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In recent years, rural policy has undergone fundamental changes and is mainly studied in the form of sustainable development with a territorial perspective, where the coverage of all sectors is considered by the territorial perspective. In Iran, the lack of a holistic point of view in the policy making process has led to different parts of villages to operate as an island basis and not pay attention to the principle of completeness of places. The purpose of this paper is to design a pattern for the challenges of spatial policy-making formulation in rural regions of the country and provide appropriate strategies. Grounded theory is used to extract and analyzing data in three coding staged including open coding, axial coding and selective coding used for data analysis. To achieve the theoretical saturation, the theoretical sampling and snowball method are used for obtaining the opinions of 14 elites (individuals in the rural development trustee systems) through semi-structured and individual interviews. Accordingly, "sectoral, centralized and top-down policy making" was identified as a central category. The results showed that the weakness of the conceptual and theoretical foundations of rural policy-making in Iran has been the most important factor in the emergence, consistency and durability of centralized, partial and top-down policy making. At the same time, the policies formulated are not integrated from institutional and territorial perspective, and on the other hand, the process of formulating and implementing rural development programs is not coherent and does not provide adequate feedback. It can be said, therefore, that in the current context, attention should be paid to integrated sectoral-spatial policy-making. This necessity should be provided with a view to bureaucratic-spatial decentralization and integrated territorial policy-making, which will result in a relative reduction of partiality and attention to spatial policies in the country's policy-making and planning system.

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The University is the main institution the producer manpower and science, industry is also the producer of goods and services required by the community. Therefore, providing a solution for communication between these two institutions is essential. In addition, the university is an institution composed of different faculties and can be more precisely linked to the relationship of each faculty with the industry. The purpose of this study is to identify the causes of poor communication between the management faculties and the industry, and provide a solution to improve this relationship. The research method is based on the interpretative paradigm, qualitative method and the main research tool is interview. The statistical population consisted of professors of Tehran’ s Management faculties and a sample of 18 members of them. Theoretical saturation was obtained in the tenth interview, but researchers continued the process until the eighteenth interview. The research findings consist of three main causes and three main strategies. The three main causes of this weak relationship are single-faculty, industry-oriented industries, and the government's unwillingness to establish. Solutions have been presented in a similar way to the reasons that include the industry of the shaping of science, the science of the industry, and the legal framework of the state.

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In the current international system, sanction is considered as a tool which is frequently used to control or change policies of challenging actors. In recent decades, the most important factor which is led to the imposition of sanctions against Iran has been the occurrence of the Islamic Revolution and the confrontation with the West particularly, the United States’ hegemony as well as the nuclear program, which has attracted Int'l Organizations’ attention especially since the last decade. The paper aims to analyze serious sanctions against the Islamic Republic of Iran as well as present their typological pattern. Results of this typology can be more effective on tackling the sanctions system as well as major threats posed by it. The main question which is raised is that how these sanctions can be categorized and analyzed? Also, the hypothesis will be that the sanctions imposed against Iran can be distinguished by means of their issuance authority, subject area, ultimate cause, intensity, level, target type, and whether being mandatory or not. Moreover, their examples have been shown through using separation patterns (of different types of sanctions) as well as using criteria. Understanding different types of sanctions as well as their provisions requires having necessary information about the nature of sanctions as well as putting them in each category needs a response to the causes. Hence, the descriptive-analytic research method is used through document analysis as well as library data gathering. One of the remarkable findings of this survey is that the highest level of US and EU sanctions have been imposed against Iranian energy sector.

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After the Islamic Revolution, one of the obstacles to the realization of the cultural strategy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Islamic world has been the ideological and political incompatibilities of Saudi Arabia. The identification of these incompatibilities as well as analysis of their roots helps policymakers to make decision and promote the Iranian cultural strategy. Therefore, this research aims to explain the cultural strategy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the Islamic world. Main questions which are raised includes what is the Iranian cultural strategy towards the Muslim world? What are their impacts on the Islamic World? Why is Saudi Arabia afraid of the realization of Iran's cultural strategy towards the Islamic world? According to the most of social scientists, identical issues for political and spiritual leadership in the Islamic World are evaluated as the main reasons for the Saudi's Arabia incompatible policy. But the author believes that its incompatibility is rooted in al-Saud's fear of the serious impact of Iranian cultural approach on political regime change in Saudi Arabia. Therefore, its confrontation with the Islamic revivalism are referred to the democratic transitions in the Arab World (hypothesis of the Paper). Consequently, the paper proves that Saudi Arabia is worried about horrible political consequences of the Islamic revivalism impacts (including, centrifugal movements or pervasive social phenomena such as revolution) on its regime through using data analysis method as well as theoretical/applied research.

