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Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources
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Objective: This experiment was conducted for developing of linkage map using SSR and ISSR markers in Iranian rice population, mapping of QTLs involved in salinity tolerance, and also evaluation of salinity tolerance in studied genotype. Materials and Methods: In order to determine the salinity tolerance QTLs in a germination stage on an Iranian rice population (caused Ahlami Tarom × Neda cross), a factorial experiment was performed based on a randomized complete block design with three replications under three salinity levels of NaCl (0, 12, 22 dS. m-1). Results: The difference between populations in different levels of salinity was significant for all germination traits. Under normal conditions, 4, 1, 2 and 1 QTLs were detected for radicle weight, plumule weight, germination percentage and germination rate, respectively. In 12 dS. m-1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 1 and 1 QTL for seedling weights, plumule weight, radicle length, coleoptile, germination percentage and germination rate. In 22 dS. m-1, 2, 1, 1 and 1 QTL were located for radicle weight, plant length, germination percentage and germination rate. Discussion: The major effects of QTLs in this study played an important role in salinity tolerance and can be studied in marker assisted selection programs in rice under saline conditions.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: Myostatin also known as growth differentiation factor 8, is a protein produced and released by myocytes that acts on muscle cells' autocrine function to inhibit myogenesis: muscle cell growth and differentiation. This research had been done in order to assess the effect of DL-methionine replacement with L-methionine, and also the effects of varying dietary protein levels on Myostatin gene expression in Japanese quail. Materials and methods: This experiment was carried in the form of a 2×2 factorial with 4 treatment. Treatments contained the replacement of DL-methionine with L-methionine, and different dietary protein levels, were 24 and 20 %. After about 35 days of feeding and keeping the quails, a piece of their chest has been removed immediately and were transferred to the laboratory. Myostatin gene expression measured by using RT-qPCR technique. In this method, 𝜷-actin gene was used as a house-keeping gene to normalize the gene expression data in the quantitative real time PCR. Results: DL-methionine replacement did not significantly effect on Myostatin gene expression. Whereas, reduction in protein surface from 24% to 20 %, led to significantly increased expression of Myostatin (P<0. 01). Conclusions: The results indicated that DL methionine could be replaced with L methionine, and the appropriate level of protein was 24% in the Japanese quail diet.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: In this research the ability of some bacteria isolated from oil contaminated areas in Khuzestan province in lowering oil contamination was studied. Materials and methods: After primary isolation of some bacterial colonies with oil-degradation ability, eleven bacteria species called Lysobacter ruishenii strain CTN-1, Kocuria rosea strain CMS, Bacillus pseudomycoides strain NBRC, Delftia tsuruhatensis strain 332, Planomicrobium chinense strain NBRC, Acinetobacter junii strain ATCC, Cedecea lapagei strain DSM, Ochrobactrum intermedium strain CNS, Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain SNP, Chryseobacterium flavum strain CW-E 2 and Streptomyces novaecaes strain NBRC via alignment of their 16S rRNA gene sequence with sequences existing in NCBI were identified. Then crude oil degradation ability of the bacteria and also their growth rate in liquid and solid minimum salt medium (MSM) containing 1 percent crude was measured. Results: Although all of the isolated bacteria have the capability of crude oil degradation in different levels, Planmicrobium chinense, Ochrobactrum intermedium and Pseudomonas aeruginosa bacteria have higher growth rate and the degradation ability in the period of 15 days. Conclusions: It seems that provided that doing some complementary researches, these bacteria can be used for decontamination of crude oil contaminated regions located in Khuzestan province.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: In spite of the importance of fertility in different species, there has been little success dissecting the levels of OMICS. To better understand the molecular basis of fertility, we study transcriptome profiling of different tissues. Materials and methods: liver, muscle, endometrium and corpus luteum tissues between cows with either good or poor genetic merit for fertility using RNA-Seq data sets. We first compiled a master list of genes related to corpus luteum that change with level of fertility and then reconstructed the network. Results: A few genes were identified in liver, muscle and endometrium between high and low fertile cows but in corpus luteum circumstance was different. 