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Provinces-related current and developmental budgets are among the most important economic tools controlled by public sector which can decrease regional inequalities and imbalances in the country. Therefore, this study investigates different aspects of this issue and the impact of different economic variables on the distribution of current and developmental budgets in the provinces. The explanatory variables used in this study consist of non-oil GDP per capita, share of oil in GDP, population density and total expenditure allocated to the provinces of the country. In doing so, using panel data 1384-92, we estimate the empirical model through econometric tests. The model has been applied in terms of both variable and fixed effects and estimation by "Housman test". The results show that there is positive relationship between the variables of non-oil GDP per capita, population density and total expenditure. The share of oil in GDP has negative and significant effect on provincial credits. Coefficient of GDP per capita represents income elasticity of provinces-related public budget and, in fact, reflects the exchange efficiency and equity in the model. Obtained coefficient for this variable is 0. 359. meaning that although the behavior of the Iranian government's budget is not based on absolute performance but is allocated to the provinces that have higher production rather than the provinces that suffer most from poverty.

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Molasalehi Mohsen



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regardless of differences and disagreements over definitions, there is general agreement on the concept of political development: That the democratization of political power, the development of political power, expanding political participation, rationalization and specialization of decisions by the political system, and ultimately, national unity based on nation-state are among political development's central aims. In addition, political development is used against "political collapse". To assess the level of political development, Rule of Law Indexes is essential. The concept of "rule of law" has a central role in issues related to political development and democratic system which unfortunately is ignored. In this paper, identifying the relationship between the concept of the rule of law and political development, we attempt to show their level of correlation comparatively. Findings from the study show that political development will be impossible and meaningless without Improvement of Rule of Law Indexes. Therefore, it is necessary to improve these indexes in order to transform society towards political development.

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Common methods on evaluating and measuring inequality cannot reflect the internal changes of society in terms of displacement in income groups, income transfer and so on. These indices are not suitable for investigating the dynamics of income distribution. In this study, concept of "income mobility" is used to evaluate the change of income distribution. Contrary to the theory of measuring inequality and poverty, literature on income mobility is not integrated, and because of the multidimensional nature of income mobility, it is difficult to provide the comprehensive definition on it. In this study, different concepts and indicators on income mobility are calculated. Thus, by using the theory of Markov chain-first-second and fifth-order as well as transition probability matrix, the pattern of income distribution are analyzed and forecast. This objective is fulfilled by constructing pseudo panel that combines thirty years of cross-sectional Household Expenditures and Income Surveys from 1984 to 2013. The results indicate that the probability of transition from a certain income quintile to the same quintile in successive time is high. That indicates low mobility and stability status. The results also show low flexibility and asymmetric distribution of life opportunities in the country. These findings reveal a serious attention to the inequality of opportunity.

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Transportation, which is seen as a key factor for different communities, plays a significant role in the growth and development. In this meanwhile, the railways are among the most important factors in the national and regional development. Due to locating in a path connecting East to West, Iran has long been important in the movement of goods. Today, locating in the Rail Crossroads of the world, Iran enjoys a great opportunity for transiting consumer goods in Central Asia, South East Asia and Europe through rail system. Given the importance of rail transportation in the movement of large volumes of goods as well as strategic position for Iran, in this paper, some prioritized strategies in conjunction with the development of the rail network will be discussed by using SWOT and QSPM. To collect Data, the library method and field Survey are used. The results show that Iran has numerous opportunities for the development of the rail network and thus. It seems necessary to formulate strategy on the development and efficient use of rail transport network. in this framework, it is essential to connect gateways and strategic border points, especially major ports (not least, chabahar port) to the rail network in order to increase the volume of transit, reduce traffic load on the beaches, and reduce road accidents, seen as the most important priorities for rail development.

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The paper aims to model Factors Determining Value-Added in Iran's Industry and mine sector. In doing so, we have drawn on a VECM approach to estimate long-run coefficients, using the data spanning 1977 to 2014. To collect data, Central Bank's statistics, economic indices, and data obtained from Statistical Centre of Iran have been utilized. The manufacturing sector has a key role in the process of developing countries. Because of relative importance of technical knowledge in this sector, production as well as the forward and backward linkages with other sectors of the economy is considered by experts and economic policymakers. The findings show that potential growth in manufacturing sector in Iran has experienced a declining trend since 2001. in sum, factors such as The decreased investment in Industry and mine sector, inappropriate policy on exchange rate, economic sanctions, and lake of motivations to invest in manufacturing sector, and the lake of access to modern foreign capital machinery and equipments have played a dominant role in declining economic growth in Iranian manufacturing sector.

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Today, better and more intelligent policy is symbolized in a ex ant evaluation policy that drawing on models, methods and tools, informs policymakers and stakeholders, and ultimately improves the quality of public policy. In this article, Using the Delphi technique and drawing on Iranian experts on various areas, an ex ant evaluation policy model has been designed on the basis of Futures Studies Approach. In addition, this model can be used as a methodological framework in different disciplines. This model causally consists of six stages: defining the policy context, defining the possible policy scenarios and screening, developing a rational model on probable policies, analyzing the impact of probable policies and comparing them, identifying key indicators and measures of progress and advising policymakers and stakeholders and providing feedback information in order to developing future answers; and has such functions as information, communication between policy makers and stakeholders to improve the capacities for policymaking, resulting in improved quality and enhanced policy cohesion.