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Rahmani Klakoub Esmaeil



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In the last few decades, the international community has been able to establish a relative solidarity among its members by maintaining and developing common values and international public order. Crimes related to drugs and psychotropic substances threaten international order and security, as well as, the physical and mental health of individuals in most societies. Therefore, States committed themselves to combat against these organized transnational crimes. Combating to all manifestations of corruption and destruction, including the crimes related to drugs and psychotropic substances, is one of main objectives of the Islamic Republic of Iran. Therefore, In addition to accession to the relevant international treaties, there has been a decisive approach to these crimes in its agenda. However, applying corporal punishment, in particular executions, has been criticized by human rights institutions. The International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, as a binding instrument for the government, prohibits the inhumane, cruel and degrading punishments and limits the use of capital punishment merely to the "most serious crimes". Whether the crimes related to drugs and psychotropic substances fall among this category of crimes has been analyzed in this Article based on international conventions, General Comments of the human rights treaty bodies, as well as, States practice. It concludes finally that, crimes related to drugs and psychotropic substances do not fall among the category of the "most serious crimes" in many cases. Therefore, it is necessary to review existing domestic laws. Until then, Iranian courts should minimize the use of corporal punishments, employing national legal capacity to avoid causing international responsibility of the State.

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The Executive Power is responsible for the enforcement of the laws which have been passed by the Islamic Parliament as well as performing a wide range of tasks in various areas, including economic, social and cultural affairs which have been entrusted by the legislator. The implementation of these laws aims to achieve the development (in our country) which increase the importance of presidential authority as head of the Executive branch. On the other hand, the Executive requires to provide necessary financial resources through annual budget as well as having the authority over budgeting in order to achieve its legal planning and goals. According to the Articles (52) (the first paragraph) as well as Article (126) of the Constitution, developing a budget bill as well as significant budgeting competences have been assigned to the government respectively. But due to the existing ambiguities as well as considering other Constitutional principles also authorities which have been assigned to the legislators and other governmental institutions under the Constitution (in the field of budgeting), these competences have been challenged and restricted seriously. Therefore, the Executive efficacy has been undermined as well as the balance of power has been disturbed. Results of the research which has been conducted based on descriptive-analytical method through using library databases indicate that there is an imbalance of power among three branches of government in a bid to prepare budgeting process as well as approving annual budget laws of the country. Finally, these mentioned ambiguities in some related principles will intensify the existing imbalance of powers.

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Absence of local entrepreneurship policy-making models caused that necessarily, local value components are recognized as well as providing an entrepreneurship policy-making framework in order to extend value themes to upstream documents in this field. This research tries to identify value components of entrepreneurship policy-making framework stipulated in the Mizan al-Hikmah and Al-Hayat Books. To this aim, the text of Hadiths and narratives are coded and analyzed through using thematic analysis method and MAXQDA software. The results showed that the value components of entrepreneurship policy-making framework in the Mizan al-Hikmah and Al-Hayat Books are comprised of six general themes; including axial components, factors affecting entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship groundworks, entrepreneurship areas, entrepreneurial performance as well as entrepreneurship consequences. Finally, an entrepreneurship policy-making framework has been provided based on themes of the network of value components of entrepreneurship policy-making framework. These value components can be used by the major policy-making actors (such as the Islamic Parliament, Expediency Discernment Council, and etc… ) to adopt as well as implement the entrepreneurship policies.

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On commercial contracts, firstly, parties agree to resolve their disputes through amicable negotiations before referring to an arbitrator or the judiciary in a bid to settle their disputes at the lowest possible cost as well as in the shortest possible time and also the least possible damage to their commercial relationship. From the perspective of economic analysis, negotiation is considered as an economic behavior that parties with regard to its results, perform cost and benefit analysis as well as organize their behavior in a bid to achieve maximum benefits as well as resolve their disputes. The main question which is raised in this paper is whether the initial settlement of disputes through negotiation is consisted with economic basis or not. The following hypothesis which is proposed is that the peaceful settlement of disputes (negotiation) not only is complied with the economic theories but also is strongly consistent with the economic formulas such as cost-benefit, efficiency and welfare.

