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سبحانی حسن

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با تأییدات الهی انتشار یکصدمین شماره فصلنامه مجلس و راهبرد را در نخستین گام های دومین ربع قرن حیات پر بار آن در حالی آغاز می کنیم که این فصلنامه به پشتوانه توجه و همکاری پژوهشگران و محققان دانشگاهی، دوران تکامل چگونگی های ارتقا و بالندگی خود را تجربه می کند و به عنوان مجله ای «علمی» در قالب تمهیدات دستگاه های ذی ربط سیاستگذاری و مسمی به فصلنامه ای « بین رشته ای» همچنان از دریافت انبوهی از مقالات عالمانه در زمینه های گوناگون مسائل کشور برخوردار و به انتشار از داوری جدی و مقبول گذشته آنها مستظهر و مفتخر است...

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This study investigates the place of "justice" as one of the fundamental and challenging terms of politics and ethics which have been considered by philosophers, social scientists, and policy makers. Also, the paper considers vital role of the curriculum contents of different educational systems in forming the mental patterns, beliefs and values of the young generation of the society. This paper aims to understand how to conceptualize the justice in the Iranian educational system through using a qualitative textual analysis method. The statistical population includes all pre-university textbooks. The research findings show that school textbooks are addressed the issue of "justice" in the form of eight general themes (such as religious orientation, history orientation, diffrentiation, consequentialism, power and justice ratio, aesthetic and ethical issues, thinking/contemplation and patterning) in the Books of History, Religion and Life and (Persian) Literature in Primary/Elementary Schools as well as Economics, Sociology and Social Education Books which are taught in High Schools, also Social Education, Religious education, Persian Literature and Arabic Books in Secondary Schools. The overarching themes in respect of contents are based on religious and historical dimensions while there is little logical relation between the justice discourses in the Secondary Education Levels and before. Therefore, it is of high importance that the concepts such as justice which is rooted in our values, doctrines and laws are taken into consideration. Consequently, it is suggested that curriculum contents of educational system are reviewed in order to maintain the consistency as well as concentration of the texts books’ contents in accordance with the objectives of Iran’ s 20-Year Vision Plan, (6) Development Plans (of the Islamic Republic of Iran) and education sector development plan.

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In the current era, Islamic countries are facing numerous challenges in various fields especially in the economic area which most of them are originated from political issues. One example is trade integration between these countries that it is not sustainable in spite of the numerous similarities between them. The paper analyzes the role of political instability on trade integration of Muslim countries through applying a dynamic generalized gravity model as well as using chosen data of 16 Asian Muslim countries, including Iran during 2001-2015. Findings which have been obtained through estimating dynamic generalized gravity model as well as panel reveal that some factors such as GDP, population, economic structure similarity and common language between countries have positive effect but geographical distance has negative impact on trade integration of the chosen countries. The coefficient of political instability on dynamic gravity model was estimated negative which shows that increasing political instability has weakened the trade integration of Muslim countries during the mentioned period. Regarding its considerable significance of political stability on trade integration, it is recommended that Muslim countries as well as OIC to take appropriate measures to eliminate political instability in these countries in order to facilitate the preconditions of trade integration improvement.

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Developed cities can be taken advantages of urbanization (phenomenon) as a "path to progress and development", not as a challenge or crisis through using modern urban management methods. In this connection, urban entrepreneurship has effective impact on urban communities through transforming serious challenges (of urban society) into the significant opportunities such as employment growth rate, citizens’ income, reduction of the number of crimes caused by unemployment and poverty, the enhancement of citizens’ self-sufficiency and etc… . Hence, the research aims to realize the appropriate social environment for the development of urban entrepreneurship phenomenon in order to identify social barriers facing this phenomenon in Tehran through using the qualitative research method. Then, 45 codes (in open coding phase) and 7 codes (in axial coding phases) which includes social tolerance, social responsiveness, social imaging, social sensitivity, social regulation, local identification and knowledge explicitness have been identified respectively through conducting 18 in-depth socio-economic experts. Finally, according to the findings of the research, some solutions have been proposed such as social empowerment and streaming.

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Unfortunately the Jury’ s role has been appeared insignificant in the Iranian legal system yet despite that it has a long and more than one hundred years of experience in this system. Also, the Jury’ s competence is too limited to deal with political and press crimes as well as it is uncertain whether the Jury can exercise jurisdiction over making decision on negative political offences-the government’ s crimes or its officials against the citizens’ fundamental rights– under the late-stalled Act on political crimes (2016). Furthermore, members of the Jury is chosen by the government rather than the people (the public will) as well as judicial procedures for the Jury’ s advisory or mandatory opinions have been changeable or chaotic in different eras. Although the Jury’ s Act on how to choose members and composition of the Jury enacted in 2003 could be taken the progressive step to remove some pitfalls of the previous regulations (on how to choose the number and composition of the jury), but it was abolished under the Act on the Jury’ s assignment of the press which was ratified in 2008. This paper criticizes some Jury’ s approvals as well as reveals that the consequences of such aimless criminal policy are taken into account as an institution that its judicial deficiencies must be considerably identified. Finally, the article proposes appropriate solutions in a bid to overcome (such problems) or mitigate unneglectable barriers.