264 genes and 6 key modules were disclosed through clustering for mRNA master list for corpus luteum. All these genes, being involved in at least one of the biological process, namely proteolysis, actin cytoskeleton organization, immune system process, biological adhesion, cell differentiation and lipid metabolic process, have an overexpression pattern (P < 0. 01). Conclusions: Finally, the identification of genes and the construction of their regulatory networks may give new insights into biological procedures. As well as, this study increases our understanding of the contribution of different tissues transcriptome to phenotypic fertility in dairy cattle.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: The genetic diversity of the 20 tea populations collected from the Tea Research Organization of Iran was evaluated using 20 microsatellite markers and 10 RAPD markers. Materials and methods: Plant materials in this experiment were 20 tea clones selected from the Tea Research Institute of the Iran. DNA extraction from young leaf samples of tea populations was performed with a few changes using the CTAB method. In this study, 20 microsatellite markers and 10 RAPD markers were used to study the genetic variation of tea populations. Results: The results showed that SSR and RAPD markers produced 105 and 160 polymorphic bands, respectively. Among the microsatellite markers, the MSE0143 and the MSG0681 primers with 9 bands and the MSG0610 primer with 2 bands produced the highest and the least number of amplified bands. MSG0681, MSE0113, MSG0403 markers with the highest amount of observed allele, effective allele, Nei index, Shannon index and PIC were identified as the most effective markers for analyzing genetic diversity in the studied tea genotypes. Among the RAPD markers, the OS-03 primer with 19 bands produced the highest number of bands and the OR-12 primer with 13 bands produced the least number of bands. Conclusions: By comparing the mean PIC of the two marker systems, the microsatellite markers were more effective than RAPD markers. For example, the mean PIC value for SSR markers was measured 0. 66 across the tea germplasm. By comparing QND and EMI indices, we found that microsatellite markers were superior to RAPD markers. Also, by comparing the results of cluster analysis of two markers, the microsatellite markers were better able to classify individuals based on their geographic origin.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: The demand for recombinant proteins with therapeutic use is dramatically increasing; so that the traditional pharmaceutical industry will not be alone to answer the demand for now and upcoming generations. During the past two decades, plant bioreactors has gained more popularity over other conventional methods for several reasons. Among these reasons are scalability, high production rates, low production costs, ability to perform post‐ translational modifications, and biosafety of the bioreactor. So far, many important pharmaceutical proteins have been produced using molecular farming technology. In this paper, it has been tried besides a brief description of molecular farming history, types of plant-based systems and molecular farming challenges, appropriate strategies and methods to solve the challenges in this field were being discussed and reviewed. Results: Despite the very promising advances in the field of molecular farming, we still face two serious challenges which needs to be taken seriously; insufficient accumulation levels of recombinant proteins and lack of efficient purification methods. To achieve the high levels of production, several factors should be taken into consideration, such as choice of a suitable promoter or enhancer elements, codon optimization, appropriate subcellular localization, the use of fusion tags and etc. Chromatography methods are routinely used in the pharmaceutical industry for protein purification. Application of these methods has a lot of restrictions duo to scalability, cost and column pollution problems for purification of plant-derived pharmaceutical proteins. Conclusions: Various fusion protein strategies have been developed not only to increase the yield of plant-derived recombinant proteins, but also to facilitate purification steps.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: Endophytes are known as a potential source of active natural compounds for use in medicine, agriculture, and industry. Medicinal plants are valuable sources for the study of endophytes. One of the most important medicinal and industrial plants in Iran is the Barije; Ferula gummosa. boiss, whose endophytes have not been studied yet. Materials and methods: In this study, 20 bacterial isolates were isolated from different organs of the plant. Endophytes were identified using morphological and then molecular characteristics. The antioxidant properties of endophytic extracts were investigated by degradation of free radicals DPPH (DiPhenyl-1-Picryl Hydrazyl free radical). Results: The R4 bacterium with the IC50 value of 2. 