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The desirable perfection of every national government is the integrated nation, so that all belong to the national identity of the nation as well as are faithful to it. This objective will be achieved only through appropriate policy and management. Countries which have different ethnic groups should take step towards creating convergence as well as maintaining the territorial integrity for decision-making as well as planning in various political, economic, and social areas through adopting appropriate policies on ethnic groups as well as respecting their plurality of ethnic groups. The research aims to evaluate the patterns of Iranian ethnic management as well as conducting comprehensive study for the deduction of previous studies results. For this purpose, the meta-analysis method was used. To perform this meta-analysis, 127 articles from 761 scientific-research papers which met the criteria for entering the meta-analysis were selected as well as necessary information was obtained with a reverse questionnaire. Findings of the meta-analysis of the articles show that "the disparate development, especially in the economic dimension and social-political inequality, political and ideological encounter with the relatives, non-observance of the law of relatives, cultural control of the ethnics, authoritarian methods, the intervention of foreigners, the bureaucratic government and centralization as well as the emphasis on national identity more than ethnic identity were considered as the main factors of failure to succeed ethnic politics. On the other hand, "emphasis on social interests, political participation of ethnics, the status of ethnics in (gaining) power, respecting language and customs, use of ethnic elites, the various texture of Iranian ethnic groups, and balancing as well as reconciliation between national and ethnic affiliations have been taken into consideration as the strengths of patterns of ethnic policies. Furthermore it has been attempted to regulate and manage these patterns in which cannot be conflicted with the cohesion of the national community as well as ethnic coexistence can be created based on protecting ethnic groups' rights as well as maintaining territorial integrity through accepting the diversity of ethnic groups as a social reality also reaching peaceful government-ethnic interactions.

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Accession to the World Trade Organization can affect natural gas exports through some mechanisms such as reduction of Tariff rate, increasing international trade integration and changing relative prices (foreign and domestic prices) directly and indirectly. In this regard, according to the increased importance of the share of natural gas to the total imports of the country, this Article investigates impacts of Iran accession to the World Trade Organization on natural gas exports to Turkey, Armenia and Nakhichevan based on the Panel method during the period of 2005-2016. In order to achieve this goal, common indices on globalization have been used, including Intra Industry Trade (IIT) as well as Level of Industry Trade (LIT). Results of the paper indicate that Iran’ s membership in the World Trade Organization (WTO) has a positive effect on natural gas exports to the selective countries.

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Securing comprehensive compliance to regulations is one of the purposes that all governments are seeking. For this reason, all legislative, executive and judicial systems make all their efforts to achieve this objective. Therefore, each of them will fulfill a part of this task. Some part of this process refers to the basic issues of the existence or absence of a rule that means whether it is derived from social realities as well as the public needs. Also, whether it conforms to the basic values of the society. But adopting an appropriate approach or policies is considered as another prerequisite to ensure comprehensive compliance. When the necessity of a rule is compromised, the second issue which will be raised is the crystalization. Thus, it is common to violate environmental provisions which are so expensive. Some of these problems rooted in the kind of rules which are enacted. Althogh social desirability of Environmental rules as well as their supports from the society, human life and the environment made them (these rules) to be more important, which approaches can be more fruitful to achieve the objective is the major issue to be addressed in the paper. Firms attempt to violate environmental regulations in various ways in order to reduce their costs. By doing so, they can make they own benefits. This will result in social expenses; then different legislative approaches are aimed to reduce such types of costs. The main objective of this paper is to explain these approaches as well as investigate whether traditional approach of "command and control" can establish a sustainable status for comprehensive compliance or not. In summary, “ incentive based” approach should be proposed as a complementary role of traditional approach for the regulatory efficiency legislation or, in other words, the enactment of more efficient laws and regulations.

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Wahhabism has been acted as an identical and religious key factor to maintain the political and legitimacy of the Saudi's government. On the later of 1980-1990s, in response to a number of dissatisfaction as well as internal and external factors, the Islamist opposition movement have been arisen which finally, led to the skepticism in the religious foundations of the Saudi’ s political legitimacy. With the occurrence of Arab Spring as well as the implementation of (initial draft of) 2030 Plan, critical Islamist divisions to the Saudi government were intensified as well as alliance between the government and the Wahhabi scholars were faced the initial divisions. The present study attempts to answer the two following questions through using explanatory and analytical methods 1. What have been the most significant political challenges of Saudi government with the Islamist critics such as Islamist awakening movement (ASSAHVEH), Ikhvan and Jihadists since 1990s, especially in the Arab spring era? 2. What will be the political consequence of the 2030 Plan for the political legitimacy of Saudi Arabia government? The hypothesis confirms the research findings. The findings indicate that modernization in various fields, especially education, leads to the rise of the critic and reformist Islamist groups. These groups were emerged in the response to the government supports for the US-led coalition in the 1991 Gulf War, political obstruction as well as socio-political dissatisfactions took a critical stance on the government which this situation was gradually exacerbated by the Arab Spring. However, the aggressive ambitious and destructive reform plan against the religious institution stipulated in the 2030 Plan (Document), especially concerning social freedoms and women's rights, as well as scholars were neglected by Ben Salman led to the major challenges between the Wahhabi scholars or Wahhabi Supreme Council and the Saudi government which are likely exacerbated in the future.

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