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The main objective of development is to eradicate poverty in each society as well as make a plan for its eradication. Realization of this major issue requires understanding the status quo and choosing poverty probability index. In this connection, the present study aims to measure the spatial distribution of poverty in different provinces of our country in order to provide more realistic planning for the eradication of poverty. A descriptive-analytical research method (with the practical aim) has been used. Since the poverty is a multidimensional phenomenon, 18 economic, social, cultural and physical indicators have been used to analyze the poverty in this paper. Analytic Network Process (ANP) has been used to express the relative importance of each index as well as PROMETHEE method and GAIA Data Processing have been used to analyze the data. Results of the research show that Zanjan, Yazd, East Azarbaijan, Mazandaran and South Khorasan Provinces are the richest but Kerman, Khuzestan, Kermanshah, Lorestan, Sistan and Baluchestan, Kohkiluyeh and Boyer Ahmad Provinces are known as the poorest provinces of the country. The spatial distribution of poverty in Iran’ s territorial zone implies that most of the poor provinces are located in both southeastern and western regions of our country.

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The sanctions which have been imposed against Iran by foreign countries and some international bodies have been oconsidered as one of the most important economic challenges facing our country in recent years. The sanction consists of a set of planned measures which have been taken by one or more governments in order to curtail economic relations of the target state as well as exert pressure on it for different economic and political reasons. The accompaniment of other major economic and political acors with the boycotting state will play an effective role in achieving its objectives. This coordination aggrevates the complexities of actors’ relations in the international sanctions environment. Therefore, the method of agent-based approach and game theory are used to analyze the problem of sanctions as well as predict the possible equilibrium in these relations. Due to the networking and breadth of the issue of sanctions as well as looking for the optimal solution to widespread interactions arising from competition, coordination and negotiation, an agent-based approach is used in this paper. Presenting a multidisciplinary approach including game theory, agent-based systems, artificial intelligence and mechanism design in order to analyze the complicated problems of the US sanctions against Iran as well as providing results of the simulation of actors’ behaviors, the paper attempts to introduce a new approach to modeling of political-economic phenomana. To this end, actors as well as their effective features on the sanctions game, scope of the game strategies have been identified as well as the simulation of actors’ behaviors have been conducted within the (above) mentioned framework. Results of the simulation of the actors’ behaviors on the proposed spectrum which includes two extremes of capitulation and confrontation shows that dominant strategy in the current situation is only emphasizing on the maintenance of the current nuclear deal/agreement formally known as JCPOA (Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action) as well as effective actors’ on the sanctions game against Iran should continue bargaining in a Cartesian Coordinate System not confrontation and capitulation. Finally, this game will be stablized after eight rounds of JCPOA negotiation are held. Over the periods, the orientation of US and its alignments in the Middle East region are shifted towards accepting (position of) other actors to continue Nuclear Deal (JCPOA) negotiation. But the limited orientation of some of the domestic agents might be considered as a credible threat in US– Iran standoff.

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The intellectual movement of utilitarianism focuses on the association of ideas with the aim of maximizing pains but minimizing possible benefits of committing a crime. This school of thought considers punishment as an instrument, including capital punishment as well as seeks to achieve the greatest social benefits in terms of imposing punishments. Therefore, remainist utilitarians as well as abolitionists have made numerous intellectual and philosophical efforts to provide a moral or philosophical justification in a bid to justify imposition or disimposition capital punishment a several years ago. Critical analysis of these two groups exhibits serious philosophical or practical challenges of utilitarian goals as well as makes the necessity of hybrid philosophical approach to capital punishment. We are going to analyze capital punishment through using utilitarian (philosophers’ ) reference texts critically. Hence, the present research aims to analyze the utilitarian (philosophers’ ) different perceptions and readings about the imposition of capital punishment as well as explain serious problems and challenges facing capital punishment deterrence through emphasizing the utilitarianism school, not others.

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The realization of an integrated management of urban boundary is one of the main factors affecting on an integration of urban management structure. This study aims to investigate an integrated management status of (urban boundary of) Tehran which have been conducted through descriptive-analytical method. The key strengths, weaknesses (cons and pros), opportunities, and threats of an integrated management of urban boundary of Tehran were identified by using experts’ and elites’ point of views. According to the results of the D+R research among internal factors, environmental volatility increase (7, 88 score) as well as inconsistency of (rules and) regulations on the proposed urban boundary with the existing laws (7. 40 score) have been ranked the first and second respectively. Also, these factors have greater impact on the reduction of an integrated management of this area. But, results of strengths show that (Capital Operations Approved by the Tehran Master Plan) and (Diversification of Environmental Platforms of Tourism Development) as two major factors which can also play more effective roles in the mentioned management have been ranked the first and second respectively through using DEMATEL Method. But, results of external factors indicate that disintegrated management of the area as well as discoordination between the authorities or decision makers on the integrated management of the urban boundary of Tehran are known as the most serious threats facing the case study. Consequently, the most important opportunities include the supportive components of Tehran development plans as well as the expansion of tourism in this area.

