Potential yields for six cultivated crops, namely wheat, barley, sugar beet, cotton, maize and soybean were estimated, applying either the AquaCrop and radiation thermal production potential method or FAO model in Khodaafarin region, Ardabil province, Iran. Determination coefficient, normalized root mean squared and index of agreement for potential yield in AquaCrop was 0/99, 21/72 and 0/99 while for FAO model amounting to 0/97, 54/25 and 0/96 respectively. Also for a comparison between the potential biomass for AquaCrop and FAO model the Determination coefficient of 0/98, 0/93, normalized root mean squared of 23/55, 58/10 as well as index of agreement 0/98, 0/93 were recorded, respectively. Based upon the results, the AquaCrop model better benefits from a more acceptable performance in comparison with the FAO model. The AquaCrop, demands less data calculation to provide more outputs and applications as compared with FAO model but benefits from a more accuracy. The crops were ranked based upon the calculated yield gap fractions. The lowest yield gap fraction belonged to barley, soybean, sugar beet, wheat, cotton and maize respectively. This ranking could well be used as an ecological coefficient for the region cropping pattern.