production (8.9 g/L) was achieved with ammonium sulfate (1g/L) as nitrogen source, glucose (90g/L) as carbon source, at 250C, aeration speed of 150rpm, incubation time of 96h and at pH 6. Whereas using the Taguchi method, the predicted optimal conditions were ammonium sulfate (1g/L) as nitrogen source, glucose (75g/L) as carbon source, at 250C, aeration speed of 150rpm, incubation time of 72h and at pH 6.5. The amount of lipid production predicted by the software under these conditions was 11.052 g/L. and in the predicted case, 95% of the predicted value was achieved (10.49 g/L). The ANOVA results obtained with the Taguchi design showed that time; the amount of carbon, temperature, pH and nitrogen levels, respectively had the highest effects on lipid production in descending order. In conclusion, the application of the Taguchi method in compared with one factorial method led to increased lipid production by 1.59 g/L or 18%.

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Grain appearance quality mainly, is defined by grain length, grain width and long to width rations, which have an important role in marketability. Since determination of grain shape in the early stage of growth is not possible, marker assisted selection is a basic step to improve the quantitative and qualitative traits in rice. In this study, two local high quality rice cultivars (Shastak and Domsiah) and two improved high yielding rice varieties (Fajr and Nemat) were used to improve the quality-related traits in new released variety (Ghaem), through classical methods and MAS. For the MAS, firstly the accuracy of the GS09 primer was confirmed by utilizing in silico studies and analyzing correlation of banding pattern with parental phenotype. Thus shastak variety with short grain phenotype created unique banding patterns than other parents. Banding patterns of GS3 in the cross 1 (Fajr / Ghaem // Shastak / Ghaem), cross 3 (Nemat / Ghaem // Shastak / Ghaem) and cross 4 (Shastak / Ghaem // Domsia / Ghaem) were used for distinction the heterozygous plants containing shastak allele (unfavorable) from other plants. Therefore, long grain plants should be studied for achieving pure lines in progressive generations. The results indicated that the GS3 locus markers can be used as a quick and inexpensive method to improve the quality of grain length.

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