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The present study aims to evaluate poverty in rural and urban areas of Ilam Province in regards of four various fields including extent, distribution, severity and policy making. In this connection, using expenditure and income data of the households during, per-capita poverty, poverty gap, lump-sum targeting and time taken to exit of poverty indices (during the 2nd-5th development plan) were estimated. Results show that structural reforms had been occurred in the fourth and fifth development plans are different in comparison with the previous plans. For instance, poverty level in rural areas has been more increased than urban areas for the first time as well as only in this period, poverty was increased in both mentioned areas. The evaluation of per-capita poverty index based on household characteristics show that after conducting targeted subsidies plan, not only the problem of poverty is not removed in each household, but also vulnerability level has been increased in non-vulnerable households. Average exit time measure of poverty shows that households which are suffering from maximum poverty gap can be gotten rid of poverty only by a 12% growth rate, during a period of 10 years. According to the results of lump-sum targeting index, 36% of rural households as well as 30% of urban households will be poor even through a double increment of subsidies. Therefore, it is obvious that current policies could not help in poverty modification but poverty elimination needs for wider social supports which requires to review of supportive policies and poor identification methods.

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Penal policy of Sharia has important role in the Iranian penal legislation. This impact is not just because of the deep relationship between Sharia and political structure in our society. The effectiveness of Sharia penal policy on the Iranian penal legislation process is originated from the fact that religious norms and values in the historical accumulation process have become an integral part of cultural subsystem in our society. Due to deep relationship between Islamic norms and values and cultural subsystems, the Islamic penal policy has deep and extensive impacts on criminalization as well as penalization in our criminal policy discourse. Imam Sajjad’ s Treaties of Rights is one of rich sources that we can realize the penal policy discourse of Sharia through scrutinizing it. His Treaties of Rights is a coherent system of rights and duties which cover all material and spiritual aspects of life. Recognition of penal policy of this book can help us understanding the penal policy discourse of Sharia. Indeed, we can find out the penal policy of Sharia through the identification of Imam Sajjad’ s Treaties of Rights on penal policy discourse.

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Although the development of cyberspace like other human achievements has undeniable benefits, it creates many problems which have been criminalized as "computer crimes" in most countries. One of these misuses which interferes the public and economic orders is Internet (online) betting which is being widespread all over the World in various forms, whether independent or dependent on another issue such as sport competitions. In some countries, this behavior is criminalized as "online gambling" while according to the Islamic Penal Code, only traditional and physical procedures such as "gambling" as well as "purchase, sale, custody, production and distribution of gambling tools" also providing services in casinos have been criminalized as well as sentenced punishments. But with respect to the current circumstances as well as due to the widespread of Internet (online) betting, whether in the field of physical or computer games as well as the establishment of virtual casinos, it is necessary to examine the nature, conditions and legitimacy of these behaviors from the perspective of criminal laws and legislations. Results indicate that existing laws and regulations such as 705 – 711 Articles of the Islamic Penal Code cannot be generalized to online gambling. Hence, it seems that the codification of some absolute laws in this regard should be put in to the agenda.

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The law has been responsible for controlling and monitoring the citizen actions in social interaction, as well as it has two important pillars of norm and tradition. Regarding geographical system and subcultures of the community, the laws vary. Flouting the law and violation of legal norms have existed in most cultures but the quality and quantity of violations have been made all differences. The present study aims to answer the following questions: 1) what are the main causes of flouting the law among Iranian citizens? 2) why is there a tendency to flout the law among citizens? This research has been conducted based on the quantitative meta-analysis. The objective of this method is to integrate, systematically review and harmonize studies in the framework of the same research field. The statistical population consists 18 studies that 12 samples of the research documents were selected with the aim of composition and identification of its effect size. The findings shows that law-breaking as a dependent variables influenced by some variables such as individualism (0. 388), Capital (0. 407), Political (0. 310), Cultural (0. 398), Legal (0. 346), Control (0. 322), Anomie (0. 526) and population (0. 268). In sum, statistically speaking, the above-mentioned variables demonstrate law-breaking as follow: (Z =7. 166, sig= 0. 000) (Effect size=0. 233). law-breaking is one of the most important social issues in the society. According to the results, it is strongly influenced by capital (social, cultural and political) factors as well as social control status. That is, the extent of legislation can be increased at the macro, middle and micro levels by increasing the amount of capital factors as well as strengthening the controlling system (formal and informal).

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