5 mg / ml had the highest and the SK6 bacterium with an IC50 value of 8. 8 mg / ml had the lowest antioxidant activity. The molecular identification of R4 bacteria revealed 98% similarity to the bacterium Rahnella aquatilis. It was also observed by phytochemical analysis that endophytic extracts with phenolic compounds exhibit significant antioxidant activity. Conclusions: Barije has different bacterial endophytes with different antioxidant properties. One of these bacteria is Rahnella aquatilis, which has high antioxidant properties. The presence of phenolic compounds in the extract of this bacterium is probably related to its antioxidant properties.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: Epigenetics contains studying inheritable genetic variations that affect on gene expression pattern, but these variations do not create because of changes in DNA sequence. In addition, organisms are resistant to pathogens through some molecular and cellular mechanisms. Thus, the purpose of this review was to overview interaction between epigenetics and defense system of organisms and highlight recent findings in epigenetic regulation of organism-microbe interaction with focusing on role of histone modifications and DNA methylation of host genome in resistance to disease and defense priming. Hence were discussed creating mechanisms of epigenetics regulations, role of DNA methylation in plant-microbe interaction, role of RNA-mediated DNA methylation in plant-microbe interaction, histone modifications, post-translational modifications of histones in plant-microbe interaction, role of epigenetics and microRNAs in animal health, epigenetic control of defense priming and transgenerational inheritance and epigenetic regulation in plant pathogenes and effects on pathogenesis. Results: It was demonstrated that epigenetic inheritance can provide animals and plants with longterm and short-term mechanisms to adapt to specific environmental conditions. Reviewing results of performed studies by different researchers have provided clear evidence for the involvement of epigenetic mechanisms in transgenerational defense priming. Conclusions: Moreover, more understanding of how epigenetic mechanisms contribute to animal and plant defence and how pathogens may counteract this reaction can provide new possibilities for novel production protection strategies.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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Objective: Considering the importance and application of informative markers in the plant breeding programs, the current research aimed to identify the markers related to morphological traits using the association analysis in foxtail millet genotypes. Materials and methods: The current study attempts to identify molecular markers relevant to morphological traits of 30 foxtail millet (Setaria italica L. ) genotypes by applying an association analysis through a Mixed Linear Model (MLM). In order to avoid false linkage, a population structure study was first performed and 9 probable subgroups were observed in the studied genotypes. Results: Association analysis, having taken the structure of the population and kinship relations into consideration in the 30 foxtail millet genotypes in question, represented 38 points of linkage with 12 morphological traits. The coefficient of determination at a highly significant level (P<0. 01) was variable from 0. 102 and 0. 328. The results showed that among the 12 primer combinations of AFLP used in this study, M-CTG/E-AAC, M-CTT/E-AAC and M-CTA/E-AAC were the most efficient in investigating the variety of the genotypes. Also, a number of markers such as MCAA/ E-AAC, M-CTG/E-AGC and M-CTT/E-AAC were connected to several traits such as height, leaf length and width, number of tillers, 1000-seed weight and grain yield, among which the highest connection was with M-CTT/E-AAC. Conclusion: Identifying joint markers is of paramount importance in plant breeding plans because they make simultaneous selection of several traits possible. These markers can be used in screening germplasms in the presence of close linkages with the controlling genes. They also can be used in QTL identification programs in genotyping of foxtail millet cross populations. Therefore, the findings of this study can be applied in primary selection and breeding plans of foxtail millet using a Marker-Assisted Selection (MAS) process.

Yearly Impact: مرکز اطلاعات علمی Scientific Information Database (SID) - Trusted Source for Research and Academic Resources

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