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The environment in which Businesses will participate in the future would not be stable and sustainable like the past decade, and technological changes will increase this volatile uncertainty. Thus, it is important to monitor these changes, specially on IT trends, which shape active businesses affected by IT. Implementing FSSF Monitoring Model, this research is looking for monitoring Information technology trends Affecting Active Businesses in Banking Industry in Iran. In doing so, drawing library study, this model at first Identifies 14 IT trends affecting active businesses. Then, in second step, known as “ Recognition step” , factors shaping the trends are identified, and Hypothesis testing is carried out through structural equation modeling using SmartPLS software. The results confirm the effects of trends collected in five categories on future of banking. In the next step, using SPSS22 and implementing Friedman Test, the most important trends identified and prioritized. Finallt the paper concludes that “ Capability of analyzing costumers (Business Intelligence)” is presented as the most important trend affecting active businesses in banking industry in Iran.

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Given increasing energy demand during the future decades, it is expected that the use of technologies decreasing the reliance on fissile fuel will be welcomed in energy-demanding areas. Energies emerged by natural processes, which are repeatedly renewed, are known as renewable energies. Among renewable energies, Wind Energy is one of most efficient methods on power generation through Wind Turbines, guaranteeing energy security. In this framework, providing some information on the use of wind energy in Iran and world, this paper try to examine its functions through a technological innovation systems analysis. The paper argues that if a technological system is to succeed, it will require such functions as entrepreneurial activities; knowledge development; knowledge diffusion/ knowledge exchange through networks; guidance of the search; market formation; resource mobilization; and support from advocacy coalitions. Then, the nature of blocking mechanisms will be analyzed and rational grounds for the policy intervention will be identified.

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Drawing on OECD's principles for state owned corporate governance, this article identifies "good corporate governance factors". Thus, having presented the theoretical framework, it analyzes systematically the measures on "Implementation of General Policies pertaining to Article 44 of the Iranian Constitution" as the most important legal framework on "economic activity by public sector" in Iran, and examine its strengths and weaknesses in terms of good corporate governance factors. The research method is based on a summarizing and directional Qualitative Content Analysis. Findings of the research show that focusing on transfer of ownership rather than good corporate governance, the lack of consistent ownership policy on economic enterprises, and lack of attention to conditions prevailing in private and cooperative sectors and stakeholders, preventing market from fair competition, are among the act's most prominent weaknesses in terms of "good corporate governance factors". On the other hand, existence of legal structure for state-owned companies' activity and their emphasis on transparency and accountability to "Competition Council" and "Stock Exchange Organization" are among the act's most prominent strengths in terms of "good corporate governance factors".

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Most of authors have emphasized on the importance of trust for reaching organizational success. Organizations need to know how trust-making acts as an interactive process and what effects do policies and activities of organization have on the level of customers' trust. This is a demonstrated fact that building trust in customers is an excellent way for improving profit. This study aims to survey the quality factors shaping the customer trust to Iranian automobile-making companies, since scholars on management believe that the quality of products and services has significant effect on customer's trust. Needed data in this study have been gathered by using researcher-designed questionnaires. These questionnaires are distributed among the customers of Iranian automobile-making companies in Tehran. In order to evaluate and test hypotheses, Confirmative factor analysis and SEM have been used. In the end, all of hypotheses were accepted. This study has some practical implications for issue areas such as service quality, satisfaction, trust and loyalty of customers.

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This study aims to identify efficient factors shaping the non-performing loans in Iranian banking system. The Post bank is a case study which has been analyzed by using a survey method (random sampling). The statistical population is all post bank’ s branches throughout the country including 151 of managers, province deputy managers, branch managers, credit and legal and debt collection specialists, and branch inspectors that have been selected randomly. To collect data, this study has used researcher-made questionnaire which has concept validity, reliability via Cranach's alpha coefficient rated 80%. The main method on data analyses in the paper is Exploration Analytical method which carried out through SPSS software. The results indicate that the most significant elements shaping Non-performing loans in Post bank are discrepancy between collaterals and loans, lack of proficiency towards credit assessment, insufficient supervision on using and paying back process of loans, inadequate interest rate and payment penalty policies, legal restrictions, economic sanctions, and inappropriate business environment and credit assessment. These seven factors constitute 46% of dependent variable (banking non-performing loans) variance.

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Despite its advantages, expansion of information and communication technologies (ICTs), have increasingly put citizens at the risk of violating their information privacy by governmental or non-governmental organizations. In this article, the legislations advocating information privacy in Iran and selected countries have been comparatively studied and some solutions have been proposed for decreasing the existing gap between Iran and international standards. This article draws on qualitative method, including documentary study, content analysis (with open and axial coding), and comparative study. Statistical population of this study includes 58 countries with information privacy act which 6 countries were selected (Republic of Korea, England, France, Canada, Italy and Ireland) as pioneer countries. The framework for comparative study has 7 dimensions: principles of collection, use, retention and disclosure of data, data subject rights, controller responsibilities and principles of data subject’ s accessing to data. According to this study, information privacy protection status in Iran is far from selected countries and international standards. Based on this study, there are two main gaps in protecting citizens’ information privacy in Iran: legislative and supervisory gaps. Iran is far from leading countries in terms of existence of information privacy protection legislation. Leading countries legislations support citizens’ general and sensitive personal data. But Iranian legislations only support the latter one (sensitive personal data) on a limited basis. of 124 identified obligations for protecting information privacy, 81 obligations have been repeated in at least four of six selected countries. There are only 13 of these obligations in Iranian legislations. It seems that due to supervisory gap in Iran, execution of these 13 obligations confronts some problems. It is hoped that the proposed principles in this study could pave a way for enacting rules for protecting information privacy in Iran.

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