Following the advent of knowledge-based economics and the importance of higher education in this approach, over the last decade, there have been numerous laws and policies in the field of higher education. At the same time, in recent years, universities have faced numerous financial challenges that overcoming them, as well as taking advantage of opportunities and appropriate capacity building in this field, require more integrated law analysis And the documents are alright. Accordingly, in this paper, firstly, based on documentary study and expert opinions with an analytical approach, the concept of "financial development of the university" has been addressed and, with the help of the framework derived from it, using content analysis method, 14 laws and upstream documents of higher education have been investigated. The findings of the research show that higher education policies are inequality and lack of comprehensive knowledge in terms of financial development of universities and, along with the consideration of laws in the category of "financing", other financial development components "Cost-effectiveness and cost management", "resource allocation", "institutional arrangements and" environmental factors "should also be considered more than ever before in new policy-making and review of regulations.